I have never had any help in paying rent or purchasing meal for my living, or such things as I required for clothing, except from what I could earn myself.
There were no men on Mr. Grierson's estate who could fill up a boat with him, the men that he had previously been going with having joined another crew; and therefore he had to go to some other place where he could earn something.
I would be obliged to do so, unless I could work at any other trade, or do any other thing during the winter by which I could earn money to purchase things at other stores.
And now he thought he was the only man in Queensland where I could earn my living!
In any case, with over three hundred pounds in the bank I felt pretty independent and considered myself entitled to spend all I could earn so long as I could keep this nest-egg safe.
You see, I jest come down from Saranac, to find out how I could earn my livin'.
If I could earn twenty-five cents as quick as that, it wouldn't take Teddy an' me long to buy that stand!
I could earn my living in that way,--all-important consideration.
Most of us had served an apprenticeship in the mills, and many of our best friends were still there, preferring their work because it brought them more money than we could earn.
That, with what I could earn, carried me through the year.
I decided that I could earn my bare expenses by making one brief lecture tour each year, and I made an arrangement with the Redpath Bureau which left me fully two-thirds of my time for the suffrage work I loved.
The largest amount I could earn at teaching was six dollars a week, and our school year included only two terms of thirteen weeks each.
I went to the creditors, and told them that if they would let me alone I would give them all I could earnover my living, as fast as I could earn it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could earn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.