Potassium Chlorate: first increases the fluidity of the expectoration, then diminishes it in quantity, increasing the feeling of relief.
Finely powdered manganic peroxide, potassium chlorate, and potassium hydrate, made into a thick paste with water, and heated to dull redness.
Potassium chlorate, or nitrate, and potassium hydrate are made into a paste with water, and manganic peroxide added; the mass is dried and heated to redness.
Green insoluble powder, obtained by fusing barium hydrate, potassium chlorate, and manganic peroxide together, and washing the product.
When gangrene supervenes the prognosis is almost hopeless, but an effort should be made to save the patient's life by the administration of potassium chlorate and of an increased amount of stimulus.
Potassium chlorate is known to be an irritant to the kidneys in large doses, causing intense hyperæmia of these organs, with bloody urine or suppression of urine.
Gargles of potassium chlorate, or potassium chlorate with sumac, exert a soothing influence upon the congested tonsils.
The scientific world would receive with great interest information as to how a mixture of potassium chlorate, sodium nitrate and boric acid oxygenates blood, maintains nutrition and causes healing without scar formation.
Mechanical friction causes sulphur to burn at the expense of the oxygen contained in potassium chlorate.
Potassium chlorate crystallizes in large white tablets, of a bright lustre.
White Gunpowder: a mixture of potassium chlorate, potassium ferrocyanide, and sugar.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "potassium chlorate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.