Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow, its hues are as various as the hues of that arch--as distinct too, yet as intimately blended.
I presume you have at last made up your mind that there is no such thing as overreaching the Minister?
His regulars of Sykes's division, particularly, made desperate resistance, that could only be overcome by our overreaching lines threatening their rear.
Overreaching my right, they forced it back, breaking off Jones's right brigades under Drayton, Kemper, and Garnett.
The more practical father might chide such overreaching vaticinations, might reiterate-- "Do not fill the boy's head with nonsense.
With overreaching grasp he had strained for visionary treasures, But a fiend had cheated his presumption, and hurled him to despair.
Thus in their business relations as well as in family matters, the Patriarchs seem to have played as sharp games in overreaching each other as the sons of our Pilgrim Fathers do to-day.
While Laban played his petty deceptions on Jacob, the latter proved himself in fraud and overreaching fully his match.
Esau in selling his birthright for a mess of pottage, and Jacob taking advantage of his brother in a weak moment, and overreaching him in a bargain, alike illustrate the hereditary qualities of their ancestors.
But Agesilaus, being now satisfied within himself, bore these reproaches patiently, and followed the design which he had laid, ofoverreaching the enemy, which was this.
Ireland was in course of conquest, and his astute policy was continually overreaching the simple-minded Louis VI.
He ruined the estates both of Wellborn and Allworth, and by overreaching grew enormously rich.