I could make a large Comentarie of them: But it is my humble duety, to obserue the Charge and Commaundement of these my Honorable good Lordes the Iudges of Assise, and not to exceed the limits of my Commission.
But the king gaue speciall commaundement that he should not make any semblaunce of displeasure, for that hee purposed by some other meanes to knowe the truthe.
Whiche commaundement she tolde her husbande's companion, praying him after that time to forbeare to speake vnto her, for that she was forbidden to doe the like to him.
The Countesse of Arande receiued commaundement from the king to repaire to Saragosa, where hee that time was arriued.
Our wyl and commaundement is, that fyrst you delyuer these letters, conteining matters of great importance to the hands of the catholike King, and that you do our humble commendations to his maiesty.
He aunsweared him: "My Lord if there were any one more beautifull, or more at my commaundement then my wyfe, I would present her vnto you, beseeching you to do mee so much honour as to take her by the hande.
The mayden not vsed to such priuie sutes, ne yet acquainted with such secrete facts, made some difficultie, but her mother gaue her expresse commaundement to doe it, perceyuing in him no likelihode or force of a man to liue.
At which wordes all the yong men maruelled and therefore durste not attempt to goe vnto her, but said one to another: "Surely this commaundement of the Duke hath some secrete misterie in it.
The bishop which estemed no lesse his request than thecommaundement of the Duke his maister, incontinently gaue him a billet, by vertue wherof both the gates were opened, and the horse made ready according to his demaunde.
Who will therefore say against the commaundement of God, that these things are to be sought and learned of dead men, and by diuellish visions?
August, left commaundement with his friendes to bury him without any great solemnitie and pompe.
The pudicity of Paulina the wife of Seneca appeared also, when she assayed to dy by the same kinde of death wherewith hir Husband violently was tormented by the vniust commaundement of the most cruel and horrible Emperoure Nero.
Who notwithstanding, knowing hymselfe innocente, althoughe in extreame sorrow and pensifenes of mynd determyned to obey hys Father's Commaundement although he shoulde stand in Daunger of hys Lyfe.
And forthwith manumised hir and made hir free, a writing and instrument made in that behalfe, according to their custome, to the intent she might not be at commaundementany more to be yoked in bondage.
But vpon the sodayne he saw him selfe reiected, and the next day strangled by commaundement of him, which so greatly honoured him, and without iust cause did him to a death so cruell.
Me thinks, you do me wrong to vse sutch reprochful words, which am but a seruaunt, and bounde to the commaundement of my mistresse: Why sir, do you not know that a pursiuaunt or messanger suffreth no paine or blame?
Many of Naruaez his company did amotiue themselues, through the commaundement of the Licenciat Aillon, and through the fame and liberalitie of Cortes.
The prisoners declared, that by the commaundement of the greate Lorde Mutezuma, all this vprore was attempted by Qualpopoca: it mighte well be, for at the houre of death they confessed the same.
His commaundement was well obserued, for none presumed to goe a stoanes cast without his licence.
This Cazike answered that he would do nothing without the commaundement of his Lorde, nor yet send his king any golde although he had inough.
Kynges duchie of Guyenne, to whom God graunte good expedicion, as it shewith by suffisaunt writyng, for whiche at the commaundement of my Lord Cardynalle[64.
The Chamberleyn the under-chamberleyn and the Towne clerk Every one of them xxs a pece by the commaundement of my lorde Mayre.
These Officers had commaundement ouer the rest of the land Captaines, vvhose names hereafter follovve.
After that they departed from Aucheo they made of two daies iourney one, which was the occasion that they came to Chincheo in foure daies.
Thys Peter on a Sonday was at the churche herynge masse; and one of his felowes, whose name was Phylyppe Spencer, was sente to call him at the commaundement of his maister.
After supper the kyng called them all before hym, and gaue them in commaundement that neither lord, knyght, nor gentilman, should on the morow come into the courte wythout a new brome in his hande.
Mine onely desire is for your most excellent Princesse sake, to do all that lyeth in mee for the ayding, helping and protecting of her Maiesties merchants, by the order and commaundement of our Lord and king his Maiestie.
At his forth commyng, the Prouost with great manasing wordes forbad him to speake to any man or any to him, as belyke he had commaundement of his superiours.
The maner how gentlemen are created Louteas, and do come to that honour and title, is by the giuing of a broad girdle, not like to the rest, and a cap, at the commaundement of the king.
The 24 of the sayd moneth at the Admirals direction wee diuided our selues East and West from ech other, being then in the heigth of 43 degrees, with commaundement at night to come together againe.
A commaundement obtained of the Grand Signor by W.
The commaundementobtained of the Grand Signior by her Maiesties ambassador M.
Wherefore when this our commaundement shall come vnto thee, wee straightly commaund, that the foresaid businesse be diligently looked vnto, and discharged.
Yet before he departed, he gaue commaundement to his wyfe to bryng me to the carauana, which shoulde departe from Zida[FN#50] the porte of Mecha to goe into India.
But Isaac nothyng feareyng this aduertisement of the Deuyl, went forward, that his father on hym myght execute the commaundement of God: and with this answere (as they saye) they Deuyell departed.
For which ingine and deuise, Perillus thinking to obtaine great reward, was for his labour, by commaundement of the tyraunt, throwen into the Bull, being the first that shewed the proofe of his deuise.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commaundement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.