So vpon Saturday in the afternoone the 31 of August, we changed our course, and returned backe for England, [Sidenote: A monster of the sea.
This 19 of Iuly at one a clocke in the afternoone we had sight of the land of Mount Ralegh, and by 12 of the clocke at night wee were thwart the Streights which (by Gods helpe) I discouered the first yere.
This day at three a clocke in the afternoone wee againe discouered lande Southwest and by South from vs, where at night wee were becalmed.
The fourth of September at fiue a clocke in the afternoone we ankered in a very good road among great store of Isles, the countrey low land, pleasant and very full of fayre woods.
Munday in the afternoone we passed in the sight of Cape Race, hauing made as much way in little more then two dayes and nights backe againe, as before wee had done in eight dayes from Cape Race, vnto the place where our ship perished.
Whatsoeuer you may heare to the contrary, let Claudio be executed by foure of the clocke, and in the afternoone Bernardine: For my better satisfaction, let mee haue Claudios head sent me by fiue.
Come, lay aside your stitchery, I must haue you play the idle Huswife with me thisafternoone Virg.
This weeke he hath beene heauie, sower sad, And much different from the man he was: But till this afternoone his passion Ne're brake into extremity of rage Ab.
In the afternoone Mr. Marbury of the Temple, text xxi.
This afternoone a servingman, one of the Earl of Northumberland, fought with swaggering Eps, and ran him through the eare.
I sawe this afternoone a Scottishe Lady at Mr. Fleetes in Loathebury; shee was sister to Earl Gowre, a gallant tale gent, somewhat long visage, a lisping fumbling language.
Thus I left it this afternoone burning, a resemblance of Sodom, or the last day.
At 3 of the clock in the afternoonewe came into a rappid streame, where we weare forced to land and carry our Equipages and boats thorough a dangerous place.
And the same first daie in the afternoone is the admeraltie court for ciuill and seafaring causes kept in Southwarke, where iustice is ministred & execution doone continuallie according to the same.
In the afternoone we went to see the towne of Parenzo, it is a pretie handsome towne, vnder the Venetians.
Aboute three of the clocke in the afternoone the winde scanted, and wee minded to haue gone to Zante, but we could not for that night.
A Great and Generall Quarter Courte helde in the afternoone at Mr. Ferrars House.
Clock in the afternoone hee shall Chatechise his schollers in the principles of Christian religion either in somme Chatechism which the Wardens shall provide and present, or in defect thereof in some other.
And the same day in the afternoone appeared ouer our heads a rainebow, like a semicircle, with both ends vpwarde.
In the afternoone the same daie we had found the men of warre and the Marchaunts fleet altogether in one bodie, and engaged them both at once, so as at the same time we had defeated the one, we had possessed the other.
In the afternoone the pinnesse came into the riuer, whose men we willed to make no traffike vntill we had talked further with their captaine, whom we willed that night to come aboord our admirall: which was done.
But on the Munday in the afternoone he sent for me, and I had conference with him againe, and musicke.
Vpon Tuesday I wrote a letter to the King for my dispatch, and the same afternoone I was called againe to the Court, and referred all things to the King, accepting his offer of Salt-peter.
Alcaydes could not intend it, and vpon Saturday Alcayde Rodwan fell sicke, so on Sunday we made meanes to the King, and that afternoone I was sent for to conferre vpon the bargaine with the Alcaydes and others, but did not agree.
The Portugales most of them departed, sauing those that were left to watch and to receiue the note, which about foure or five a clocke in the afternoone was sent, and it was receiued.
But the eleuenth day we altered our opinion and course, and consented to cast about againe for the Iland, to seeke our ships; and about foure of the clocke in the afternoone we met with them.
In the afternoone about three of the clocke wee had sight of a Towne by the sea side, which our Pilots iudged to be 25.
And after we had dined, and spent out the heat of the day, about foure of the clocke in the afternoone we all set forward toward the Citie of Marocco, where we arriued the said day, being the 14.
About two of the clocke in the afternoone they came, and being come neere our ships, our Captaine went to salute Donnacona, who also shewed him a merie countenance, albeit very fearefully his eyes were still bent toward the wood.
The same day in the afternoone we brought our ship to an anker in the harborow: and the same day we tooke three hogsheads and an halfe of traine, and some 300 of greene fish.
On which day departing from thence in the afternoone we put in to Rogneuse to seeke Shallops but could find none.
The William being incumbred with ice, and perceiuing that shee did litle good, tooke in all her sailes, and made her selfe fast to a piece of ice, and about foure in the afternoone she set saile to followe vs.
Thus we ranne til we came to thirtie fadomes black oze, which we had at twelue of the clocke, and at three in the afternoone we had twenty and three fadoms and then we ranne Westnorthwest, and West by North, all the same night following.
Northwest, and by West all the afternoone we lay still because of the yce, which did still inclose vs.
In the afternoone we both set saile to seeke way to get out of these sands, our boate a head sounding, hauing 6, 7, and 8 fadomes all within the sand which was without vs.
About three in theafternoone the gale began to fresh: about six in the afternoone the winde was at Northeast with fogge.
Further into the ice we could not goe, and at seuen in the afternoone we moared to a piece of ice, and the William with vs, here we had 14.
At three in the afternoone the winde came to the Southwest, we were forced to make our shippe faste to a piece of yce, for we were inclosed with it, and taried the Lordes leasure.
South and to the Southeast: the same daye at sixe in the afternoone we set saile, and bare along the coast: it was very foule weather with raine and fogge.
The 1 day of September the wind was at Northeast with very much fogge: all this day we ran Westsouthwest: at 2 in the afternoone the wind came North.
At nine in the afternoone we moared againe to a piece of ice vntill the next day.
At sixe in the afternoone the winde was at West with very much foule weather, and so continued all the same night.
About seuen in the afternoone we gote about the greatest part thereof.
Thus I left it this afternoone burning, a resemblance of Sodom, or of the last day.
The 11 day in the plying to the Westwards we descried a sayle out of our maine toppe, and in the afternoone betweene two and three of the clocke hauing raysed her hull, the weather became calme, so that the ship could not fetch her.
So about six of the clocke in the afternoone (when our other prize had ouertaken vs) wee set saile for England.
Upon Tuesday I wrote a letter to the King for my dispatch; and the same afternoone I was called againe to the Court, and referred all things to the King, accepting his offer of salt-peter.
The Thursday I was appointed to weigh the 300 quintals grosse of salt-peter,, and that afternoone the Tabybe came unto me to my lodging, shewing me that the King was offended with John Bampton for divers causes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "afternoone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.