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Example sentences for "organisation"

Lexicographically close words:
organe; organes; organic; organical; organically; organisations; organischen; organise; organised; organiser
  1. I never doubted that as soon as the guerillero business was over and civil organisation began, Garibaldi would prove a mischievous, spoiled child.

  2. There ought to be, in the January number, an article on the Organisation of the Liberal Party.

  3. Hitherto organisation has been everywhere wanting; in the Legislative Body, as in the Cabinet.

  4. The task of preliminary organisation was not made easier by the uncertainty into which all government offices were plunged whenever a section of the press proclaimed that every department was sheltering companies of potential recruits.

  5. The reader may like to hear something about the organisation of the Church in Celtic lands.

  6. This organisation consisted in the creation of an ecclesiastical tribe side by side with the tribe of the land.

  7. He left their organisation untouched, and accommodated his arrangements for the religious supervision of the people to that, as almost certainly it existed in Britain, except perhaps in the Roman colonial cities.

  8. Fatalité had done good work for the Cause, he argued, therefore let those who supported the organisation keep her till she was able to work again.

  9. You know enough about our organisation now.

  10. Londoners were well informed as to what was going on abroad, and thoroughly dissatisfied with the existing organisation they waited and were constantly looking for an opportunity of obtaining the privileges of the Commune.

  11. No part of the organisation escapes the tendency to vary.

  12. We have reason to suspect that an habitual excess of highly nutritious food, or an excess relatively to the wear and tear of the organisation from exercise, is a powerful exciting cause of variability.

  13. In most, perhaps in all cases, the organisation or constitution of the being which is acted on, is a much more important element than the nature of the changed conditions, in determining the nature of the variation.

  14. But a far more frequent result of changed conditions, whether acting directly on the organisation or indirectly through the reproductive system being affected is indefinite and fluctuating variability.

  15. There is no reason to suppose that organs which have been rendered monstrous have always been acted on during their development; the cause may have acted on the organisation at a much earlier stage.

  16. All the parts of the organisation are to a certain extent connected or correlated together; but the connexion may be so slight that it hardly exists, as with compound animals or the buds on the same tree.

  17. For I am not aware that any competent judge would hesitate to admit that the organisation of these animals shows the most obvious signs of their descent from terrestrial quadrupeds.

  18. As his organisation was too nervous for him to adapt himself to external conditions, was it not as well to come to the aid of natural selection and so make room for others?

  19. It may be stated as a general rule that increase in the perfection of organisation brings with it a more or less complete preservation of individuality in the members of a community.

  20. Although the organisation of human society is far advanced and division of labour very complete, there is no differentiation of the individuals comparable with what is found amongst insects.

  21. In the history of the earth it has been seen that many lower animals have long survived creatures much higher in organisation and general evolution.

  22. It is, in fact, impossible to regard the celibacy of persons devoted to religion or to scientific studies as the beginning of a special organisation analogous to that of worker bees.

  23. In the organisation of human society the most difficult points are the extent to which the society may encroach on the individual and the degree to which the individual may preserve his rights and his independence.

  24. The organisation of human societies has certainly not followed the path by which social insects attained the formation of sexless individuals.

  25. There is nothing to be found in the nature of their organisation which would seem to indicate that death is the inevitable or even probable result of their constitutions.

  26. It is only in man that the individual has definitely acquired consciousness, and for that reason a satisfactory social organisation cannot sacrifice it on pretext of the common good.

  27. He believed that the organisation of his body prevented him from becoming adapted to external conditions and that he would have to disappear like the mammoth and the anthropoid apes.

  28. The birds and fishes which live in communities present no organisation of society even comparable with that found amongst insects.

  29. That view implies that there are some qualities inherent in its organisation which can prolong or shorten the life of a plant, and it is here that we ought to find the key to the problem of natural death in the vegetable world.

  30. But the organisation of insects is high, and is incompatible with the existence of actual physical connection between the members of the society.

  31. If natural death be preceded by the loss of the instinct of life and by the acquisition of a new instinct, it would be the best possible end compatible with the real organisation of human nature.

  32. The Germans had a church organisation of their own; they had their own clergy, and this clergy was well trained in Bible reading.

  33. This comes very near to the ideal put forth by the Poor of Lyons, but the organisation kept the whole body always in touch with the church and its authority.

  34. Therefore for secular organisation one may take the counsel of the heathen, of the philosophers.

  35. The field was won, indeed, but the Prussian army was still an organisation and a power.

  36. He may do this by breaking up their organisation and dispersing them, or by compelling the surrender of their arms.

  37. There are not many examples of endurance so tenacious and organisation so excellent in the moving so large a body under such conditions in the whole history of war.

  38. Industrial Organisation in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.

  39. The cordial greetings extended to the new Society by its brother organisation did not meet it everywhere.

  40. In the third place, we have been surprised to find that the great majority of employers and of their women employees assume that wages are fixed and that any effort to alter them by organisation will be doomed to failure.

  41. As regards organisation in the more miscellaneous trades included in our investigation, little has to be said.

  42. Trades unionism forms another species of "artificial monopoly," the organisation of men in the printing trades being much stronger than that of women.

  43. There is no organisation amongst the women, though the men are all Unionists.

  44. Our enquiries have discovered, however, the existence of a kind of loose organisation of majority-rule and custom in some firms.

  45. There is no trade organisation among the machine feeders, and as the various unions of the men are not directly affected they do not interfere.

  46. Moreover, taken all together, the evidence gathered by this investigation proves that neither the demand for improvement nor the organisation to make that demand effective exists in the case of the woman worker.

  47. This great organisation of exultation reveals the Germans to me as they are--hearts of savages in automatic bodies.

  48. As he was too old for active service he was given the organisation and direction of a concentration camp.

  49. It was consequently useless to dream of crossing this organisation of defence.

  50. The castle must be full, the organisation was complete.

  51. But the Romans certainly did use it for a variety of purposes--for taxation and military organisation as well as in the management of the slaves of a villa.

  52. The organisation of decuriæ of slaves was not the only resource of the lord in the management of his estate.

  53. A very important dispatch could cover a hundred miles and more in the day with special organisation for its delivery, and with the certitude that it had gone from one particular place to another particular place.

  54. The term Nadava instead of Bant in the northern portions of South Canara points, among other indications, to a territorial organisation by nads similar to that described by Mr. Logan as prevailing in Malabar.

  55. Under the Bednur kings, and still more under the Mysore rule, the power of the chiefs was also swept away, but the old organisation was not reverted to.

  56. That same year, the Emperor, whose attention had been called to him by the Minister, ordered him to make a report upon the organisation of the English navy.

  57. It was no light blow to his calculations, of course, when the designs of an organisation separate and distinct from his own failed in their purpose.

  58. More than that, the existence of the Committee of Ten as an organisation was unknown to the department, notwithstanding the fact that it had been working quietly, seriously for more than a year.

  59. But hard as these things were to endure in our little world at Cambridge, I have since experienced worse consequences of that accursed plucking among grown men, and in a manner made more painful to a sensitive organisation like mine.

  60. We said at first we would not attempt to reproduce these thousands and thousands of nuances of an exceptional genius having in his service an organisation of the same kind.

  61. It is at present quite impossible to work out a practical scheme according to which a more detailed organisation of the League of Nations could be realised.

  62. The development of an organisation of the Community of States began before the outbreak of the World War and is to be found in the establishment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague by the First Hague Peace Conference of 1899.

  63. Let us first consider the Organisation of the League.

  64. Thirdly, this new League of Nations would be compelled to create some kind of organisation for itself, because otherwise it could not realise its purpose to make war rarer or abolish it altogether.

  65. But what kind of organisation of the League of Nations is possible if we reject the idea of a Federal State?

  66. The organisation of the League of Nations is not an end in itself but only a means of attaining three objects, the first of which is International Legislation.

  67. If a detailed organisation of the League should ever come, it will be one sui generis, one absolutely of its own kind; such as has never been seen before.

  68. Just as the organisation of a League of Nations cannot follow the model of the organisation of a State, so the attempt to set up an International Court must not aim at following closely the model of Municipal Courts.

  69. My last lecture dealt with the organisation of a League of Nations and International Legislation by the League.

  70. Science is all right, but organisation enables science to work quickly.

  71. For instance, I believe that organisation plus science would go far toward clearing up that Wall Street case I see you are reading.

  72. That's where organisation comes in," said Kennedy.

  73. Riley, I will say that you're a wonder at using the organisation in ferreting out such things.

  74. He is the man who organised the White Hand--an organisation which is trying to rid the Italian population of the Black Hand.

  75. It will take the whole organisation to follow it up, believe me.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "organisation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.