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Example sentences for "never doubted"

  • He never doubted it then and he never doubted it afterward, through all the vast hecatomb when the flag of the Union fell more than once in terrible defeat.

  • The plan of Lee was complicated and delicate to the last degree, but Jackson, the mainspring in this organism, never doubted that he could carry it out.

  • He proposed to take preparatory steps for the punishment of General Jackson, whose 'honest and patriotic motives he never doubted,' for the violation of orders which he admits were 'honestly executed.

  • On the other hand, he confided so much in his own dexterity and address, that he never doubted of being able to rear a splendid fortune for himself, provided he could once obtain a fixed and firm foundation.

  • That Mr. Lumsden was writing an exposure of his conduct he never doubted; he would be covered with infamy and shame; at least it should not be without cause.

  • I dauredna face Merkland, and he never came near me, and I thought not there was any hope for Mr. Norman; I never doubted he was dead.

  • I never doubted--have you strength for it?

  • I never doubted for an instant that he would shoot.

  • That they had a meaning I never doubted, for John Bannister himself had written them; and though I was now grown older and had had many strange adventures of my own, I had still my ancient and profound respect for the wisdom of my hero.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never doubted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    animal forms; good workman; must live; never asked; never beheld; never came; never come; never does; never fail; never failed; never forgive; never going; never heerd; never know; never like; never marry; never occurred; never quite; never speak; never spoke; never think; never was; rather stout; religious zeal; seen him; slight noise