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Example sentences for "longer believe"

  • They no longer believe implicitly in supernatural religion.

  • Civilized people no longer believe in a God who will damn an honest, generous man.

  • They no longer believe in the flood, in Babel, in Lot's wife or in the fire and brimstone storm.

  • It is this antiquated social system, in which they no longer believe, because it is really a thing of the past, that men are trying to uphold.

  • From the earliest awakening of a child's intelligence he is deceived and formally taught that which his teachers no longer believe themselves, and this goes on until the delusion becomes from habit a part of his nature.

  • We no longer believe in a heaven just above the blue, as Christendom has believed for so long.

  • We no longer believe in an underground world of the dead, as the Hebrews did.

  • We no longer believe in a heaven where all struggle and thought and study and growth are left out, where there is to be only a monotonous enjoyment that would pall upon any living rational soul.

  • I no longer love her, no longer believe in her.

  • People no longer believe; churches are built like barracks, and decorated with saints and virgins fit to make one weep.

  • Intelligent people no longer believe in witches, wizards, spooks and devils, and they are perfectly satisfied that every word in the New Testament about casting out devils is utterly false.

  • They no longer believe in the rewards and punishments of the supernatural.

  • They no longer believe in the virtue of fasting and self-torture.

  • They no longer believe in the supernatural.

  • When men no longer believe themselves to be evil, they cease to be so.

  • We still continue to draw conclusions from judgments which we consider as false, or doctrines in which we no longer believe,--through our feelings.

  • He has turned away from physical beauty, in which man can no longer believe, using the body refined almost to the delicacy and transparency of a shell, in which the soul may shine, or at least be seen, in all its moods of happiness or terror.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "longer believe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    economic reform; getting back; good friends; have heard; late lord; longer afraid; longer alone; longer anything; longer exist; longer extant; longer have; longer knew; longer knew; longer period; longer possible; longer required; longer seemed; longer thought; longer young; many islands; must pass; otherwise called; saying thus; small library; unpublished works; usually single