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Example sentences for "opines"

Lexicographically close words:
opibus; opima; opin; opine; opined; opining; opinio; opinion; opinionated; opinione
  1. In the first place, he opines that Luther's Articles are "very improperly called 'Smalcald Articles.

  2. Cohrs opines that Luther sent this series to the printer about Christmas 1528 at the latest.

  3. Mr. Dempsey opines that, taking the interest it is natural we should do in our poor friends, he has a kind of claim to make this proposition to us.

  4. Whichever Mr. Heffernan opines most to his advantage," was the cool reply.

  5. Silas looks as hard at his one leg as he can in the dim light, and after a pause sulkily opines 'that it must be the fault of the other people.

  6. Tippins, with a bewitching little scream, opines that we shall every one of us be murdered in our beds.

  7. Caius opines that he should keep his promise, but to be sure he consults his pastor.

  8. The Switzer opines that ‘William Tell never invented a better dish, I hope we shall have a taste of it!

  9. One doctor opines it is ‘a desperate case,’ another that he is ‘Irrecoverable.

  10. Bernadotte opines that ‘This looks like another subsidy.

  11. Darby opines that to make a suitable impression upon the Continent, I must not despise the assistance of dress, and he inclines much to that Corbeau coat with the cherry-colored lining.

  12. Withering opines it would be money well spent.

  13. Reb Zerach opines that the matter is a deep one and worth consideration; but he himself does not eat Sheruyah?

  14. They'd better," opines another, "have sent a few hundred rubles.

  15. On the Ladies at the Close of Salisbury, now acting Elvira;' and Mrs. Harris opines that 'they were sent from some vinegar merchant in Salisbury who could not get admitted to the performance.

  16. How can a man who opines or affirms, opine or affirm falsely--that is, opine or affirm the thing that is not?

  17. B), the man who has been at Larissa is said to know the road to Larissa; as distinguished from another man who, never having been there, opines correctly which the road is.

  18. Blankney opines that he went rather too fast at the timber; but a conviction seemed to be gaining ground towards the close of the evening that he had not gone fast enough at any period of the race.

  19. If you are not yet dead," he said, "I opines you soon will be a heap.

  20. Don't let him come none of his slick tricks on you, for you will be held responsible for him, and I opines you know what that means.

  21. I opines I has a leetle humanity left in me.

  22. I opines you're not castin' reflections any whatever?

  23. But we opines it would 'a' been a whole lot bad for us if the holding up had been expected.

  24. Well, I opines we stops here a while," he said.

  25. Partner," said the hoarse voice of Spotted Dan, "I opines you takes a mighty big contract when you tries to force that kid inter doing anything of the sort.

  26. I sure opines this place is stout enough to hold you, and all the while Mat or I sits in the next room.

  27. Well, I opines you has cooked yer man afore this?

  28. Anyhow, nobody trusts Colvin none, and I opines he'd been polished off here ef he'd stayed.

  29. Why, I sure opines that name is a heap familiar.

  30. I opines you takes my word for it that they are just what I says.

  31. I opines the critter is just ugly, that's all.

  32. Johnnie opines that it is not very pretty, and grandpapa supposes it to be like other new-born children, which are as like as a basket of oranges.

  33. My friend, Colonel Bramleigh, opines that a French cook always means nine-o'clock dinner.

  34. He opines that this lignite is a mere indication of the immense vein of true carbon beneath.

  35. The Irish are always logical; and as Miss Kearney once shot some of her countrymen, when on a mission they deemed National, her brother opines that he ought to represent the principles thus involved in Parliament.

  36. Camille Boito, however, opines that he is the same.

  37. The red-nosed Countess opines that the princes of the blood should have such hussies imprisoned in the Bastille, and fed on bread and water.

  38. As for the people of the United States, he opines that they know their own business.

  39. The Englishman thinks no worse of her; but the American woman, listening, wishes that she had a portrait of her husband's grandfather by Raeburn and opines that she would know the artist's name.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "opines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.