In its growth it gradually obliterates the capillaries, until at the end of two, three, or four weeks both vessels and cells have almost entirely disappeared, and the original wound is occupied by cicatricial tissue.
The epithelioma originates at the skin orifice of the sinus, and spreads to the bone and into its interior, where the progress of the cancer is resisted by dense bone, whichobliterates the medullary canal.
They strip you naked as a worm, and dress you again in a uniform which obliterates you; they mark your neck with a number.
A great plain opens the room, which had closed for a moment on me, and obliterates it.
I cannot agree with Mr. Neihardt that the Mississippi obliterates the Missouri within a few hundred yards, or even a few hundred miles; for in all but name it is the latter, not the former, that mingles its mud with the Gulf of Mexico.
The Mississippi after some miles obliterates all traces of its great western tributary; but the Missouri at Buford is entirely lost in the Yellowstone within a few hundred yards.
The description of Paul obliterates every feature of American slavery, raising the servant to equality with his master, and placing his rights under the protection of justice; yet the eye of Prof.
And while Calvinism is denominated by its admirers "the doctrines of grace," it obliterates from the Scriptures every trace of sincere mercy, and robs the diadem of heaven of its purest and brightest gem.
Canale is a much more exact and serious student of architectural detail; Guardi, with greater visible vigour, obliterates detail, and has no hesitation in drawing in buildings which do not really appear.
Bassano has no great power of design, and his knowledge of the nude seems to have been small, but his brushwork is facile, and his colour leaps out with a vivid beauty which obliterates other shortcomings.
Moreover, on high and fenceless roads, where the motorist is most liable to be overtaken by snow, the white mantleobliterates the track and renders movement full of perils.
She promised me her grace, then turned away and said, "The day obliterates the promise of the night.
On the morrow, he sent a page to her to announce his visit to her apartment; but she sent back to him, saying, 'The day obliterates the promise of the night.
So he said to his minions, 'Make me somewhat of verse, introducing these words, "The day obliterates the promise of the night.
But domestication changes and almost obliterates many natural instincts, and hence hybridity is far more common among domesticated animals and plants.
In the same chapter I shall show that the rate at which a species or breed absorbs and obliterates another by repeated crosses, depends in chief part on prepotency in transmission.
Blue from the bay inundates the library, her face, obliterates the books.
As he obliterates pain, he blinks absently or smiles his pale smile, withdrawn yet assuring.
For there is no vice so clean contrary to nature that it obliterates even the faintest traces of nature.
In the process they become first of all divided so as to form four linear streaks, and finally unite into a continuous layer between the epiblast and hypoblast, which obliterates the segmentation cavity (fig.
At the narrow hinder end of the embryo the mesoblast becomes thickened, and largely obliterates the archenteron.
But the great preponderance of evidence is against the change, which obliterates a very striking and profound thought.
George Sand says of him, finely and truly, that 'he had no hatreds;' but he equally lacked that broad humane sense of pardon which obliteratesthe fault as the tide obliterates a footprint upon the shore.
The Christ-given power obliterates all traces of the past evil.
His pantheism, destroying the barrier which separates the material from the moral, obliterates the perception of the fact that a single free responsible being may be of more dignity than the universe.
It obliterates the cold materialistic view of the regularity of nature which regards material laws to be unalterable, and the world to be a machine; and it adds logical force to the weaker induction, so as to allow it to outweigh the stronger.
The slate-color soonobliterates most of these signs, but the white quills remain.
The savage, not only momentarily, while in a rage, but permanently and in cold blood, obliterates the boundaries between man and beast.
People of different nationalities feel that in spite of all dissimilarities between them there is much that they have in common; and frequent intercourse makes the differences less marked, or obliterates many of them altogether.
Because, owing to its excessive affinity for water, it instantaneously dries the internal membrane of the artery, and obliterates the canal, rendering it impossible to finish the injection.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obliterates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.