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Example sentences for "noisier"

Lexicographically close words:
noised; noiseless; noiselessly; noiselessness; noises; noisiest; noisily; noisome; noisy; noix
  1. They are noisier and more boisterous than the nomads, who, as a matter of fact, are sober-sided and sedate in their deportment.

  2. Louder and noisier this little group became, Whitford, under a fresh supply of wine, leading in the boisterous mirth.

  3. The company here was noisier now than when he left it a short time before.

  4. Detonations produced in the suction apparatus of the engine, which apparatus is either arranged in the base itself or in a separate chest, are often noisier than the foregoing.

  5. These detonations are noisier than they are dangerous; still, they afford evidence of some fault in the operation which should be remedied.

  6. I never did see such a town, and me just hittin' the fringes of it yet," Clay moaned aloud in comic despair, unaware that even New York has no noisier street than Sixth Avenue.

  7. The automobile swept around the beef herd and drew to a halt between it and the noisier one beyond.

  8. A service is being held in one of the transepts, and the congregation seems noisier and less devout than I could have believed possible.

  9. Babamarishi is a picturesquely-grouped collection of the usual rickety-looking wooden huts, no dirtier, but perhaps noisier than usual, owing to the presence of a very holy ziarat much frequented by loudly conversational devotees.

  10. Baby crows are noisy creatures; koels are quiet and timid at first, but become noisier as they grow older.

  11. At this season of the year they are noisier than usual, which is saying a great deal.

  12. They stand in a circle with a big girl in the middle, and they grow noisier and noisier the more interested they become.

  13. But the rest of the men seem to be noisier and in better humor than usual.

  14. The drums grew noisier and noisier and the chant louder and wilder.

  15. The lines running east and west were noisier than the lines running north and south.

  16. The night was noisier than the day, and at the ghostly hour of midnight, for what strange reason no one knows, the babel was at its height.

  17. But these she loves; and noisier life than this She would find ill to bear, weak as she is.

  18. Of labour, that in lasting fruit outgrows Far noisier schemes, accomplish'd in repose, Too great for haste, too high for rivalry!

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "noisier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.