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Example sentences for "neolithic"

  • Wherever man waged a struggle with Nature he made rapid progress, and consequently we find that the earliest great civilizations were rooted in the little fields of the Neolithic farmers.

  • These did not change greatly after the Neolithic period.

  • The Northern peoples, as archaeological evidence suggests, derived their knowledge of agriculture, and therefore their agricultural myths, from the Neolithic representatives of the Mediterranean race with whom they came into contact.

  • But, disciplined by laws, which fostered humanitarian ideals, Neolithic man, especially of the Mediterranean race, had reached a comparatively high state of civilization long ages before the earliest traces of his activities can be obtained.

  • We need not assume that Neolithic man led an idyllic existence; his triumphs were achieved by slow and gradual steps; his legal codes were, no doubt, written in blood and his institutions welded in the fires of adversity.

  • The earliest settlers in the Tigro-Euphrates valley were agriculturists, like their congeners, the proto-Egyptians and the Neolithic Europeans.

  • The prehistoric burial customs of these separate peoples are also remarkably similar and they resemble closely in turn those of the Neolithic Europeans.

  • I am not speculating as to how those folk of neolithic times lived.

  • You remember Kipling's poem on the neolithic man, and Jack London's fiction.

  • The Neolithic men erected the rude stone monuments, the circles of upright stones.

  • The Icelanders were a very different race from the men who erected the megalithic monuments, but their Scandinavian ancestors came on the traces of the neolithic men, subdued them, and adopted many of their usages.

  • It has been supposed that the cromlechs, or dolmens, and the kistvaens, represent the ancient dwellings of the neolithic men.

  • That they had some well-understood meaning to the people of the neolithic age who graved them in the rock cannot be doubted.

  • There is, however, a marked difference between the American holed skulls and these of the neolithic men of Europe.

  • In a collection of stone implements of this country arranged in a cabinet, we find rude and unpolished specimens, as well as those of a finely wrought Neolithic type.

  • The time, therefore, between the disappearance of Paleolithic man and the arrival of Neolithic man was long enough to enable primitive man to pass one entire ethnical period, that of Lower Barbarism.

  • Abandoning the effort to obtain dates for the various ages, attempts have been made to calculate the entire interval that has elapsed since the close of the Glacial times, and thus set bounds to the first appearance of Neolithic man.

  • The amount of positive knowledge in regard to the mysterious tribes of the older Stone Age, or the barbarians of the Neolithic period, or the struggling civilization of the early Metallic Ages, is lamentably deficient.

  • Some think they were accumulated at the very beginning of the Neolithic Age--that these tribes preceded by many years the men of the Swiss Lakes.

  • The main statement is that man lived in California in the Pliocene Age, in the Neolithic stage of culture.

  • Afterwards, but long before the glories of Solomon, a Neolithic people were living in Palestine, and the same culture was wide-spread over the world.

  • We have hitherto spoken as if there was but one race in Europe during Neolithic times.

  • As for the buildings themselves, or huts of the Neolithic people, we know but little.

  • We can form a very good idea of Neolithic Europe from what we have learned as to their habitations.

  • Where completely isolated from them, as in the New World, they remained, for the most part, in the Neolithic culture.

  • The Neolithic people had learned how to manufacture pottery, though not of a very superior quality.

  • Though of the Neolithic type, they are not polished except in a few instances.

  • The same marks occur on small plaques of slate or schist, in Portuguese neolithic sites, in palaeolithic sites, and in Scotland, where Dr.

  • Pottery of the Neolithic period is quite exceptional in Aegean localities; yet the evidence from the excavations is so unmistakable that there can be no question of its great antiquity.

  • Neolithic man appears to have been far less endowed with the artistic instinct than his palaeolithic predecessor.

  • Neolithic pottery from Ireland see Guide to Antiqs.

  • Footnote 2: Remains of Neolithic pottery have recently been found in Crete (J.

  • It seems to have been originally a purely northern product, which toward the close of the Neolithic period was carried southward by a distinct movement of population.

  • Evidently conical, largely subterranean huts have been common in Europe down to far later than Neolithic times.

  • The earliest Indo-Europeans both in Europe and Asia were apparently blonds, with light hair and eyes; and such people have lived along the shore of the Baltic since early Neolithic times.

  • Flint held much the same place in Neolithic industry as iron or steel with us.

  • It has been growing, developing, and undergoing modifications since Neolithic time, but in all its essential features it is ancient.

  • Neolithic culture had been largely the product of peace and isolation; it was inadequate to the new conditions.

  • Something similar may be said of its introduction into Europe about the close of the Neolithic period.

  • On the chalk downs of England, chief places of settlement by Neolithic peoples in this region, we find terraces and narrow strips which may have been prepared at this time, though their age is very uncertain.

  • But in a rock-painting at Cogul, possibly Neolithic though probably older, we see a group of women apparently engaged in some rite of magic or religion.

  • The old Neolithic religion, handed down by peasants and artisans reoccupied the field, transformed sometimes almost beyond recognition, like the Ugly Duckling of the fairy tale.

  • Of the current of the evolution of life we know almost nothing; but hope that our theories are no more inadequate than the feelings of our Neolithic ancestors.

  • He who has never laughed at a modern scientific theory, useful and fruitful in its time but now outgrown and replaced by a somewhat better one, may cast the first stone at his "benighted" Neolithic ancestor.

  • We here catch a fascinating glimpse of the steady bold working and tendency of the mind of Neolithic man.

  • Our northern Neolithic hunters were probably clad largely in skins and furs.

  • For the sake of convenience we will begin by attempting to set a date for the close, rather than the beginning, of the whole Neolithic period.

  • The spindle-whorl was equally in use in Europe and Asia during the Neolithic Age as in the Bronze Age.

  • Brinton is the only author who, writing at length or in a critical manner, attributes the Swastika to the Neolithic period in Europe, and in this, more than likely, he is correct.

  • Of course, its appearance among the aborigines of America, we can imagine, must have been within the Neolithic period.

  • It is useless to specify the time, for the bow and arrow existed earlier than any time of which we know; it is useless for us to specify places, for it was in use throughout the world wherever the world was occupied by neolithic man.

  • They belonged to the Neolithic and Bronze ages.

  • He says:[158] Other scholars have been inclined to ascribe the oldest cities of Hissarlik to the Neolithic age, because remarkable weapons and utensils of polished stone are found in them.

  • In the Neolithic age, which spread itself over nearly the entire world, with many geometric forms of decoration, no form of the cross appears in times of high antiquity as a symbol or as indicating any other than an ornamental purpose.

  • While it may be doubtful if any specimen of Swastika can be identified as having belonged to the Neolithic Age in Europe, there can be no doubt that it was in common use during the Bronze Age.

  • During the Neolithic Age its materials were stone and terra cotta; during the Bronze Age they were almost exclusively terra cotta.

  • The inception of this ancestral worship probably took place during that period known as the Neolithic Age, when the moon, stars, and sun no longer remained the mysterious in life to be feared and worshipped.

  • Turner points out the very remote times to which the appearance of neolithic man must be assigned in Scotland.

  • But much obscurity still surrounds the question of copper, which occurs in so many graves of Neolithic and Bronze times, that this metal has even been denied an independent position in the sequence.

  • It is unfortunate that, owing probably to the character of the country, remains of the Stone Age in Babylonia are wanting so that no comparison can yet be made with the neolithic cultures of Egypt and the Aegean.

  • Recent excavations show that the settlement dates from neolithic times[603].

  • But, as already noticed, those recovered from prehistoric, or neolithic kurgans, are found to be dolichocephalous like those of palaeolithic and early neolithic man in Europe.

  • Such an antiquity is indeed required to explain the spread of neolithic remains to the Pacific seaboard, and especially to Korea and Japan.

  • About eight years ago, whilst examining the ancient British camps on the South Downs, I chanced to discover in the camp of Cissbury, near Worthing, a large flint factory of the neolithic age.

  • You will see by reference to Plate I that the oval tool of the drift suggested the smaller leaf-shaped spear-head of the early neolithic age.

  • The difference between the culture of the Tasmanians and that of the Australians was far greater than that which exists between man of the 'River Drift' period and his Neolithic successors.

  • Taking a lesson then from this flint-worker's shop of the later neolithic age, we see how the earlier palaeolithic forms originated.

  • There is no evidence that any other race except the Iberic buried their dead in the caves of Britain in the Neolithic Age.

  • This was defined from the next occupation, which is probably of the Neolithic Age, by a layer of grey clay, on the surface of which rested a bone harpoon and a few flint flakes and bones.

  • The Neolithic caves are widely spread throughout Europe, and have been used as the habitations and tombs of the early races who invaded Europe from the East with their flocks and herds.

  • The surface is composed of dark earth, and contains medieval remains, Roman pottery and articles which prove that it was in use during the Iron, Bronze and Neolithic Ages.

  • These Neolithic cave-dwellers have been proved to be identical in physique with the builders of the cairns and tumuli which lie scattered over the face of Great Britain and Ireland.

  • Swiss lake-dwellings along with the stone implements and other relics of Neolithic man.

  • This type is undistinguishable from the Celtic (Goidelic) or Gaulish, found so abundantly in the chambered tombs of the Neolithic Age in France.

  • This identification of the ancient Neolithic cave-dwellers with the modern Basque-speaking inhabitant of the western Pyrenees is corroborated by the elaborate researches of Broca, Virchow and Thurnam on modern Basque skulls.

  • The bodies were buried in the contracted posture which is so characteristic of Neolithic interments generally.

  • The only alternative left is to believe that neolithic man was the contemporary of the tertiary mammals.

  • Fletcher, and a paper on “Trephining in the Neolithic Period,” in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Nov.

  • One of Lubbock’s terms, the Neolithic age, has gained larger acceptance as a designation for this period since 1865, when he introduced it.

  • Quatrefages calls it the race of Cro-magnon; and the vanishing of it into the Neolithic people is obscure.

  • From the accumulative force of these various lines of reasoning, the writer thinks that there is a strong probability that here, on the waters of the Delaware, man developed from the palæolithic to the neolithic stage of culture.

  • In Europe pottery first appeared in what is termed by archaeologists the Neolithic Age, or that period of human history when man had learnt to neatly chip and to polish his stone implements, but had not as yet discovered metal.

  • We have seen that as the bronze implement replaced the neolithic celt, so the lashing of the latter became a skeuomorphic decoration on the former.

  • There is a good deal of evidence to show that in Paleolithic and Neolithic times, cattle were part of the possessions of the nomadic races; and, according to the Vedas, the manufacture of butter was known in India 1500 years B.

  • Neolithic Epoch; that period in which man polished his weapons of stone, and sought to domesticate certain animals, the dog, etc.

  • It has been estimated that the population of the Lake-villages during the neolithic was over thirty thousand.

  • Several attempts have been made to estimate the time which has elapsed since the neolithic period.

  • The Neolithic stage of culture passes by insensible gradations into that of the age of bronze, and thus into the Recent epoch.

  • Neolithic man knew nothing of the art of extracting the metals from their ores, nor had he a written language.

  • Neolithic man in Europe had learned to make pottery, to spin and weave linen, to hew timbers and build boats, and to grow wheat and barley.

  • In the Neolithic stage the use of the metals had not yet been learned, but tools of stone were carefully shaped and polished.

  • Many of the neolithic relics show that the people who used them had reached a tolerably high level of civilization.

  • The presence of neolithic remains on the islands around Japan proves that the boats of the primitive people were large enough to traverse fifty miles, or more, of open sea.

  • Anterior to both of these movements another race, the neolithic Yemishi of the shell-heaps, had pushed down from the northeastern regions of Korea or from the Amur valley, and peopled the northern half of Japan.

  • An illustration is furnished by the mental attitude of the uneducated classes in Japan towards the neolithic implements.

  • But there are no distinct traces of palaeolithic culture; the neolithic alone can be said to be represented.

  • Particularly interesting are earthenware images obtained from these neolithic sites.

  • They are seen in pottery which, like the ware of the neolithic sites, is not turned on the wheel, and, like the Yamato ware, is decorated in a very subdued and sober fashion.

  • It would be too much to say that all these vessels belonged to pre-historic man, because of the presence in one case of a flint implement, connecting it with the neolithic period.

  • It is about five inches in length and 1¼ inches broad, and, from its high degree of polish, probably was the work of neolithic man.

  • The swart "cockney" is a resurgence of the primitive Mediterranean stock, and is probably a faithful replica of his ancestors of Neolithic times.

  • In the same way the Saxon conquest of England destroyed the Nordic Brythons to a greater degree than the pre-Nordic Neolithic Mediterranean element.

  • Antiquaries have a theory that these singular pits were sunk by our neolithic forbears in search of flints.

  • Wilson, Southall, and other writers have accumulated so many examples of this that I think the distinction of Palaeolithic and Neolithic ages must now be given up by all investigators who possess ordinary judgment.

  • Kollmann, of Basle, has described a group of Neolithic pigmies as having existed at Schaffhausen.

  • The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neolithic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.