Omitting this row, however, the remaining numbers, those which aremultiples of 2,920, admit of an easy explanation.
The parallel is interesting and may possibly explain why the number twenty was selected as the basis of the Maya system of numeration, which, as we shall see later, was vigesimal, that is, increasing by twenties or multiples thereof.
One senine was worth one measure of barley, and its multiples were, of course, multiples of this measure of barley, but we have no information as to what the contents of this measure may have been.
The ultimate number of tentacles in the Oceania is thirty-two, or sometimes thirty-six, and the cycles always in twos or multiples of two.
More general cases of trigonometrical series, in which the multiples are given as the roots of certain transcendental equations, were also considered by Fourier.
Under its charter it has authority to issue circulating notes up to the amount of its unimpaired paid-up capital in denominations of $5 and multiples thereof.
All the decimal multiples and subdivisions of the liter are easily understood.
This is an initial exercise which leads up to the multiples of 10.
In the multiples of 6 the design is the same but only the alternating numbers are underlined.
On the square marked off for the multiplesof 3 the numbers marked form oblique lines running from right to left and all the numbers in these oblique lines are underlined.
The hundreds of Devon, however, seem never to have contained a hundred hides; but various multiples of five, such as twenty, forty and sixty.
And as all the other weights are multiples or sub-multiples of this, it follows that the grain of wheat is the basis of our scale.
Notions of exact equality and of measure having been reached, there came to be definite ideas of relative magnitudes as being multiples one of another; whence the practice of measurement by direct apposition of a measure.
In the second and third scales, multiples of five and ten pounds are marked by the figures V and X.
The Roman weights are here grouped according to multiples or divisions of the pound, and generally have their values marked upon them in dotted characters.
The ancient corals were stars of four rays, or of multiples of four; the modern corals are stars of six rays, or of multiples of six.
If the object to be drilled be not divisible into multiples of three, any other divisions can be produced by the dividing gear, either one, two, or three drills being used, as the circumstances may permit.
Money to serve well a variety of uses must be of different denominations, and "small change" is necessary to make small purchases and for exact settlement in larger payments that are not multiples of the standard unit.
Deposit must be made always inmultiples of one dollar.
He was inclined to accept lunar influence, and believed that the physiological cycle is made up of definite fractions and multiples of a period of seven days, especially a unit of three and a half days.
If the ear can only analyse compound waves into simple pendular vibrations of a certain order (simple multiples of the prime tone), how can it detect combinational tones, which do not belong to that order?
These are termed harmonic or partial tones, and they are related to the first partial or fundamental tone in a very simple manner, being multiplesof the fundamental tone: thus-- Fundamental Upper Partials or Harmonics.
Then the multiplesof the pound, which have hitherto been so various, are to be decimally graduated--as, stones of 10 lbs.
All other measures were to be taken in parts or multiples of the said imperial standard gallon, according to the proportions hitherto in use.
In all of them the seed sends up two seed leaves, there are generally netted-veined leaves and the parts of the flower are in fours or fives or multiples of these numbers.
Parts of the flower in fours or fives or multiples of these numbers.
That is, they have three sepals, petals, stamens, and often pistils, or multiples of three.
Parts of the flower in threes or multiples of three.
With a few exceptions, and nature seems to delight in producing a few such, all monocotyledons have this parallel-veined leaf character and flower parts in threes or multiples of three.
According to this hypothesis the atomic weights of the elements are multiples by a series of whole numbers of the atomic weight of hydrogen.
In short, admitting half-multiples as legitimate, it is more probable that the few apparent exceptions are due to undetected constant errors than that the great number of close agreements should be merely accidental.
Carrying the idea upwards in the atomic scale, if atoms of hydrogen or oxygen are multiples of these vortex atoms, then again we have nothing in all the elements, or combination of the elements, but matter and motion.
So that spectroscopic results seem to confirm this hypothesis, as the pure Aether that would surround every star, or multiples of stars, would certainly not reveal any dark lines by means of the spectroscope.
A standard of dimension; a fixed unit of quantity or extent; an extent or quantity in the fractions or multiples of which anything is estimated and stated; hence, a rule by which anything is adjusted or judged.
The radiating septs, when present, are usually in multiples of four.
Note: The figures expressing the number of atoms of each element in a number of polymeric substances are respectively multiples and factors of each other, or have some simple common divisor.
From the somewhat inexact first determinations William Prout concluded that all atomic weights are multiples of the atomic weight of hydrogen, thus suggesting all other elements to be probably made up from condensed hydrogen.
Berzelius was constantly on the look-out for means to distinguish the true atomic weights from their multiples or sub-multiples, but he could not find an unmistakable test.
Further dilutions in multiples of ten can be prepared in the same way, and by varying the number of volumes of diluting fluid or serum any required dilution can be made (see Appendix, Dilution Tables).
The clock can therefore be used for electrically noting the periods of time from one minute by multiples of one minute up to one hour.
That these standard meridians should continue to be designated as even multiples of fifteen degrees from Greenwich is regarded as decidedly preferable.
That all divisions and multiplesof the Cosmic Day be known as Cosmic Time.
Trimerous, applied to flowers when the whorls of the flower are multiples of three, as in most endogens.
Pentamerous, applied to flowers when the whorls of the flower are multiples of five, as in exogens generally.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "multiples" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.