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Example sentences for "mulcted"

Lexicographically close words:
mulberry; mulch; mulched; mulching; mulct; mulcts; mule; muleback; mules; muleteer
  1. With the aid of Unamapokera and his father, we contrived to be mulcted very lightly, for we only paid ten doti, while Burton was compelled to pay sixty doti or two hundred and forty yards of cloth.

  2. The almamy dictated the conditions of peace, mulcted the whites of a few more presents, and ordered them to withdraw by way of Fouta Toro.

  3. The extortions of the almamy were such that under pretext of there being an old debt left unpaid by the English Government, Major Gray was mulcted of nearly all his baggage, and had to send an officer to the Senegal for a fresh supply.

  4. In token of their gratitude, the packers patronized his faro and roulette layouts and were mulcted cheerfully of their earnings.

  5. Thenceforth, the weary travelers were mulcted a dollar per head for the privilege of sleeping on the floor, Jacob Kent weighing the dust and never failing to steal the down-weight.

  6. The city authorities of Kassa recaptured the church, but it was taken from them again by force, and the city was mulcted by the government in a heavy fine of money.

  7. Susa no wo was then tried by a council of Gods, who mulcted him in a fine of a thousand tables of purification offerings.

  8. No tribute of thanks can exhale from the empty censer of nonentity; The Giver, with His gift reclaimed, is mulcted of all praise.

  9. Later on in the accounts we have a man mulcted for keeping a shop before he was a “freeman” of the society, and another “for that he sold Flaundres pynnes for English pynnes.

  10. For late working at this time one of the brethren was mulcted in the sum of twenty pence; another was fined twopence for coming late to the guild mass, and several others had to pay for neglecting to attend the meeting.

  11. When finally the ponies had been corralled, he vaulted on one, and galloping with the speed of the wind, set out in pursuit of the robbers who had mulcted him of his wealth.

  12. Every night for a week had this man occupied the same seat, and with careless imperturbability had mulcted the bank of several thousands.

  13. Moreover, every Christian who had no legitimation papers was mulcted ten dinars.

  14. The churches had been robbed, the convents had been mulcted and their inmates had been disgraced by the emir who acted for the Sultan.

  15. A truce for one hundred years was granted them, after they had been mulcted in a part of their territory.

  16. The old man was pitiless; he mulcted them $179 a share.

  17. Smith was one of a number of Wall Street men badly mulcted in this operation, as Gould intended.

  18. Lyons, which was at this epoch the seat of a commerce greater even than that of Paris, was more often mulcted than any other in this way.

  19. I'll take the lead and swallow a large cupful and put in force a new penalty; and any one of you who doesn't comply with it, will be mulcted in ten large cupfuls, in quick succession!

  20. And any one making a mistake will be mulcted in one cup.

  21. Moreover, the patrone, or proprietor, of the Palazzo had mulcted them some six scudi for Lalla's profuse breakages of glass and crockery during our stay.

  22. Tax Londoners and Parisians at the same rate on coffee: would the Londoner, who drinks comparatively little coffee, be as heavily mulcted as the Parisian, who drinks a great deal?

  23. These were commonly mulcted of one-third of their land.

  24. According to Livy,[1] the several peoples engaged in this rebellion were mulcted of a part of their land which was divided among the plebeians.

  25. He had a swinging cot at home; with little gold bars at the foot to blink at--he could not see why he should be mulcted of it, and made to put up with a rug three times doubled.

  26. Therefore any noble begging contributions from others was condemned to a special fine of five hundred lire; while all trying to collect money for him, as well as those supplying it, were mulcted in one hundred lire.

  27. It was thereupon declared by the Court of Aldermen that anyone who in future should be elected mayor, and refused to take up office, should be mulcted in a like sum.

  28. The citizens were mulcted in a sum of £1,000 before the king’s seal was set to the letters patent.

  29. Lancaster’s life was spared, but he was mulcted in a heavy fine.

  30. In the end, seeing that Ruggieri was innocent, he released him, and mulcted the usurers in fifteen ounces for the theft of the chest.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mulcted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.