Animals are educable in different degrees; but where they are educable they begin to profit by experience from the first.
There has been natural selection of the more educable animals, for "the character which we describe as 'educability' can be transmitted, it is a congenital character.
Few men have in greater measure enriched the thought-environment with which it is the aim of education to bring educable human beings into vital contact, than has Charles Darwin.
This latter is the most complex and perhaps the most educable of all our so-called "faculties.
If, at birth, there exists nothing but a passive receptivity of impressions, why is not a horse as educable as a man?
In the first place, as a matter of fact, many animals are educable beyond their natural capacity of intelligence, or beyond the point at which they would arrive without such education, to a very remarkable degree.
In their stead he has a greater plasticity of nature, and a more educable intelligence.
And it is in the exercise of this educable organization that the psychological medium as expressed in art, literature, and inventions, plays its part for good and ill.
And it is obvious that education presupposes an educable power or principle, which principle self-education (the most important training of all) will place in a clear light before you.