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Example sentences for "yeve"

Lexicographically close words:
yett; yette; yetts; yeue; yeux; yeven; yever; yeveth; yew; yewr
  1. Follow me,” and he shuffled round the corner toward the family entrance of the saloon.

  2. And she of hirs may him, certeyn, Withoute sclaundre, yeven ageyn, And ioyne her hertes togidre so 5075 In love, and take and yeve also.

  3. And sith so sore he doth me greve, Yit, if my lust he wolde acheve 4600 To Bialacoil goodly to be, I yeve no force what felle on me.

  4. They been so pore, and ful of pyne, They might not ones yeve me dyne, 6500 For they have no-thing but hir lyf; What shulde he yeve that likketh his knyf?

  5. For if thou yevest it in lening, I holde it but a wrecchid thing: Therfore yeve it hool and quyte, 2375 And thou shalt have the more merite.

  6. For certeynly thou shalt wel shewe 2130 Wher that thou servest with good wille, For to complisshen and fulfille My comaundementis, day and night, Whiche I to lovers yeve of right.

  7. And I shal yeve thee eek, y-wis, Three other thingis, that greet solas Doth to hem that be in my las.

  8. Thes gold rynges I shaAEsAEs yeve the, Kepe them weAEsAEs, my lady ffre, Yf god a child vs send!

  9. The kyng said: aEuro~Yf I may lyve, Helpe and hold I shaAEsAEs hym yeve And receyve hym as my son~.

  10. I yeve the here oute of my hond 1385 To thy doughter aAEsAEs my lond, Yf that I end th{o}re.

  11. But wherfor that I spak, to yeve credence (B.

  12. I prey to God, yeve him good chaunce, As ye han herd of thise ryotoures three.

  13. And thogh thee lesteth nat a lover be, 480 +Spek wel of love; this penance yeve I thee.

  14. And last of alle, as hertily and as lovyngly as ever fader blessed his child in erthe, I yeve you the blessyng of oure Lord and of me, which of his infynite mercy encrece you in alle vertu and good lyvyng.

  15. I have red it, butt I conn yeve yow non aunswer mor than I have wretyn, save the wyfe of Harman hathe the name of owr Lady, whos blyssyn ye have and myn.

  16. Prayng yow that ye woll yeve credens to the berer herof, and be his gode mayster in cas any man make any qwarell to hym.

  17. Lorde in dischargyng of your consciens I pray you at my Desire to yeve vnto hym a c^{li}.

  18. Father And ferder to yeve vnto hym some other Rewarde hereafter as you shall thynke in consciens mete for hym [826] c.

  19. And for your paynes and diligence alredy taken and susteyned aboute his affayres there his highnes hathe commaunded me to yeve vnto you his most hertie thankes.

  20. To my Freende the prior of Dudleye yeve this with spede.

  21. To yeve hem corage of perseveraunce In vertu, and hir honour to enhaunce.

  22. Fyr, and-if he yeve non hete, for fyre is not demed.

  23. The quene hath yeve me charge, in pain to dye, Never to rede ne seen thaim with myn ye.

  24. I have fer to go To yeve warning in many dyvers place To your felawes, and so to other mo; And wel ye wot, I have but litel space.

  25. Trewly, ye yeve to dignites wrongful names in your cleping.

  26. Of whiche right sone, I trowe, if thou wolt understonde, thou shalt conne yeve the sentence to the partie more probable 120 by reson, and in soth knowing, by that I have of this mater maked an ende.

  27. God yeve grace it be no werse than it is yet.

  28. I pray you thanke Skypwith of hys gode wyll, for he was ryght well wyllyd to go with me and yeve me hys avyse, me thynkyth he ys ryzt well wyllyd to you.

  29. Sir, I beseke youre maistershyp for yeve me that I wryte thus boldly and homly to you; me thynkyth my hert .

  30. Mare Talbot as for capteyn, and to yeve jaketes of his levery to dyvers personis qwych be waged be oder men, and nouth be hym, beyng in the said shep.

  31. Furthermore I pray you to yeve feith & credence to suche thinges as þe said Roger shall open unto you in my behalf.

  32. And if the kyng of that kyngdom Come in that tyme There feloun thole sholde Deeth or oother juwise, Lawe wolde he yeve hym lif, If he loked on hym.

  33. And by the cause eek of my cares colde, That sleeth my wit, if ought amis me asterte, For-yeve it me, myn owene swete herte.

  34. But why this thing is laft, thou shalt wel here; And whan thou me hast yeve an audience, 545 Ther-after mayst thou telle al thy sentence.

  35. They callen love a woodnesse or folye, But it shal falle hem as I shal yow rede; They shul forgo the whyte and eke the rede, And live in wo, ther god yeve hem mischaunce, 1385 And every lover in his trouthe avaunce!

  36. Yeve me your hond, I am, and shal ben ay, God help me so, whyl that my lyf may dure, Your owene aboven every creature.

  37. Criseyde answerde, `Never the bet for yow, Fox that ye been, god yeve youre herte care!

  38. And yeve me sorwe, but he shal it rewe, If that I may, and alle folk be trewe.

  39. Right highe and myghty Prynce, my noble and right good Lord, I beseche the Holy Goste be with yow, and evere more sende yow the accomplishment of youre right noble desires to his plesir and youres.

  40. Right hy and myghty Prynce, my right gode and gracyous Lord, I recomaund me to your gode Lordship, etc.

  41. But the time when those rumours seem most likely to have arisen was in the year 1456, when the Duke of York had been deprived of the Protectorate.

  42. The messenger was on horsbak whanne I wrote yow this bill, and therfore it was doon in haste; and our Lord Jesus kepe yow.

  43. And bescheche your good maistereschipp to prey myn mayster that he will yeve yow lycense wit his wurchippfull counsaill and youre, in case that myn maister may nout tarie, that ze in his absence may take myn seid suerte.

  44. Cristyn peple to yeve noo feithe nor credence to ony pryvat wryting not opynly declarid nor provid in my lif tyme, nor to blanke chartrys sealyd in my .

  45. I pray to Gode yeve grace that the trowthe may be knowe, and that the dede may have part of hys owne goode.

  46. And, cosyn, that overe this ye lyke to yeve credence to the brynger her of of that he shal declare yow in this be half be mouth.

  47. Brodir, we pray you to yeve feight [faith] and credence to our welbeloved Sir Thomas Montgomery and Morice Berkly, in that on our behalf thei shal declare to you.

  48. Cosyn, we grete you well, and pray you to yeve feight and credence to Sir Thomas Mongomery and Morice Berkley, &c.

  49. Sir Joh Paston, I pray you to yeve credens to suche thing as my depute shall shew you fro me, and conforme you to the same.

  50. God kepe zow, and yeve zow grace to do as wele as I woold ze dede; and I scharge zow be war that ze sette no lond to morgage, for if eny avyse zow ther to, they arn not zowr frendds.

  51. And that [ye] yeve credence to Sir Thomas Mongomery and Morice Berkly, in that un our behalve thei shal sey to you; and ye shalbe to us welcome.

  52. I sey no more, al have I for to seye To you wel more than I telle may; But whether that ye do me live or deye, 1410 Yet pray I god, so yeve yow right good day.

  53. Criseyde answerde, 'never the bet for yow, Fox that ye been, god yeve your herte care!

  54. Regulus hadde taken in bataile many men of Affrike and cast hem in-to feteres; but sone after 50 he moste yeve his handes to ben bounde with the cheynes of hem that he hadde whylom overcomen.

  55. Doubletys of glas yeve a gret evidence; Thyng contirfet wil faylen at assay: On this mateer concludyng in sentence, Bewte wyl shewe, thouh hornys wer away.

  56. Also the same John Tanner chalangyd the chirche of the Frere Cannes at Oxenford, whiche was somtyme the kynges halle, and kyng Edward hadde yeve it to them to make thereof there chirche.

  57. Not thowh thou woldest yeve me an C marke of florens, quod she, thou shalt not lye by me a nyght.

  58. Thenne saide she, I praye the howe moche shall I yeve to have my petucion?

  59. Anon the kniᵹte sette hande to hir as is the maner of bed, and she perceyved that, and prayd him of grace, and to save hir maydinhede, and I shall dobble al the monye that thow hast yevin to me and yeve it to the.

  60. Thenne saide the kniᵹte, What shal I yeve to the and late me lye by the a nyght?

  61. And the kniᵹte was hevy, and seide, What shal I yeve to the and lete me lygge by the another nyght?

  62. I shalle yeve the thi monye double, and yf that be not plesynge to the, aske of me what thou wolte, and Thou shalt have.

  63. And towchinge the damesell I shall yeve the a tale of truthe.

  64. Yee knyghtes of cortesie, these straungerrs, saie, Bee you fulle wyllynge forr to yeve hemm fraie?

  65. And have ye clean forgotten her That gave you life and libertie?

  66. VI Dan he took oot his pipes ta play, Bit sair his hert wi döl an wae.

  67. XXIV He went into her father’s hall, And there was the court assembled all.

  68. They yeve no fors, they care not, Romaunt of the Rose, 4826.

  69. And here I ryde about my purchasing, To wite wher men wolde yeve me any-thing; My purchas is theffect of al my rente.

  70. Ryght hiegh and myghty Prince, our most worschipfull and gretely redoubted lorde and Fader, We beseche Almyghty God yeve yowe as good lyfe and longe as youre owne Princely hert con best desire.

  71. And therfor ye shulde yeve laude and praisingis alway to God, for, sithe the trespassement of prince Edwarde and good Henry duc of Lancaster that was, [ther wer but few like to hem in armys.

  72. Love is a gretter lawe, by my pan, Than may be yeve to any erthly man.

  73. Wostow nat wel the olde clerkes sawe, That 'who shal yeve a lover any lawe?

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.