I kneel myself down on the sod, the sod, I kneel myself down on the sod, 'Mong the flowers and wild heath, and an orison breathe In lowliness up to my God.
While it waves unto the tempest, It shall call thy name to mind, And the "Gathering" 'mong the hills shall be Like the rushing of the wind!
The big house set 'mong big oak trees and the slaves houses was scattered roun' the back.
I lived all my life 'mong white folks and jus' worked in first one place and then 'nother.
Ye do not prove that th' throuble was symotic, mong expert.
And streams the while glide on with murmurs low, And birds are singing 'mong the thickets deep, And fountains babble, sparkling as they flow, And with their noise invite to gentle sleep.
The breeze was fresh, though as mild as May; the boat made good speed; and in spite of beating down the river the mouth of the Mong was neared fast.
The winding banks of the stream on one hand; and on the other the little piece of it they had passed over, with the breadth of the Mong beyond.
The way, following Bob's direction, led along the bank under the trees, turning a little before the Mong was reached.
The sun, in the last quarter of almost his longest journey of the year, but high yet, sent warm rays to rest in the meadows and dally with the tree tops and sparkle on the Mong and its salt outlet.
Mong Flowing-spring, his eyes fixed on the painting, remained a long time without moving, absorbed in his admiration of the work of art, and disturbed beyond expression by the beauty of the goddess with the low chignon.
Bout an hour ago I caught the shine o' a red blanket 'mong them trees over thar, four hundred yards or so from us an' too fur fur a shot.
Mac Gregor of the noble race, No wonder though bards should fill thy court; To his white breast there is no match, But he so famous ’mong the Feinn.
Her triumphs and paces the same, Whether ’mong rocks or bogs she moves.
The first place ’mong their ancestors Is given by the Saxon to clan Gregor, Of whom were three chiefs loved the hunt, And were most active in the fight.
And all those in the church were struck with awe, and they said a-mong them-selves, What does this mean?
Which now of these three dost thou think was neigh-bor to him who fell a-mong thieves?
Finally they 'greed that they was to give Primus twenty dollars, and shere the treasure 'mong themselves.
Quarrellin' 'mong themselves now, mark you, beef bein' as scarce as diamonds in them hard times.
Jarsey, I've my s'picions that that other sperit is somewhere out toward Oregon, 'mong a tribe of redskins.
What yer goin' to do, Jarsey, when we leave you 'mong the reds?
The cause of it air well enough know'd 'mong the seal-fishers ez frequent these soun's an' channels.
Mong Hymen's band so common is the trap; And though at you the immaculate may smile, What use to fret and all the sex revile?
IF cuckoldom, my friends, such torments give; 'Tis better far 'mong savages to live!
We patter our prayers, 'mong the mouldering dead,-- And there we tell our beads!
Meanwhile for the strangers / bade they make cheer the best In sooth so were they tended / that Ruediger confessed He had 'mong men of Gunther / of friends a goodly store.
If 'mong the Huns hadst thou / other none than me And my faithful kinsmen / and my good men alone, Sorely must he repay it / who hath aught to thee of evil done.
This, scholars of all countries prize,-- Yet 'mong themselves no weavers rise.
Yet 'mong ourselves should one still lord it o'er the rest; That we elect a pope I now suggest.
And 'mong the elves be Puck to-day, The stoutest at the wedding!
The bitterns 'mong the reeds Their one note are repeating.
Where riot still grows louder; And 'mong the witches gather'd here But two alone wear powder!
Enjoying thus my enemies Would I see; and thee 'mong them I count.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.