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Example sentences for "mixers"

Lexicographically close words:
mium; mix; mixe; mixed; mixer; mixes; mixeth; mixing; mixt; mixta
  1. Two power operated feed mixers are required as one is not sufficient during the busy season to allow the mixing and feeding of the mash for both the breeders and the young stock at the same time.

  2. In fact, dough mixers are used on some plants.

  3. Concrete mixers especially adapted to the work in hand.

  4. The concrete was transported from the mixers to place in 1/2-cu.

  5. Smith mixers were used, and from 25 to 30 batches per hour could be handled in each machine.

  6. The dough is kneaded in the mixers in a few minutes, and when discharged on the dough table is rapidly moulded into the required form by the cutter and panner.

  7. From the mixers or kneaders the dough is delivered on a flat table, or it may go direct to a pair of rolls.

  8. Some mix their doughs the same length of time in mixers at a speed of 60 revolutions per minute.

  9. Some bakers allow their mixers to run ten minutes and others allow them to run twenty minutes.

  10. Hitherto box or barrel mixers have gone on the principle of throwing the material about indiscriminately, expecting that somehow or other it would get mixed.

  11. Mixers with a multiplicity of knives to toss the material have been used, but with little economical success.

  12. But that is not the worst of it; you have designed the new benches so low that the mixers must stoop at their work.

  13. The mixers are to sit down--I ordered two thousand stools.

  14. The mixers had stopped temporarily, but the machinery was held in readiness to go into action the moment the debris should be removed and the new forms locked into place.

  15. At the end of Williams's fifteen minutes the rattle and grind of the mixers began.

  16. Without stopping their endless revolutions the mixers tilted and poured out their contents into the two buckets, 2 yards in each.

  17. The sand and stone then passed through measuring hoppers and to the mixers with cement and water added.

  18. On the emptying sides of the concrete mixers there were other little electric railway tracks.

  19. When the plant was removed from Pedro Miguel to Miraflores, a large part of the concrete was handled directly from the mixers to the walls by the cranes without the intermediary locomotive service.

  20. Above the mixers were the measuring hoppers set in the floor of a platform which was large enough to carry half a day's supply of cement.

  21. By far the greater part, however, was turned out from mixers set on the completed arch, and was transported on tracks hung in part from the street timbering.

  22. Ransome mixers were used, and were generally set up at about the level of the top of the arch.

  23. The concrete materials were deposited in storage bins placed in the shafts, from which they were fed to the mixers located at the foot of the shaft about on a level with the crown of the tunnels.

  24. Possibly this mixture would not be countenanced by the art drink mixers of New York.

  25. The sand and stone were stored in bins above the mixers, and were led to the hoppers of the mixers through chutes.

  26. Batch mixers are generally superior and more reliable than continuous mixers where a uniformly well mixed concrete is required.

  27. Portable mixers hauled along the bank and discharging into the forms through chutes, furnish a cheap and rapid arrangement where the section being built has a considerable yardage.

  28. Cars on the short tracks from mixers to culvert form took the mixed concrete and dumped it into the distributing cars traveling along the form.

  29. The cost of mixing and placing is high, owing to the fact that working space was small and the mixers had to wait until the concrete was taken off the board and placed in the forms before starting another batch.

  30. The concrete was all mixed by two Chicago Improved Cube mixers operated by electric power.

  31. Machine mixing and batch mixers should always be employed.

  32. The Eureka, the Advanced and the Scheiffler mixers are continuous mixers and the others are batch mixers.

  33. Two Smith mixers were used, located as shown, and each discharged through a chute into one of the bucket elevator boots.

  34. Mixers are commonly specified even for small work, because of their generally more uniform and homogeneous product.

  35. And fain would they thereby prove themselves reconcilers: but mediaries and mixers are they unto me, and half-and-half, and impure!

  36. However, bread mixers can be had in various sizes to meet the requirements of the housewife.

  37. Where baking is done for only a small number of persons, bread and cake mixers are not indispensable, but they save much labor where baking is done on a large scale.

  38. These act as mixers of the mash and as coolers.

  39. The city found its bill-boards posted with loud calls for labor; the idle mixers were put in commission; the quarries and crushers began to thunder again; and the stagings once more shook and trembled under the feet of a busy army of puddlers.

  40. There are a hundred tons of fresh concrete lying in the forms, just as they were dumped--with no puddlers--to say nothing of half as much more freezing to solid rock right now in the mixers and on the telphers.

  41. Brouillard and Leshington had just returned from posting a company of the workmen guard at the mixers and crushers, when Grislow, who had been scouting on the Avenue, came in.

  42. Ransome portable mixers mounted with air-driven engines on the same frame.

  43. These mixers were placed at the surface, and were charged with barrows, the correct quantities of sand and stone for each batch being measured in rectangular boxes previous to loading the barrows.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mixers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.