Then passed we to Hexam, where we had a great meeting on top of a hill.
It is then passed through a sieve made with round holes, and then put into a drum, and submitted for a half hour, to a rotary motion.
After reducing it to powder, it is then passed through a lawn sieve, furnished with a cover.
At this point the river had long ago been artificially widened so as to form a basin and landing-place for the small boats which then passed to and fro between Fowey and Lostwithiel.
He then passed on to his text and began to describe the days of our youth.
The scent is added to the dry ingredients, separately reduced to powder, and the whole is then passed through a fine sieve, to ensure perfect admixture.
Leriche advises the sponge to be first saturated with a solution of 4 parts of permanganate of potassium in 100 parts of water; then passed through a solution of sulphurous acid, and finally washed thoroughly with water.
It stirred the hair upon his forehead, left its touch of dream upon my cheeks, then passed on to lift a wreath of mist in the fields below.
The momentary confusion was stupendous, then passed away.
The whole isthen passed through a silk or muslin sieve.
The solution must be then passed through a cloth, cooled, and bottled for use.
Then passed we by an other comming out of Rathe forrest called Coit Rathe, the water it selfe rising about Templeton.
The lasers registered the data, then passed it directly, via microwave link, into the memory banks of the powerful SX- 10 operating hundreds of miles away.
The handsome sum Sir Arthur Evans paid for the site was invested in bonds, which he then passed on to Zeno just before the war.
Inagawa turned it in his hand, then passed it to Takenaka and said something in Japanese.
We first entered the long Prairie, and crossed one corner of it; then passed a small strip of timber, and then entered the English Prairie towards the east corner.
We then passed a creek, and afterwards some hilly pine woods; soil very barren till near Pew's town, a small place, mostly log houses.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "then passed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.