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Example sentences for "hoppers"

Lexicographically close words:
hoplite; hoplites; hopo; hopped; hopper; hopping; hoppled; hopples; hops; hora
  1. The sand and stone then passed through measuring hoppers and to the mixers with cement and water added.

  2. This was put in hoppers large enough to store material for 10 cubic yards.

  3. This applies also to the young males of the Shore-hoppers (Orchestia) with regard to the second pair of anterior feet (gnathopoda).

  4. Thus in the male Shore-hoppers (Orchestia) the second pair of the anterior feet is provided with a powerful hand, as in the majority of the Amphipoda, but very differently constructed in the females.

  5. The Wife of Some Great Officer Bewails His Absence~ Shrill chirp the insects in the grass; All about the hoppers spring.

  6. Incessant chirp the insects in the grass; All round about the nimble hoppers spring.

  7. Inasmuch as the young hoppers will not come forth until the following summer, some such snug protection is required during winter's cold and snows.

  8. Should he be pushed out of the circle, the four hoppers are considered to have won the game.

  9. Should one of the hoppers place both feet on the ground or unfold his arms, he must leave the circle.

  10. The player who is It may avoid the hoppers by running and dodging.

  11. The sand and stone were stored in bins above the mixers, and were led to the hoppers of the mixers through chutes.

  12. The materials were run through chutes directly from the bins to the hoppers of the mixers, where they were measured.

  13. The hoppers were divided into two sections, which gave the correct quantities of sand and stone, respectively, for one batch.

  14. It betters the arrangement to place the husk frame 20 inches below the floor; the discharge spout and hoppers all come at a convenient height for the miller to see into the hopper and operate the mill without stooping.

  15. It makes a quick and even discharge of flour from the flour spout, there are no hoppers or anything for the clogging of flour, and every customer gets his own flour from his own wheat.

  16. Huge square wooden hoppers were shaking down grain, and the two or three square sashes in the thickness of front wall let in some light from the burning côte.

  17. Do you know that some species of your funny little tree hoppers secrete honey dew also, and even have ants to attend them?

  18. The tree hoppers jump about on the bushes and eat the juices of the plants, but there are not usually enough of them to do damage.

  19. Although many of the plant hoppers are such nuisances to us, there is one family of hoppers that is seldom a nuisance.

  20. Illustration] John says he once made a collection of tree hoppers and put them in a box with a reading glass over the top, and showed them to his friends to make them laugh.

  21. In most cases, yard hoppers are flushed by automatic rod valves, so constructed as to flush the bowl of the hopper whenever the seat is pressed upon.

  22. In one class the coal is fed into hoppers at the front end of the furnace onto grates with an inclination downward toward the rear of about 45 degrees.

  23. When the time arrives for the close of the test, shut off the coal-feeding mechanism, fill the hoppers and burn the fire to the same low point as at the beginning.

  24. Shut off the coal-feeding mechanism and fill the hoppers level full.

  25. My aunt who was visiting us suggested that the whole family walk through the potato field and send the hoppers into the grass beyond.

  26. On the clothes-line the hoppers were seated two and three deep; and upon the windlass rope which drew the bucket from the well they clung and entwined their bodies.

  27. The ponies were urged eastward, but the hoppers cheerfully kept pace and were seen to be outdistancing the travelers.

  28. It is a sort of soap made by the activity of small frog-hoppers while they are still in the wingless larval stage, before they begin to hop.

  29. Many creatures turn stiff when they get a shock, or pass suddenly into new surroundings, like some of the sand-hoppers when we lay them on the palm of our hand; but these twig-insects put themselves into this strange state.

  30. Some of the sand-hoppers and their relatives illustrate the puzzling phenomenon of "feigning death," becoming suddenly so motionless that they escape the eyes of their enemies.

  31. In the following spring the eggs hatch, and there is a fresh supply of tree-hoppers ready to begin the mischief their parents left off only when they died.

  32. And what is the difference between the leaf-hoppers and the tree-hoppers?

  33. I would sooner have found hoppers in the best ham in the shop than have gone to church so to delude myself.

  34. To see them Frenchy hoppers get a jolly hiding," Jem Prater replied, without easing his sculls.

  35. Mr Lyster has, however, to a considerable extent overcome this difficulty by a special arrangement added to the hoppers (see Proc.

  36. On their trial trip, the hoppers having their full load, a speed of 11 knots was obtained, the coal consumption being 1.

  37. The coamings round the well of the hoppers were constructed with a dip, and when the hopper was full the water ran over in a steady stream on either side.

  38. Feed hoppers like those used for fowls are used in pigeon houses.

  39. Hard grain (usually cracked corn) is kept always before them in the house, in hoppers which will hold a bag of grain each.

  40. Finally, some Amphipoda, closely allied to the Sand-hoppers of British coasts, live in damp places on land, although they do not show any conspicuous modifications of structure to adapt them to this mode of life.

  41. The Horners and Hoppers are at war again.

  42. The Horners and Hoppers are a quarrelsome and curious folk living in the Quadling mountains, and soon Ozma, Jack Pumpkinhead, Betsy and the Wizard of Oz were rattling off at the best speed the Sawhorse could manage.

  43. The hoppers furnish laying mash and the fountains supply drinking water.

  44. Hoppers containing sand or grit should be available if a number of ducks are kept.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoppers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.