They must have been as unsuccessful as myself in the search after anything in these speeches which could be construed into misinterpretation of the government on the Alabama question.
This would, of course, be overstating the truth of the story, but to such a misinterpretation the plain facts lend themselves too easily.
Later in this chapter we shall discuss Dobell's philosophical misinterpretation of Traherne, to which he fell victim because he maintained his accustomed spectator standpoint in regard to his object of study.
We shall return later to this essential stage in the life cycle of the plant, and shall then clear up the misinterpretation put upon it ever since scientific biology began.
It is the symptomatic character of this misinterpretation which prompts us to deal with it here.
This is a pure supposition inconsistent with chronology, and based only on a misinterpretation of a passage in the De Consolatione.
Plutarch shared this error, which seems somehow to have been based on a misinterpretation of the Feast of Tabernacles, at which they were to 'take .
Another piece of fanciful philology, based on a misinterpretation of a Greek transliteration of the name Jerusalem.
This view originated in a misinterpretation of the Scriptural accounts of Christ's state of humiliation, and in mistaking temporary subordination for original and permanent inequality.
Do not such Women deserve all the Misinterpretation which they neglect to avoid?
We have yet to trace the same principle of misinterpretationin the sexual and social life of mankind.
But the essential misinterpretation is retained, disguised from careless or uninformed people by the use of a modified terminology.
The only explanation of the facts already cited is that a misinterpretation of sexual states lies at the heart of the question.
How far may religious experience be explained as a misinterpretation of normal non-religious life?
What we are concerned with is to show that from one direction at least supernaturalism has derived strength from a misinterpretation of the facts.
It seems likely to have been a perversion or misinterpretation of the voyage of Diego Cam down the African coast in 1489, in which he was accompanied by Behaim.
Irving says the claim is founded on a misinterpretation of the Schedel passage.
Straits of Anian sprang from a misinterpretation of a passage in Marco Polo; but Bancroft (p.
I was filled with surprised regret when I learned from the conclusion of the article on "Specialized Administration," that this statement is held by Mr. Spencer to be a, misinterpretation of his views.
He accounts for their inevitable uncertainty by assigning them not to sense but to misinterpretation of what is seen.
Hence it is, that the voice of nature, which speaks to our eyes, is not liable to that misinterpretation and ambiguity that languages of human contrivance are unavoidably subject to(456).
Here again we find the same misinterpretation of the term gradation and the same fallacy of 'facility.
To teach to adults 'child-like words' before the words used by adults is another misinterpretation of gradation.
Possibly the misinterpretation of the plan occurred on this occasion.
This is almost certainly a mistake, which probably originated in a misinterpretation of a statement made by Jaramillo.
Kildare, [Footnote: The narrative in the Book of Howth gives the impression that Kildare was at Stoke, and was made prisoner; but this is probably a misinterpretation arising from a lack of dates.
This belief would seem to rest exclusively on the misinterpretation of a document attributed by a later historian [Footnote: Strype, Eccl.
She had Stubbs and his publisher pilloried, and their right hands struck off--on the strength of a most iniquitous misinterpretation of a law of Queen Mary's.
The amount of misinterpretation of the words and actions of a single human being during the course of a long acquaintance must be very considerable.
To refuse would be ungracious; moreover, she could risk no misinterpretation of her acts, and she accepted.
Said the Air Materiel Command: "The sightings were the result of misinterpretation of real stimuli, probably research balloons.
I wish to protest against a misinterpretation that readers of fiction will probably continue to make to the end of time, however strongly authors may appeal against it.
I cannot prove it, but I am as certain of it as that I stand here that it is you that have poisoned my wife's mind against me, and have filled it with every sort of nasty misinterpretation of a perfectly innocent friendship.
He then asked, whether it appeared, on this view of the subject, that the establishment of a National Bank would be a violentmisinterpretation of the constitution?