Although in speaking of Aswatthaman's death thou hadst added the world elephant, yet thy answer to the preceptor was, after all, an untruth in the garb of truth.
Drona firmly believed that Yudhishthira would never speak an untruth even for the sake of the sovereignty of the three worlds.
There is no sin in untruth spoken unto women, or in marriages, or for saving king, or for rescuing a Brahmana.
By telling an untruth for saving a life, one is not touched by sin.
O slayer of Madhu, how can crookedness be in thee, devoid as thou art, O thou of the Dasarha race, of anger and envy and untruth and cruelty?
I do not remember a single untruth in him, or a single wrong done by him to others.
Frau von Treumann had told her an untruth, a quite obvious and absurd untruth in the face of the correspondence, as to the reason of her coming to Kleinwalde.
Being under the power of untruth and error, we cannot walk one step right.
A spirit of error and untruth leadeth us continually wrong; like the sheep we wander still, and we weary ourselves in our wandering; and so spend all our labour and pains in vain.
Now this falsehood of Valentine's had no better success in the event than the untruth Proteus told his father.
And little better in results than telling an untruth is putting the child off till some future time.
An untruth is passed over carelessly and the child allowed to cover up its sins without realizing their sinfulness.
It is the sincere preacher of untruthwho does mischief there.
The wish to please is likewise a fertile source of untruth in children, especially girls (Sully, Studies of Childhood, p.
But God will bring untruth to nought, and will make good the truth by his word: for He knoweth the very secrets of the breast.
Lost are they who, in their ignorance, have foolishly slain their children, and have forbidden that which God hath given them for food, devising an untruth against God!
But our aim is certainty and proof only, and even a high degree of probability is no better than untruth and can not count.
Worse still, the untruth is perpetuated by permitting our children to be brought up in the false beliefs of our believing friends.
Accordingly, in considering the truth or untruth of Christianity, we are concerned only with theism.
If the honest truth be that she is not confident of the security of her position, are we to understand that the cause of Untruth is thought to be more likely to prosper than the cause of Truth?
But, most of all, this Suffrage indictment contains, as do all the rest, another tacit untruth when it assumes that woman's work has not in the past been as honorable to herself and as profitable to the world as has that of man.
You cannot teach this untruth to the girl without teaching it to the boy.
They who know truth in truth, and untruth in untruth, arrive at truth, and follow true desires.
Those who imagine they find truth in untruth, and see untruth in truth, will never arrive at truth, but follow vain desires.
There would be no untruth if we did not receive into ourselves another movement, which, to be sure, is conformable to the entering in of the conception, but which has at the same time an interruption.
I have never before spoken an untruth, and an untruth I shall never speak.
In seasons of distress, a person by even speaking an untruth acquires the merit of speaking the truth, even as a person who accomplishes an unrighteous act acquires by that very means the merit of having done a righteous act.
As long as that slayer of foes continued to rule his kingdom righteously, no untruth ever escaped his lips and no evil thought ever entered his mind.
Bhrigu said, 'On this it is said as follows: from Untruth springs Darkness.
In this world also, truth and untruth lead to opposite courses of conduct and opposite indications, such as Righteousness and Unrighteousness, light and darkness, pleasure and pain.
Similarly, that which is Untruth is Unrighteousness; that which is Unrighteousness is Darkness; and that which is Darkness is Sorrow or Misery.
The first means 'having untruth for the libation (that it eats up).
One should not, however, speak an untruth when one is questioned by another.
The second means 'having untruthfor the food (it devours)'.
One that seeks for virtue, does not commit a sin by saying an untruth, if that untruth be said to save the wealth and prosperity of others or for the religious purposes.
One who in testifying speaks an untruth is, all unwilling, bound fast by the cords of Varuna,[12] till an hundred births are passed.
That is, it would be one's duty to make the great moral sacrifice of speaking an untruth for the sake of saving the mother.
The question of truth oruntruth never entered the little mind.
Indeed, a child may acquire a hatred of untruth that is so keen as to be positively distressing; and this condition is just as morbid and undesirable as that of the other extreme, which accepts lies as the usual thing.
The whole explanation of the strong hold which untruthhas gained upon the world of our day, is that the untruth is reasonable, inspiring and apparently good.