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Example sentences for "midstream"

Lexicographically close words:
midship; midshipman; midshipmen; midships; midst; midsummer; midtown; midvein; midway; midwestern
  1. Two boatmen, both in turban, jacket and lungyi, stepped lazily into the craft, and one shoved off while the other crawled forward and plied his paddle, guiding the boat into midstream and turning its prow with the current.

  2. A look toward midstream showed him his craft fast being absorbed by the darkness.

  3. Parade-days, all this glittering midstream is swept to the clean sheen of a strip of moire, this splendid desolation blocked on each side by crowds half the density of the sidewalk.

  4. So with Swiftwater and Gerald poling on one side and Don and Dick on the other, and Pepper at the long steering oar in the rear the boat was pushed off into midstream with a bugle Scout salute from the garrison left behind.

  5. It was a rough, wild stretch of water, but it was thought it might be passed safely by using great caution and keeping out of the midstream rapids.

  6. Three canoes followed him, and as he was waiting for the others to come in he saw, to his horror, the largest canoe in midstream and coming down like a race-horse.

  7. I knew that it was as much as my life was worth to remain where I was; so, despite the girl's pitiful entreaties, I rowed back slowly into midstream and down the river.

  8. I had scarcely pushed out into midstream ere I fancied I heard a low, choking cry.

  9. As I pushed out into midstream the girl grew frantic.

  10. Far out in midstream some conformation of the bottom turned the current once more in a long slant shoreward.

  11. The strong green waters of the great river were divided at this ancient ford by two midstream islands, which accounted for the selection of the spot for the daring essay of a bridgeless and boatless crossing.

  12. The Scarborough raft, with men from Whitby and Scarborough, near Toronto, swirled out to midstream on the afternoon of the 1st of September.

  13. The raft ripped on a rock in midstream and stuck there at an angle of forty-five degrees.

  14. Their passenger and cargo shipped, the men fell to their oars and the craft shot out of the still waters by the landings into midstream and turned toward the north.

  15. I put out into midstream and while mine eyes were attracted for a space toward the other shore, a boat drew up at the Marsh.

  16. Illustration: In midstream passes a continual parade of freighters .

  17. In midstream passes a continual parade of freighters, a little mail boat dodging out to meet each one as it goes by.

  18. Out in midstream lay the crouching hulk of a battleship, and its somber gray was the one note that contradicted the softness of the morning.

  19. In consequence, on a certain June afternoon his yacht, Albatross, cleared from its slip in the Hudson and stood out toward midstream with her prow pointed toward the bay and the narrows.

  20. The river was very picturesque here, and in midstream were great swells which curled back like ocean breakers as the torrent of water poured over the boulders of the riverbed.

  21. Though smooth here, it flowed with fearful rapidity, and in midstream carried the canoe, as if it had been a feather, at locomotive speed.

  22. Half the pleasure of otter-hunting is to see hounds draw, that is if they draw well, trying every root as they go, or swimming out to some stone in midstream on which perhaps there is a piece of wedging.

  23. On a rock in midstream the position of the coke is quite as likely to be in the centre as at the sides, particularly if there is a tuft of grass or other growth on the stone.

  24. Then Chris would say he had to go, and they would stand in a communing silence while the hearty voice of Mr. Allington shouted from midstream or under the alder-boughs a disregarded invitation to stay and have a bite of supper.

  25. A few miles below Livingston we came upon Jim Cutler's raft stranded upon a midstream bar.

  26. At any rate, I was still in mad career down midstream when the wind gave up the bootless chase at six o'clock, broke up into fitful zephyrs and went to sleep among the cottonwoods.

  27. If he wasn't prepared for them, I only hope his ferryboat was not caught in midstream by a zephyr that breezed up river about three hours later.

  28. But what the foozle is to the golfer, the cropper to the rider, the spill in midstream to the boatman, the fall at the end of the jump is to the ski-man.

  29. Out in midstream Bill Blunt and a boat's crew were returning after laying out an anchor to a great coir-fiber hawser, springy and stout, and a glance at the shores showed rapidly rising water.

  30. The anchor Vandersee had dropped in midstream in docking the ship was on a long cable, and the Barang was gliding swiftly down over it.

  31. But he found a box of provisions and a paddle, and salvaged both by swimming into midstream after them.

  32. And in future they always anchored in midstream just before darkness fell.

  33. It was easy to conjecture what would have happened to five men and three horses, if our little craft with its burden had been met in midstream by the gunboats.

  34. An old flatboat placed in midstream for a central pontoon, and strengthened by floats made of dry cedar telegraph poles, which were bound together by grapevines, constituted the body of the structure.

  35. Sixth, a jetty from the right shore at (F) about midway between Danes Island and the Second Bar, should be built to the head of the Midstream Shoal so as to cut off the current at the right side of the river.

  36. Some sharp turns of the river should be reduced to gentle curves and midstream obstacles should be removed.

  37. Second, another jetty from Bolton Island, at point (B) to midstream terminating at the lower side of the Second Bar, on the right side of the river.

  38. Those in midstream should be filled up with stone ten feet or less below low-water level just enough to give a resistance to the undercurrent in order to prevent it from running sideward.

  39. Third, a jetty from the lower point of Pattinger Island at (C) to midstream terminating at the lower side of the same bar on the left side of the river.

  40. Some of the midstream islands will have to be removed, and a few wide places filled up in order to make the channel uniform, so as to give a regular minimum depth of six fathoms right along the whole course.

  41. Midstream shoals and islands should be removed.

  42. And seventh, another jetty from the lower point of Davids Island at (G) to midstream opposite to the end of jetty (F).

  43. The concave embankments in sharp bends should be protected by stone or concrete; obstacles in midstream should be removed.

  44. Fifth, a jetty from Pattinger Island at (E) to the head of the Second Bar Bank in midstream so as to cut off the current at the left side of the river and to increase the velocity in the middle channel.

  45. The boat was nearly in midstream when the accident happened.

  46. When they were in midstream in a tumultuous mass Hannibal launched his cavalry upon them, and a desperate conflict ensued in the river.

  47. Depends on what you call a lark,' said Hazell; 'it's not much of a lark tearing down midstream like this in a fog.

  48. It swerved into midstream and headed towards London Bridge.

  49. So we swept in to the landing by the mission, and beached the canoe, and ran up the long straight path to the mission house as fast as we could go, while the black canoemen paused in midstream and let their craft swing with the current.

  50. Then someone cast off, and we pulled out into midstream and up above the brig, where we held our place and watched and waited.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "midstream" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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