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Example sentences for "plied"

Lexicographically close words:
pliancy; pliant; plica; plicate; plie; pliers; plies; plight; plighted; plighting
  1. Frank was plied with questions which he took much pleasure in answering, for naturally enough he felt himself to be in some measure the hero of the occasion.

  2. For they knew it to be one of the three which plied for hire in the neighbourhood.

  3. The meal finished, Clive and Hugh plied Monsieur Dubonnet with questions--questions, too, of such an intelligent nature that they aroused his interest.

  4. Selecting four Christianised Indians who plied their trade as itinerant merchants between the country of Zacapula and the Quiché tribes, whom they thought qualified to play the part, the friars carefully taught them the verses.

  5. The whites were now weak from lack of food and sleep; but for three more days and nights the marksmen and musketoon plied such deadly aim at the assailants that the Iroquois actually held a council whether they should retire.

  6. Onondaga hatchets, clubs, spears, were plied from the water side, and from the hunters ambushed on shore crashed musketry that mowed down those who would have fled to the woods.

  7. Hither the raiders plied their canoes by sea.

  8. It was plain the Boers considered that the inactivity of Christmas Day must be atoned for, and therefore the guns were plied with additional ardour.

  9. The pet bear, Mishka, plied with strong wines, which Prince Alexis poured out for him into a golden basin, became at last comically drunk, and in endeavoring to execute a dance lost his balance and fell at full length on his back.

  10. Rodney now hoped to force him to battle; but as it was evening, he called in the foremost ships, and forming a close line of battle, he plied to windward all night.

  11. The Russians plied the spade and shovel with astonishing vigour and perseverance, and Todtleben proved himself equal in genius to the exigency.

  12. The fire of the besiegers was plied hotly for the two following days and nights, the city blazing like a hell, amidst the crash of falling buildings, and the outcry of wounded women and children.

  13. Kaviri's warriors plied the paddles in the three canoes, casting sidelong, terrified glances at their hideous passengers.

  14. Eager, curious, excited natives plied her with a hundred questions, no one of which she could understand or answer.

  15. The old people, however, were plied with octli, a very potent beverage, until they became drunk, and this was held to be an indispensable part of the ceremony.

  16. Illustration: Budd plied the stinging blows of the lash until suddenly a huge billow lifted the cart and oxen from the road-bed and swept them into the bay.

  17. I just hope you'll get them;" and the farmer plied his whip to the horse with a force that sent him tearing down the island at a rate that must have been a source of astonishment to the usually sedate animal.

  18. But unmindful of these things, Budd bade his oxen go on; and though they at first shrunk from entering the angry waters, he plied the stinging blows of the lash until they began the passage.

  19. But the Syracusan horsemen pressed still upon them, and their light–armed plied them with their darts in the flank.

  20. There were no sewing or knitting machines, save the deft hands that plied the needle.

  21. Many pens have plied the task, and were mine more adequate than any, it were unfit to interweave so bright a theme with the gloomy details of this mournful history.

  22. But, while disunion reigned at the council board of the Catholic Hierarchy, the Government plied their task of seducing, dividing and misrepresenting bishops, priests, people and nation.

  23. Still more awful was the conduct of Hannah Dagoe, a herculanean Irish woman, who plied the trade of porter at Covent Garden.

  24. Sympathetic friends from without plied them with wines and luxurious diet.

  25. The first was the decoy, the second was a confederate who plied the coney with drink, the third came in by accident should the efforts of the others to beguile the coney into "a deceit at cards have failed.

  26. The Canadians plied her with bullets, and brought a cannon to bear on her.

  27. The three field-pieces sent by Ramesay plied them with canister-shot, and fifteen hundred Canadians and Indians fusilladed them in front and flank.

  28. Now he plied the mace in wide sweeps that cleared a path as a sickle through grain; now he gave point with the massive studded head; now he swung it over his head like a blacksmith's hammer.

  29. They plied their spears manfully, but these were a poor defence against clubbed rifles, bayonets, swords, revolvers.

  30. The paddles were plied again, and the bows of the canoe ground upon the gravelly beach with a gentle motion, and a sound barely audible.

  31. The men now plied the paddles again, and they were presently within a few yards of the rock, floating towards it, though their efforts were suspended.

  32. So for a while, as he lounged on the divans, following the play of the torch-light on the face of Roxana as her long fingers plied the strings.

  33. So much for the picture, but Simonides, having seen it often, saw it not at all, but plied the others with questions.

  34. Many sought indulgence and were plied with questions by the inquisitors to extract evidence against others.

  35. Meanwhile the executioner, accompanied by a clerk to keep tally, plied the penca or leather strap, but was charged most solemnly not to draw blood.

  36. Meantime, Jonas Quelch was carried back to the room he had left, where Crean plied him with a further supply of whisky under the excuse of keeping up his spirits.

  37. As the Spaniards were plied with wine by their polite hosts, their hearts opened, and they let out all the information which it was necessary to obtain.

  38. From his own standpoint it was therefore a shrewd move to hide his own synergism and to entrap his opponent, when Strigel plied Flacius with the question whether he denied that original sin was an accident.

  39. The Jesuit Canisius plied the Lutherans with similar questions: Whether they considered Osiander, Major, and others adherents of the Augustana.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.