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Example sentences for "large genus"

  • In a large genus it is probable that more than one species would vary.

  • I have said a large genus, because as we saw in the second chapter, on an average more species vary in large genera than in small genera; and the varying species of the large genera present a greater number of varieties.

  • A large genus of plants belonging to the Sedge family, and including the species called galingale, several bulrushes, and the Egyptian papyrus.

  • A large genus of plants having monopetalous flowers, including the common bindweed (C.

  • Milla, a large genus of Liliaceae, is exclusively American, except one species found in Mauritius and Bourbon.

  • I have said a large genus, because we have seen in the second chapter, that on an average more of the species of large genera vary than of small genera; and the varying species of the large genera present a greater number of varieties.

  • Defn: A large genus of plants of the order Geraniaceæ, differing from Geranium in having a spurred calyx and an irregular corolla.

  • Defn: A large genus of evergreen coniferous trees, mostly found in the northern hemisphere.

  • Defn: A large genus of tropical American trees and shrubs, nearly related to the true myrtles (Myrtus), from which they differ in having very few seeds in each berry.

  • A large genus of plants having monopetalous flowers, including the common bindweed (C.

  • Purpura is a large genus: in certain of the species the colouring-matter exists of which the ancients formed their famous purple dye.

  • Voluta is also a large genus, containing one hundred and eighty-six species.

  • Mitra is a large genus, and it is believed that there are three times as many species yet undescribed.

  • This is a large genus, most of the members being suitable for cultivation in the intermediate house.

  • A large genus of evergreen Orchids with distichously arranged, leathery, green leaves, the stem producing air-roots freely.

  • A large genus in which both evergreen and terrestrial plants are represented.

  • A large genus of elegant, dwarf-growing Orchids for the intermediate house.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large genus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cold climates; large amount; large bottle; large brick; large building; large business; large concourse; large dimensions; large dish; large flocks; large house; large lemon; large measure; large mouth; large ones; large open; large pile; large round; large scale; large school; large share; large ship; large water; largely because; largely subsistence; larger share