They saw the medic and his escort disappearing into the bulk of the Old Building and they saw something else.
He grabbed the rest of his guard detail and double-timed it toward the New Building, leaving the medic and a couple of guards walking sedately toward the Old.
The medic said patiently: "My son, I've dressed his wound.
VI After O'Leary and themedic left, the warden tottered to a chair--but not for long.
The intern faltered; the guards stopped dead; the medic said calmly: "I must have my intern with me.
And if there isn't a medic in here in five minutes to take care of my boy Flock--your guards have had it!
He needs a shot," the medic was saying as Ross blinked at the major.
Jerry landed nimbly on his hind feet on the metal floor as the shrieking medic dashed to a confrere for whatever first aid is given when a colloidal creature's liquid contents are spilling out.
As the medic twisted a dial at the base of this arrangement, some of the spheroids began to flicker whitely, while others remained dark.
While Jerry gazed at the scene, fighting the headache that began to grow with the brightness of the lights over the operating table, the medic captured each jar and gave it a sharp, practiced shake.
His fellow-creature, hissing in agony, was already a glittering, almost formless thing under the grisly tools of the medicstanding over it.
But no medic hurrying to save a life would walk to Row #2 when Row #1 was still undepleted.
Even as the medic reached for them, they bobbed and moved about each other in the yellow fluid, as impermanent of locale as apples in a rainbarrel.
Well, that medic killed him, the same as you would kill a bird with a bullet.
But I never eat carrots," retorted the medic tersely and with a slight show of resentment or opposition, scenting perhaps a new order.
I guess the Expedition medic had to straighten him out with devil-killers," Hines answered.
The medic in the sick bay fired two shots from a hypo-gun into both arms, but Clayton ignored the slight sting.
As soon as Clayton was in condition, the medic and the quartermaster officer who had found him took him up to the First Officer's compartment.
Trilingual stelæ in Egyptian, Persian, and Medic were placed at intervals along its banks, and set forth to all comers the method of procedure by which the sovereign had brought his work to a successful end.
Nabonidus concentrated his troops at the point most threatened, in the angle comprised near Opis between the Medic wall and the bend of the Tigris, and waited in inaction the commencement of the attack.
Then with a visible effort he controlled his emotions and came to Tau, looming over the slightermedic almost menacingly.
Dane sensed this, saw the men on the terrace likewise drawing back from the unseen tie between the medic and the bull he had so clearly summoned.
As this off-world Medic says, Lumbrilo fashions such as that to drive us into our enemies' hands!
Yet the medic stood unbowed as the wave broke upon him in full.
When the younger spaceman returned from making the medic comfortable in the shelter, he found Asaki and Jellico holding an impromptu court of inquiry.
And you, Medic Tau, your help, or at least your diagnosis, we need in another direction.
Raising both hands again the medic brought them down, curling inward, until he stooped and touched them to the ground.
Captain Jellico was in his quarters two levels above, Medic Tau was presumably overhauling his supplies, and Sindbad, ship's cat, asleep in some empty cabin.
The medic arose to his feet and smiled politely at the visitor.
Only for a moment did the medic hang so, then he struggled to stand erect.
But Dane was there first, catching the medic before he slumped to the ground; but he was dragged with that dead weight until he sat with the medic's head on his shoulder, the other's body resting heavily against him.
Dane was startled out of the contemplation of his misery to see the medic on his knees before their row of canteens, the vial of water purifier held to the firelight for a closer inspection.
The medic looked at his watch and, with careless efficiency, plucked the tube out of the waxy man's arm.
Homer Crawford growled uncomfortably, "Particularly when we finally have our showdown with the Arab Legion, a medic will be priceless.
Toward evening, we sent a disguised medic back down the trail to find a Filipino home and make some arrangements to get food for the remnants of our detachment-five.
Major "Mac" Williams was the only medicstill on his feet.
These Proto-Medic tribes were a Turanian people of Ural-Altaic stock speaking an agglutinative language.
With the adoption of the Proto-Medic cuneiform by the Medes and Persians, many of the syllabic signs, instead of representing syllables came on the acrologic principle to be used as alphabetic characters.
The only one I have at the moment is that you are to eat no solid food until after the operation," the medic said.
My medic says you only have a few minutes to live.
We can also eliminate these, I think, as they are primarily for medical purposes; my medic can handle them, if necessary.
Cortin moved aside, making way for the medic to kneel beside her patient.
The medic wasn't one of them, and that scared me worse.
The Assyrian army next turned eastward to the southern shores of the Caspian, and made its way through Medic and other districts which neither before nor since were trodden by Assyrian feet.
He your speech knows not," Hovan told Steve, then said something to the medic in their liquid tongue.
The medic had been assured and gentle, clearly a trauma expert, and Tarlac had to assume the easing of pain in his arm could be credited to the synthiskin.
Afterwards the medicchecked and cleaned Hovan's cut, but didn't bother with any further treatment.
The bleeding still hadn't stopped completely, and the medic turned to Hovan with what sounded, to the Ranger's limited experience, like an angry question.
By that time a medic comes into the room from President Kennedy's section and he asks if anybody knows the blood type of the President--President Kennedy.
The young medic looked up as Thane stepped off the mobiltrack and entered the room.
We don't have a medic in any condition to take care of people, so he'll have to do.
The medic screamed something and lifted the spanner again.
The medic will help me with Ringg; that Mentorian girl can look after you.
The medic went stiffly through the door, and Vorongil stood gazing down at Bart, shaking his yellowed crest.
If he tried to go back to the ship and fetch the medic for Ringg, he'd be struck by hail himself.
The medic said roughly in Lhari, "It's a trick, sir, no more.
The tight bandage made it feel a little better, but he felt sick and dizzy, and when the medicturned and saw him, the officer said brusquely "Watch off for you, Bartol.
Vorongil and the medic stood over him; in the other infirmary bunk a form was lying, covered with a white sheet.
I wish medic would find a way to keep them alive through warp," he said.
By the time they had been in space a week, he was so bored with his own company that even the Mentorian medic was a welcome sight when he came in to prepare him for cold-sleep.
He was so bored with his own company that the Mentorian medic was a welcome sight when he came to prepare him for cold-sleep.
Meta gasped and ran to unlock the door, stood back as the medic and the Second Officer came in, staggering under Ringg's weight.
The medic was looking down in ill-disguised curiosity.
While the medic was professionally reassuring him and strapping him in his bunk, Bart wondered what humans would do with the Lhari star-drive if they had it.
Metals fatigue, Karol burned so badly the medic thinks he may never use his hand again, and now you and Ringg getting yourselves laid up and out of action?
If I had my way--" the oldmedic began, and suddenly Vorongil flew into a rage.
In that moment he saved the lives of his companions and miraculously in the next instant a medic saved his life.
Class James Markwell, a 20-year-old Army medic to the First Battalion, 75th Rangers.
Sergeant Stephen Trujillo, a medic in the 2d Ranger Battalion, 75th Infantry, was in the first helicopter to land at the compound held by Cuban forces in Grenada.
Medic wars in the reign of Assur- bani-pal, as I have done.
The date is indicated by the figures given by Herodotus in regard to the Medic kings, based on the calculations of himself or his authorities.
Horses are mentioned among the tribute paid by the Medic chiefs to the kings of Assyria.
Herodotus says that the Medic horsemen were armed in the same manner as the infantry.
Ali had devised a method of protection for the empty suit the Medic would wear--had that held?
Together Rip and Dane carried the Medic into a smaller chamber where they found Ali and the tech busy lashing a small, lightweight tube chair to a machine which, to their untutored eyes, had the semblance of a collection of bars.
Tau did not appear surprised at that demand--the Medicof a Free Trading spacer was never surprised at anything.
Dane had no chance to answer, the Medic was already on his way.
That left Jellico, Van Rycke, Karl Kosti, the giant jetman whose strength they had to rely upon before, Stotz the Engineer, Medic Tau and Steen Wilcox.
I've been on Video twice and they're trying to sign up Hovan almost steady--" The Medic from the frontier nodded.
When the Medic did not appear during the rest of the ship's day Dane was not greatly concerned.
Obeying instructions they seated Hovan in that chair, fastening him in, while theMedic continued to slumber peacefully.
We seal ship until we find the pest--then we bring in a Medic and get to the bottom of the whole thing," Rip's confidence was contagious.
The Medic had accepted his kidnapping with such docility that the very ease of their departure began to bother Dane.
When would either the steward or the Medic recover enough to view those tri-dee shots?
And that mention of the Medic brought them back to the problem which had earthed them.
But out of some hidden reservoir of strength the Medic summoned the energy he needed.
The Medicreached for the emergency kit on the shelf behind him.
The medic you sent around here gave him a shot of hypnotaine: he'll be out for a couple of hours, yet.
Get a big ambulance on the roof, with a Literate medicand orderly-driver," he ordered, unbuttoning his smock.
Illustration:] It was three eternal minutes after he had reached the landing stage above before the ambulance arrived, medic and orderly on the front seat and the four guards, all in conservatively cut civilian clothes, inside.
The medicand the guards moved into Chester Pelton's private rest room with the stretcher.
There was a medic here, who left just before you arrived.
While Pelton listened to the record, Cardon mixed him another of the highballs, adding a little of the heart-stimulant the medic had given him.
Cardon, the medic and the guards piled out, the latter with the stretcher.
The medic who had come with Cardon, assisted by a couple of the office force, got the casualties sorted out.
He nodded to the medic and the four plain-clothes guards.
Just a precautionary measure," said the medic apologetically as he entered Alan's room clad in a space helmet.
The medic produced a small camera and focused it on Alan.
After the medic had gone, Alan tried to freshen up at the washstand, having suddenly recalled that a dance was on tap for this evening.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "medic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: doctor; midwife; oculist; physician; therapist