In accordance also with the custom of the time, civility and attention in various ways by learned societies and institutions were extended to medical officers of the garrison, myself included.
Medical officers, like others, were prostrated in great numbers, the result being that those who remained fit for duty had much extra work thrown upon them.
The efforts of medical officers of institutions to discharge chronic lunatics whom they consider suitable for being cared for in private dwellings.
Brushfield remarks: "Medical officers of asylums can always point out many female patients who, if they had been living a couple of centuries back, would undoubtedly have been branked as scolds.
In cases where she was personally acquainted with Governors or high military or medical officers in India, she wrote soliciting their good offices.
In this dispatch the appointment of medical officers in each Local Government for the exclusive duty of Principal Health Officers, paid by the Central Government, was suggested.
Divisional Train In addition to the units mentioned each transport carried the usual details--Naval Transport Officer, Medical Officers, Chaplains, etc.
Medical officers, padres, dentists and stretcher-bearers toiled against one of the most heartbreaking experiences of the war.
This recommendation was stoutly opposed by medical officers of the old school.
But, except in a few special cases, which it were superfluous to enumerate, she rejected the liberty of personal discretion, and administered her funds only upon the requisition of medical officers.
In fact, medical officers in general never want to do anything except attend to patients.
And it was already pretty generally recognised by Medical Officers of Health that the chief condition affecting the mortality of a locality was the density of population.
This deterioration of race has for some time been recognised by Medical Officers of Health.
I must say it is a scandal to the present constitution of society that the reverse of this continues from year to year in spite of all suggestions of Medical Officers of Health, and the warnings of experience.
A few extracts from reports of Medical Officers of Health show how thoroughly unsatisfactory and disastrous to the health of the people the existing condition of affairs was.
Reports of Vestry: See Reports of Medical Officers.
A third section of the hospital, consisting of 4 medical officers and 16 nurses, went out in July; they were all inoculated, and none of them had enteric.
With two exceptions, all these vaccinations were performed upon Medical Officers of the Army or Indian Medical Services, or upon Surgeons on Probation who were preparing to enter those services.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "medical officers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.