In front was a series of knolls treed sparsely like orchards; and although no enemy was visible, these knolls were all popping and spitting with rifle-fire.
Officially, the battalion had not yet fired a shot; there had been merely some irresponsible popping by men on the extreme left flank.
It seemed that every leaf had turned into a soda-bottle and was poppingits cork.
The rifles were popping and spitting in his face, it seemed, while the whole land was alive with a noise of rolling and drumming.
See here," he said seriously, laying his hand with a warning gesture on my arm, the ivory knob popping out of the sponge-bag.
Soon the hum of voices filled the saloon, rising above the clatter of the dishes and the occasional popping of corks.
He heard the popping of his guide's gun at his side, and saw the dead and crippled birds falling about him, amid the noisy clamor of their started flight.
It was raining again outside, but in the fireplace a great fire was blazing, and rosy little Anne was in front of it, popping corn.
She had finished popping the corn, and she sat down on the floor beside the couch on which Judy lay, and munched the crisp kernels luxuriously.
It was nicer than popping me into some musty priest's hole, though I expect this ancient building has one.
Look at it," said I, popping my head down, and very glad of the chance.
Standing with my back to the door, so that the sentry, who was given to popping his head in to have a look at me, could not catch me unawares, I opened the paper.
The man cut the wires, and extracted the cork neatly, but with a slightpopping sound.
In her wonderful dress, which showed a good deal of white neck, she looked so fashionably sophisticated that Vanno feared the start she gave at the popping of the cork might be affected.
They were several times desperately renewed, and then ceased altogether, so quickly had Grandpa soared beyond the low vicissitudes of a corn-popping world.
I know I should hate to be lying in bed and have Gussie popping up like that.
He was covered with fluff and looked like a tortoise popping forth for a bit of a breather.
I mean to say, hearts may ache, but if they know that there is a cold collation set out in the dining-room, they are pretty sure to come popping in sooner or later.
The rain having stopped, we slipped and slithered on foot along the byroad till we came to a prairie-dog village of bomb-proofs with soldiers' heads popping out of the little openings and then popping in again.
She stopped with a gasp, her eyes popping as she took in the fantastic splendor of "Princess Lalla.
I don't remember much of what happened then, what with Nita screeching and Steve swearing and popping his gun at me.
Lit him thry it, that's all," remarked Jimmie, popping his head up.
He takes his place in the middle, and keeps popping away until he has dropped 'em all.
At the words the dogs made a few quick steps forward, and on the instant the grass seemed alive with feathered forms, popping into air like bobs in shuttlecock.
As they had been a long time in coming, the inference was irresistible that the popping of champagne corks was a much more pleasant experience than that of Indian guns would have been.
He was busy with his engine, and both the other boats were already moving off, with the rapid popping of their exhausts announcing that everything was working in apple-pie order.
All this Jack realized in the brief space of time that he stood there, surveying the scene, and hearing the popping of the motor boat's exhaust sounding less and less noisy, as the stolen craft went further and further away from the island.
I had a smelling bottle all ready if she fainted away," added Steve, popping up from behind the great chair.
That pleased her extremely, and that was only the beginning of the fun, for surprises and presents kept popping out in the most delightful manner all through the day, the Atkinson girls being famous jokers and Rose a favourite.
Rose, popping up her head, attracted by the odd name.
Illustration: She stood with her eyes popping out of her head.
Hetherington placed the little cloak with its beautiful brass buttons and its warm hood over the little girl's shoulders, while she stood with her eyes popping out of her head, too delightedly entranced to be able to say a word of thanks.
Hinpoha," she said suddenly, popping her head out of the water like a devil fish, "what did you ever do with them all?
Miki, surmising that something momentous was about to happen, watched the proceedings with popping eyes.
Bulbous roots were fairly popping out of the earth; the fens and the edges of the lakes were rich with things to eat, overhead and underfoot the horn of plenty was emptying itself without stint.
Several more shots rang out, sounding like the popping of champagne corks.
Suddenly the popping of the exhausts announced that the two motorcycles were once more in action.
With a succession of popping reports he was off, Hanky Panky quickly following suit, and Josh bringing up the rear.
Victory, victory, victory out of the burr of automatics, the pounding of artillery, the popping roar of rifles!