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Example sentences for "matriculate"

Lexicographically close words:
matriarchate; matriarchy; matrice; matrices; matricide; matriculated; matriculation; matrilineal; matrilinear; matrimonial
  1. The Bishop told me that I suffered myself to be misled as to my qualifications for entrance; he says it will take a year and a half's hard study to enable me to matriculate with a good grace.

  2. He's still but a boy, and I'll wager he will easily matriculate when the time comes.

  3. Her failure to matriculate was forgotten in the sense that she offered a most interesting case of breakdown from undue mental exertion.

  4. Let us matriculate this morning in God's school for this degree, the degree of "goodness.

  5. I ask these questions with the hope that some of us who are here to-day may want to matriculate in God's school to receive the high degree that was conferred upon Barnabas.

  6. Dora said quietly: Maybe I shall show you that your sister can matriculate too; anyhow you have always said yourself that the chief thing you need to get through the matriculation is cheek.

  7. He has to matriculate this year, it's frightfully difficult.

  8. But it is competent to Lyon King of Arms to matriculate the arms of Scottish peers with supporters, or to grant these to such as may still be without them.

  9. The lawful heirs of the minor barons who had the full right of free barony prior to 1587 may matriculate supporters if they can show their ancestors used them, or may now obtain grants.

  10. An institution is honored not by what its students know on the day of commencement, but by what they know and do ere they matriculate in the great university of worlds.

  11. He nodded hearty approval for once, and she went on: "We had now a right to matriculate and enter on our medical course.

  12. We were admitted to matriculate and study medicine, under certain conditions, to which I beg your attention.

  13. All Prussian citizens who wish to receive ecclesiastical functions must matriculate at the state university.

  14. Why must all Prussian citizens who wish to embrace the ecclesiastical state matriculate at the university?

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "matriculate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    book; calendar; calibrate; carve; catalog; chalk; chronicle; cut; docket; engrave; enroll; enter; file; grave; impanel; incise; index; inscribe; insert; jot; list; log; minute; note; poll; post; record; register; tabulate; tape; write