If one may judge by the abundance of bones, mastodons must have been very numerous in some favored localities such as parts of Michigan, Florida, and Missouri and about Big Bone Lick, Ky.
Moreover, in themastodons the roots of the teeth are long prongs, while in the elephants the roots are small and irregular.
It lived about the same time that they used to havemastodons in this country.
Even mastodons would balk at pulling stones like these.
He says that Cain employed mastodons to do his moving.
For instance, the species of mastodons and elephants, when arranged by Dr.
In the Big-Bone Lick of Kentucky the bones of a vast number of mastodons and other extinct quadrupeds have been dug up.
It is supposed that the bones of not less than one hundred mastodons and twenty elephants have been dug up out of the bog, besides which the bones of a stag, extinct horse, megalonyx, and bison, have been obtained.
Of the fact that mastodons and creatures far larger than any now living on earth existed there, we have absolute proof, though gravitation must have been practically the same then as now.
Guided by the prearranged signals, the landships made for a part of the British trenches that had already been cleared in order to allow the mastodons to crawl over.
It is a fact worth consideration that the mastodons found in Europe are buried in true tertiary formations, while the great mastodon of the United States is certainly posterior to the drift.
The number of fossil remains comprised in these collections is very considerable; mastodons especially, and fossils of the cretaceous and jurassic deposits.
Cuvier, with one eye on Genesis and the other on nature, tried to please bigoted reaction by reconciling fossils with texts and by making mastodons flatter Moses.
But this requires us to carry them back to a time when elephants and mastodons roamed over the land, for bones of these huge creatures<39> are quite frequently found.
Mastodons and elephants must have been numerous, as their remains are frequently found in loess deposits.
That naturalist has also recognized two new species of mastodons and an elephant among the fossil bones of quadrupeds which we brought from North and South America.
Enormous numbers of mastodons ranged over what is now the United States, and the adjacent parts of Canada and Mexico.
The towering imperial elephants and the burly mastodons trumpeted their approach one to the other.
The mastodons represented a stage farther back in the evolutionary line than the true elephants, and in the Old World they died out completely before the latter disappeared even from Europe and Siberia.
Certain of the molar teeth of the middle of the series in both elephants and mastodons have the same number of principal ridges; those in front having fewer, and those behind a greater number.
These long-chinned mastodons are now regarded as forming a genus by themselves (Tetrabelodon), well-known examples of this group being Tetrabelodon angustidens from the Miocene and T.
Mastodons have fewer ridges on their molar teeth than elephants; the ridges are also less elevated, wider apart, with a thicker enamel covering, and scarcely any cement filling the space between them.
Mastodons are found in almost all parts of the world.
In elephants the number of ridges on the intermediate molars always exceeds five, but in mastodons it is nearly always three or four, and the tooth in front has usually one fewer and that behind one more, so that the ridge-formula (i.
These long-chinned mastodons must have had an extremely elongated muzzle, formed by the upper lip and nose above and the lower lip below, with which they were able to reach the ground, the neck being probably rather longer than in elephants.
The upper tusks of the early mastodons differ from those of elephants in retaining longitudinal bands of enamel.
The mode of succession of the teeth in the mastodons exhibits so many stages of the process by which the dentition of elephants has been derived from that of more ordinary mammals.
Much might be said about the fossil elephants and mastodons from the Sivalik Hills, so fully described by Dr.
After the swamps dried up and the lizards could no longer make a living, came the reign of the mammals; including the Mastodons and the Mammoths, marching in countless herds, trumpeting through the forests.
Buffon relates how among the Indians of Canada there was a belief that the Great Being destroyed both Mastodons and men of equal proportions, with thunderbolts.
There are legends of theMastodons as living animals, which is quite probable, considering their geological age.
When the lower jaw shortened in the later mastodons and elephants the trunk did not shorten too, but remained free and depending, capable of large movement and of grasping with its extremity.
The Mastodons had a longer jaw and face than the elephants, though closely allied to them.
But the Mastodons still had the great trunk and huge tusks of the elephants.
Mastodons of several species are found in Pliocene strata in Europe and Asia; detached teeth are found in Suffolk.
European Proboscidea, belonging to the three different types of the Elephants, Mastodons and Dinotheria, have evolved since the Oligocene epoch along five distinct but continuous lines.
Despite its high-sounding name and the glitter and splash that marked its spectacular progress from place to place, the long trip of the Mastodons was not without its hardships, for business was often bad.
Haverly sent the Mastodons on their first trip to England, and Charles naturally went along.
In the early stages of this long journey of the Mastodons came an episode that made an indelible impress upon the memory of young Charles.
Gustave used his name because Charles had been prominently associated with the Mastodons and he had achieved some eminence as a minstrel promoter.
With their record-breaking organization the Mastodons gave this feature of minstrelsy perhaps its greatest traditions.
By a curious coincidence the Haverly Mastodons played Washington during the week of the Garfield funeral, and the band marched in the funeral parade to the station, playing "Nearer, My God, to Thee.
Once while the Mastodons were playing an engagement at the Olympic in St. Louis they were surprised to find Rice sitting in a front orchestra seat, wearing a long pair of Dundreary whiskers.
On through the summer of 1881 the Mastodons went their way.
What was more important, Haverly informed him that he was to act as treasurer of the Mastodons at a salary of ten dollars a week, with an allowance of one dollar and a half a day for board and lodging.
The Mastodons were now making their way to the Pacific coast.
The first stop of the Mastodons was at Toledo, Ohio.
I grant it--just as I grant that the same atoms and elements which once formed mastodons and trilobites are here--and with about as much chance of reappearing as mastodons as humanity has of reproducing those antique horrors.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mastodons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.