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Example sentences for "gantlet"

Lexicographically close words:
ganoids; gans; gant; ganta; gantas; gantry; gants; ganz; ganze; ganzen
  1. Whilst the general and I were talking, Colonel De Villiers galloped up, having crossed at the ferry and run the gantlet of skirmishers whom he reported as lining the other side of New River opposite the unsheltered part of our road.

  2. Our men began firing before the enemy was quite surrounded, and putting their horses upon the run, they dashed back, running the gantlet of the fire.

  3. It was certainly anything but a laughing matter, running the gantlet of those fearful explosives and amidst such desolating scenes in the bargain.

  4. It would be next door to a miracle if they were allowed to run the gantlet unscathed.

  5. The gunboats, with a fleet of barges laden with provisions for the troops, ran the gantlet of the Vicksburg batteries with comparatively slight loss.

  6. He had run his gantlet too often to heed the jeers and grimaces he met.

  7. I take you," said several, picking up the gantlet he had thrown down.

  8. Rather than stand the assaults of these little picadores, much longer, I believe my crew would have run the gantlet of the whole Federal Navy.

  9. Nothing remained to the South, but to raise the gantlet which had been thrown at her feet.

  10. Rather than run the gantlet of the crowded veranda she stepped out on the lawn, and there encountered Trixton Brent.

  11. He walked on, slowly, past other groups, turned the corner of West Street, where the groups were more numerous, while the number of those running the gantlet had increased.

  12. Surely, no wagon train ever before ran the deadly gantlet that ours has run.

  13. The gantlet began in the usual fashion an hour later, and throughout all that long, dismal morning it was a continual skirmish.

  14. Using the captured beaver pelts as shields, the Upper Indians ran the gantlet of the Iroquois fire with the loss of only one man.

  15. During that dreadful six miles' march to Lexington, the helpless troops ran the gantlet of the most destructive storm of bullets they had ever encountered.

  16. You approach it through a narrow lane--a sickening gantlet of misery.

  17. We were through the fearful gantlet at last, and went directly into the Jews' Wailing-place.

  18. I am afraid you will have to run the gantlet in one or two places," Dick said.

  19. Then they rode rapidly back again, having to run the gantlet of several bodies of natives, who fired at them.

  20. The morning papers announced that Whitney had picked up the gantlet Governor Wolcott had thrown at his feet, and--all roads led up Beacon Hill.

  21. They would then have to steam in behind those batteries and run the gantlet of the batteries ashore.

  22. At the Mingo village Alder was made to run the gantlet between lines of children armed with switches, but he was not much hurt, and he was now taken into the tribe.

  23. Annapolis Royal was many miles away; He did not know the way there; he could not ask; and even if he did know the way, he could only go there by running the gantlet of a population who were in league with Cazeneau.

  24. The nearest English settlement was many miles away, and to reach it he would have to run the gantlet of a population of French and Indians.

  25. Meanwhile, nibbling and sampling, the seeker would run such a gantlet of plot and dash and chase that his eyes and patience would be exhausted.

  26. Show us the gantlet of strange courtliness they must pass through before they reach one another, obstacles brought about by the immemorial distinctions of scholarship gowns or service badges.

  27. The list of Mr. Howe's offerings from the first would reveal many a one that would have run the gantlet of a university department.

  28. For the rest, the picturesque at Toulouse consists principally of the walk beside the Garonne, which is spanned, to the faubourg of Saint-Cyprien, by a stout brick bridge.

  29. On the hither side was a bench, on which I seated myself, lingering a good while; for this was just the sort of place I like.

  30. The theory that this was a period of general insanity is not altogether indefensible.

  31. With skilful management and good luck, she might have ascended the Potomac to Washington, but she would have had to run the gantlet of numerous dangers.

  32. But all the while new batteries were being planted on the bluffs, and after a time it became exceedingly hazardous for any sort of craft to run the gantlet under their plunging fire.

  33. This one would not run the gantlet of flames.

  34. And then over bad ground, with the stallion almost unmanageable, Slone ran a gantlet of shots.

  35. Last night two prisoners, Cutter and Morris, made their escape from the prison hospital; also to-day another prisoner ran the gantlet for stealing a penny loaf from one of the prisoners.

  36. But when she caught sight of Kedzie running the gantlet of the battery of authors and typists, and noted how pretty she was, Miss Havender decided that it would not be good for Mr. Ferriday to pay marked attention to this minx.

  37. He had for his pains an insult and a suit of clothes so drenched that he had to go back to his yacht, running the gantlet of a hundred ridicules.

  38. Kedzie floated into the dining-room and passed the gantlet of the servants.

  39. Charity had run that gantlet and was ready to run it again on another errand of mercy, but first she must make sure that Zada's baby should not enter the world before its mother entered wedlock.

  40. All the adjoining land was choked far backward with a vast blockade of explosive freight-trains waiting to be unloaded into the unheard-of multitude of munition-ships waiting to run the gantlet of the German submarines.

  41. But, before the prize could be safely carried into an American port, she had a gantlet to run, in which she narrowly escaped capture.

  42. They had traversed shallow and tortuous channels; they had cleared their path of trees, snags, and even bridges; they had run the gantlet of flaming cotton-bales and Confederate bullets.

  43. After running the gantlet of the burning cotton, butting down trees, and smashing through bridges, the column entered a stretch of smooth water that seemed to promise fair and unobstructed sailing.

  44. Bravely Mr. Dunlop Smith and his assistants responded to the call of Eloff to assist the wounded Boers, and nobly they risked their lives over and over again, running the gantlet of the British fire in the service of their fellow-creatures.

  45. He was warned by heliograph of the approach of the 4th Cavalry Brigade and of General French, and throughout the 23rd there was little done save running the gantlet of shells which the Boers persistently fired but without doing serious damage.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gantlet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.