This book tells why the house-martins begin work so early in the morning, and why they have to delay their nest-building if the weather is either too wet or too dry.
In this book you will find a delightful description of martins building.
Yes, a good workman in the construction of mud walls does no more than rock martins have done in all the ages of their nest-building.
The manuscript was accordingly sent after Erasmus in October,[604] and by him and Peter Giles at once placed in the hands of Thierry Martins for publication at Louvain.
He told Martins and his wife that Erasmus had the plague, and never came again for fear of contagion.
An edition, containing some of the letters of Erasmus and others, had also been printed by Martins at Louvain in April, 1517.
The martins were the guardians of the servants' chicken yards.
The martins circled the skies in battalions, watching, chattering, guarding, basking in the southern sun.
It is but seldom it takes possession of the nests of other birds, although stories are told of its driving away the Martins from their retreats, and installing itself therein, having first considerately devoured the young.
The Martins are larger in size than the true Swallows; have the wings longer, and consequently their powers of flight are greater and their speed more sustained; their claws are more robust and hooked.
He consented however to the foundation of a factory, and Albuquerque accordingly left one ship behind him, when he sailed south, with Fernao Martins Evangelho as Factor.
Martins are mad martirs, some of them burnt seauen yeares agoe, and yet aliue.
These Martins make the Scriptures a Scriueners shop to drawe conueyances, and the common pleas of Westminster to take forfeitures.
Then I thought to touch Martin with Logick, but there was a little wag in Cambridge, that swore by Saint Seaton, he would so swinge him with Sillogismes, that all Martins answeres should ake.
If one be not cast inMartins mould, his religion must needes mould.
You are too broad with Martins brood: for hee hath a hundred thousand that will set their handes to his Articles, and shewe the Queene.
I must tune my fiddle, and fetch some more rozen, that it maie squeake outMartins Matachine.
These Martins were hatcht of addle egges, els could they not haue such idle heads.
Is it not as good as Martins dogged humour, who without reuerence, regard, or exception, vseth such vnfitting tearmes, as were hee the greatest subiect in England hee could not iustifie them.
Martins conscience hath a periwig; therefore to good men he is more sower than wig: a Lemman will make his conscience curd like a Posset.
Tiburne stands in the cold, But Martins are a warme furre; Therefore Tiburne must be furd with Martins.
But by September she had saved the school-teacher's pay, and the Martins and the Allens, who had been wavering on account of their children, decided to stay another winter at least.
Martins tells us in a note, that the second edition, published by Candolle in 1815, is still the standard work on French plants.
Martins to his excellent edition of the 'Philosophie Zoologique.
Purple Martins are very sociable birds, and a voluble flow of small talk is kept up by them during the nesting season.
It will prove to be a sad day for the Martins when the English Sparrows take full possession of our cities.
The Martins are not deficient in courage, but they cannot endure the presence of the detested foreigners.
All the Martins but Andy took seats near the front of the auditorium.
He was eating his second big waffle and his fourth sausage--the Martins always had an especially good lunch on Saturdays since it was the one weekday they were all home to lunch--when there was a knock at the back door.
Now there were houses all around, and it had been remodeled long before the Martins had bought it.
The fish and martins have largely eradicated this noxious insect from the plantations.
Colonel Fort also said the martins fed on boll weevils, and he expected to largely increase the number of martin-houses.
He had discovered that the swallows and martins fed on mosquitoes, and determined to locate them on his premises by building little houses for them.
Martins have been known, when no house was provided for them, to take possession of part of a pigeon house; and no pigeon ever dares to set its foot in the martin's side of the house.
All that we know about that, Frank, is, that He who created the martins has given to them the knowledge that guides them right.
The martins are very faithful and affectionate to each other; when the mother bird is hatching her eggs, her mate often sits by her side; and sometimes he will take her place, and send her out to take exercise and get food.
He must go and come at such a time, and do just as all other martins have done; but you are free to choose for yourself, and to take the right and happy way, because you know it is the right way, and the path to heaven.
The street beside the church retains a good deal of its quaint features of thatch and plaster, with deep eaves where the house-martins build.
The cleargie granted to the king a tenth and a halfe, notwithstanding that the halfe of one tenth latelie granted was yet behind, and appointed to be paid vpon saint Martins daie now next comming.
He related "As Martins Hundred hath been at great charges, so have divers other hundreds, so have also beene many perticuler persons, Captaine Bargrave alone hath brought and sett out divers shipps .
The abandonment was of short duration, it seems, for new references soon appear such as that naming Captain Ralph Hamor "to have absolute power, and comand in all matters of war over all the people of Martins Hundred.
He added too that "the undertakers at Martins Hundred would thinke themselves muche wronged, if any other should be sett on worke to divide their groundes.
The Martins held up their hands in surprise, and Mrs. Martin kissed her on both cheeks, and then they made her drink a glass of noyau.
So the Couillards brought a big yellow horse, and the Martins a small white animal with long, unclipped coat, and the two were harnessed up together.
Vernon Harcourt reports the occurrence of several Martins skimming about at Uckfield on the 23d of November; and on the 6th of December several Chimney-swallows about the house at Hastings.
In the same season flocks of Martins were hawking vigorously, in the vicinity of Penzance, to the 28th of November, as witnessed by Mr E.
A house for Purple Martins may contain many apartments; it should be erected in an open space, on a ten or twelve foot pole.
The Martins were engaged in conversation when a messenger ran in.
Westermann had moved towards Parthenay with a strong force and, but a few hours after the Martins had left it, Lescure was forced to fall back from the town.
A pair of house-martins built under the eaves near by one season; they, too, have disappointed me by not returning, though their nest was not disturbed.
It has been conjectured that the paucity of winged insect life in London is the cause of the departure of swallows and house-martins as breeding species.
When the Blakes started home, it had been concluded that Bobby was to attend school with Fred, and that if Mr. and Mrs. Blake did not return from their long journey in season, Bobby was to be under the care of the Martins during vacation.
Fred could scarcely restrain himself within the bounds of decent behavior as they walked from Merriweather Street, where both the Blakes and the Martins lived, to Trinity Square, where the spire of the church towered above the elms.
After so much labour is bestowed in erecting a mansion, as Nature seldom works in vain, martins will breed on for several years together in the same nest, where it happens to be well sheltered and secure from the injuries of weather.
Martins are by far the least agile of the four species; their wings and tails are short, and therefore they are not capable of such surprising turns and quick and glancing evolutions as the swallow.
Martins love to frequent towns, especially if there are great lakes and rivers at hand; nay, they even affect the close air of London.
Sand-martins differ from their congeners in the diminutiveness of their size, and in their colour, which is what is usually called a mouse-colour.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "martins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.