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Example sentences for "praye"

Lexicographically close words:
prawn; prawns; praxis; pray; prayd; prayed; prayer; prayerbook; prayerful; prayerfully
  1. Syr the kynges highnes trustyth that ye with all spede will bryng up the half yeres Ferme and Renttes of the Busshopryche which I praye yow may be here before his gracyous departyng in progresse.

  2. Hollye trynyte to whom I shall contenewallye praye to preserue your highnes in long lyff and most prosperous helthe and send the same the vyctorye with honour over all your Enemyes.

  3. And now I do repayre into the Counties of Buck and Bedforde for offyces to be founde there aswell of suche londes as apperteyne to the saide late monasterye of Wallingforde as also to the late monasterye of Praye besides saincte Albons.

  4. Some also called them the fome of the sea, others gave them names of the beastes which are moste cruell and lyvinge of praye which they have in their contrie.

  5. But let the examples of the holy scripture / I praye you / teache vs euen the same.

  6. And Christe wolde haue vs all / yea euen the blessed virgin / and the Apostles themselues to praye / [[Mat.

  7. And we ought also hartily to praye that they may be raysed vpp agayn.

  8. Yf it doth suffice to beleaue in harte / and the confession with the mowthe seme not necessarie / wherfor I praye you Hath the lorde sayed?

  9. But if it be sufficient to confes Christe and his gospell amonge our felows and brethern in religion / wherto I praye you will theis our men refer thos wordes which do go before this place of confession in the gospell?

  10. And as for any other thinge ther can none be gathered out of thos wordes / onles it be this that he promised to do that which Naaman required: goo thy wayes (saithe he) I will do as thow desirest / I shall praye for the.

  11. What blessednes / I praye you shuld this be / if they which be reconciled vnto Godd / shuld be bownde to sustayne such paynes and punishmentes.

  12. Which wer only faultie (I praye you marcke theise wordes) in this / that they did with silence beare the fault which was obiected against them.

  13. And if we do graunte thẽ this altogether / how can they (I praye yow) helpe or sett furth their cause?

  14. But what will Paule / I praye you / that we shuld yealde to the weake?

  15. Naaman therfor acknowledged this his acte to be a synne: And if I so fall (quod he) then praye the Lorde to forgyue me.

  16. Ye shall washe me no gere, for feare of fretynge[203] I love no launders that shrynke my gere in wettynge, I praye the go hens, and let me be in rest.

  17. Wherfore, I praye you, put the god in mynde 505 Clerely for ever to banysh the wynde.

  18. Dame Chat, cholde praye the fair, let me have that is mine!

  19. Now God and good Saint Sithe[671] I praye to send it home againe!

  20. And whan ye praye be sory for the Ignoraûce of the people & theyr synnes / & mynde the soules that ye be specyally boûde to praye for with all other crysten soules.

  21. Praye for your broder Thomas Betton which for your soules [that] be come or shall come in to relygyon / drewe and made the contentes of this lytell quayer & exhortacion.

  22. What more vertuouser thyng, I praye you, is possible too bee spokê then this || saiyng.

  23. God speed you, ancient father, And give you a good daye; What is the cause, I praye you So sadly here you staye?

  24. Bothe sacramentes and sacramentalles Thou woldyst not suffre within thy walles; Nor let vs praye for all chrysten soules.

  25. What craftsman art thou, said the king, 65 I praye thee tell me trowe.

  26. The readyest waye to Drayton Basset I praye thee to shewe to mee.

  27. Yet hold thy hand, thou proud barone, I praye thee hold thy hand; And give mee leave to speake once more In reskewe of my land.

  28. Before I give you one penny, sweet-heart, Praye tell me where you were borne.

  29. Wherfore, if it be thorow necessite, I praye you, lady, of an answere this question to assoyle.

  30. Therfore I praye every man, 1365 Of my wryting have me excused.

  31. What betokeneth that ye have ordeined, that when such oon as ye have mad youre brother or sister, and hath a letter of your sele, that letter +mot be brought in youre holy chapter and 260 there be red; or els ye will not praye for him?

  32. Thanke thy Margaryte of her grete grace that +hiderto thee hath gyded, and praye her of continuaunce forth in thy werkes herafter; and that, for no mishappe, thy grace overthwartly 155 tourne.

  33. But now, I praye thee reherse me ayen tho thinges that thy mistrust causen; and thilke thinges I thinke by reson to distroyen, and putte ful hope in thyn herte.

  34. But and ye willen not praye specially for all other that weren not mad youre brethren or sistren, than were ye not in right charite; for that ought to be commune, and namely in goostly thinges.

  35. For how might ye, for shame, 365 praye the pope to undo that the holy goost biddeth, as whan ye prayed him to dispense with the hardnesse of your order?

  36. And therfore now I praye [thee] to enforme me in this; or els I holde me without recovery.

  37. I praye you nowe, good Childe Waters, Let mee lye at your feete; For there is noe place about this house, 130 Where I may saye a sleepe.

  38. The queene she was Syr Caulines friend, And to the kinge sayd shee: "I praye you save Syr Caulines life, And let him banisht bee.

  39. And after suing in your forsaid gracious lettres ye praye us effcuelly [sic] to do enarme as mani smale vessels as we may with vitaille and specially with drinke for to come up as fer as they may in to the river of Seyne.

  40. Item, I received at letter frome yow yesterday, wherof I thanke yow hertely, and I praye yow that I maye be as ye writt.

  41. I praye yowe help to lete it aswell as ye can, rather to hym thanne a nother man if he woll do aswell, and that ye comon with Pecok.

  42. I praye yow yf it plese yow that I may be recommaundyd to my Lorde Percy, and to myn mastres, and to my Lorde Abott.

  43. I have made yow my proctor towchyng the testement off John Paston, Esquier; wherffor I praye yow that ye on my behalve reffuce the admynystracion of hys seyde testamen, fur I woll nowt have ado ther with.

  44. I tolde yow, as me thowth, I praye yow be ware, &c.

  45. I praye yow, yf it plese yow that he have it, that it lekyth yow to sende me an answer by the berrer herof.

  46. I praye bringe w^{th} you the lordes directions for Sr.

  47. I euer wysh & praye that they may haue religious virtuous & godly magistrates sette ouer them.

  48. To whom mayster Skelton sayde: I praye the, gette the awaye fro me: for thou lokeste as though thou camest out of helle.

  49. That is to saye: Praye God to sende the a good one.

  50. I was before, whan she was domme; wherfore I praye you teche me a medycyne to modefye her, that she speke nat so moche.

  51. Amonge which audyence there was a mery conceyted fellow of small deuocyon that answered and sayde thus: mayster doctour, if a thousande soules may daunce on a mannes nayle, I praye you than, where shall the pyper stande?

  52. Thus, fearynge leest, whan thou arte gone, a worse shuld succede and reigne ouer vs, I praye God dayly to preserue the in helthe.

  53. The well of pety and of pacyens Now swet kyng Henre praye for me.

  54. And therfor, cousyn, I praye yow that ye wol not fayle for to be here, and what I canne do for yow, ye shall fynde it redy with Godes grace, Who have yow in His most blessed and assured kepyng.

  55. What made ye oracle I praye you accompt of Calchas so much?

  56. Well as I wish it to have continuance, so I praye God wyth the Prophet it be not abused.

  57. I praye god your sorwe lisse; 210 To litel whyl our blisse lasteth!

  58. I praye you keepe mine close to your selfe, or your verie entire friendes, Maister Preston, Maister Still, and the reste.

  59. But enough of that; if our hopes are crown'd, as praye God they may be speedilie, Nicolas will have no choice but to quitte the Hall, and make what Profitte he may of his owne farmes.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "praye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    prayer and; prayer meeting; prayers were