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Example sentences for "ete"

Lexicographically close words:
etched; etcher; etchers; etching; etchings; eten; etendue; etenim; eterna; eternal
  1. Il n'a rien compris aux causes profondes des evenements ou il a ete mele: il n'a vu que le fait du moment et n'a eprouve que des sensations.

  2. Furthermore, having demonstrated the parts, at one of the sittings of the Academy, they add, "la presence des parties contestees y a ete universellement reconnue par les anatomistes presents a la seance.

  3. On ne le dit pas, parce qu'il a ete impossible d'arriver a une entente sur ce point.

  4. For thei han of oyle of olyves y now, bothe for to brenne in here lampes, and to ete also: and that plentee have thei be the myracle of God.

  5. And thare ete thay nought but flesche with outen brede; and thay soupe the brothe there of: and also thay drynke the mylk.

  6. In that valeye is a feld, where men drawen out of the erthe a thing, that men clepen cambylle: and thei ete it in stede of spice, and thei bere it to selle.

  7. Thei maken the ox to laboure 6 zeer or 7, and than thei ete him.

  8. For thei mesured noght hemself Of that thei ete and dronke, Thei diden dedly synne 9070 That the devel liked, So vengeaunce fil upon hem For hir vile synnes; Thei sonken into helle, The citees echone.

  9. Quant a nous, par deference pour ce public qui a accueilli avec tant d'indulgence un essai qui en meritait si peu, nous lui donnons ce drame aujourd'hui tel qu'il a ete represente.

  10. Maintes fois expose a des bombardements violents, a ete a deux reprises atteint au visage et au corps par des eclats d'obus pendant cette derniere periode.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    eternal being; eternal bliss; eternal damnation; eternal death; eternal fire; eternal glory; eternal happiness; eternal hell; eternal justice; eternal life; eternal love; eternal misery; eternal pain; eternal punishment; eternal rest; eternal ruin; eternal salvation; eternal torment; eternal truth; eternal truths; eternal youth; eternally damned