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Example sentences for "lodes"

Lexicographically close words:
locutions; locutus; lod; lode; loden; lodestar; lodestone; lodge; lodged; lodgement
  1. The lodes are very often divided, or they altogether cease; and the metals appear only in kidney-ores, and present the most delusive appearances.

  2. Do the great cavities, which are exclusively called caverns, owe their origin to the same causes as those which have produced the lodes of veins and of metalliferous strata, or the extraordinary phenomenon of the porosity of rocks?

  3. It contains, as at Salzburg, lodes of auriferous quartz.

  4. During our journey to the Silla, and in all our excursions in the valley of Caracas, we were very attentive to the lodes and indications of ore which we found in the strata of gneiss.

  5. In 1858 silver lodes were discovered in "Carson County," and then the aspect of things changed.

  6. Prospecting parties" were leaving for the mountains every day, and discovering and taking possession of rich silver-bearing lodes and ledges of quartz.

  7. I do know that there are many lodes in this section that surpass the Sheba in primal assay value.

  8. So rich did the lodes prove to be that the city of Potosi sprang up near them and was supported by them, although the site was far from being desirable.

  9. Many rich mineral lodes yet remain undiscovered, and a vast number of valuable mines languish for lack of capital to develop them.

  10. At first it was thought that a location so high above sea level would be unhabitable, but the immense wealth of the silver lodes required many workmen for their development, and these laborers had to be housed and fed.

  11. Lodes of pure tin several feet in width have been followed down six hundred feet.

  12. He chose the piece which the New North Clunes now occupy for quartz-mining; but the quartz-lodes were very difficult to follow.

  13. It occurs as veins or lodes in metamorphic rocks, and it is this form of its presence in Australia, associated with gold, that has made the word of such daily occurrence.

  14. The main lodes in those places enumerated have ranged up to hundreds of feet in width, and form the most potent silver-ore deposits upon the globe.

  15. The great lodes of the famous mining centre of Pachuca, which at the present day are the most productive, were discovered by the companions of Cortes soon after the Conquest.

  16. More recently gold-bearing quartz lodes are being worked, and are producing important quantities of gold.

  17. Ancient corkscrew-like workings, analogous more to the burrowings of animals than the excavations of man, honeycomb the crests of lodes and veins in every part of the country.

  18. There are two or three lodes in the district.

  19. Mr. Burch reports a copper and silver lode, and also two lodes of gold and silver, in this neighborhood.

  20. What coal and iron the Argentine may possess is distributed over a region of some thousands of miles in extent, which does not appear to contain continuous lodes or measures, and in which there are no real valleys or river-basins.

  21. The lodes are most frequently of great size, containing huge masses of galena, and so little gangue that the ore can very easily be dressed to 83 or 84%.

  22. Good lodes of stibnite (sulphide of antimony) have been found near Roebourne in Western Australia, but no attempt has yet been made to work them.

  23. Very rich lodes of the metal have been found in the Northampton, Murchison and Champion Bay districts, and also in the country to the south of these districts on the Irwin river.

  24. The lodes occur in Silurian metamorphic micaceous schists, intruded by granite, porphyry and diorite, and traversed by numerous quartz reefs, some of which are gold-bearing.

  25. Also many lodes contain hard heavy ferric ores, such as titanic iron, tungstate of iron, and hematite, in which gold is held.

  26. The idea is exploded that auriferous lodes necessarily improve in value with depth.

  27. Why the junction of lodes is often found to be more richly metalliferous than neighbouring parts is probably because there the depositing reagents met.

  28. True lodes are veins of injection formed by the infiltration of silicated waters carrying the metals also in solution.

  29. There is, however, proof that lodes are actually re-forming and the action observed is very interesting as showing how the stratification in some lodes has come about.

  30. Everything now known points to the theory that the contents of veins were deposited in the lodes by infiltration.

  31. Lodes or veins following the general trend of the auriferous quartz are much more likely to be rich than are those that cross it.

  32. This is in any case probably exceptional, and the prospector who finds gold in gravel should seek in the adjacent country for the quartz lodes from which it came.

  33. These mines are in lodes which have persisted and have been mineralized to comparatively great depths, so that their bottoms have not been reached.

  34. In other instances, the most desirable shape might be long, narrow strips so laid off as to contain the strikes of persistent lodes or veins, as those of the wonderful Comstock Lode region.

  35. But many lodes in Cornwall and elsewhere are extremely variable in size, being one or two inches in one part, and then eight or ten feet in another, at the distance of a few fathoms, and then again narrowing as before.

  36. In the first place, it is not true that veins in which tin abounds are the oldest lodes worked in Great Britain.

  37. When lodes are many fathoms wide, they are usually filled for the most part with earthy matter, and fragments of rock, through which the ores are disseminated.

  38. Although the precise age of such copper lodes can not be defined, we may safely affirm that they were either filled at the close of the Silurian or commencement of the Devonian period.

  39. But in Cornwall, some lodes occur where the vertical plates, or COMBS, as they are there called, exhibit crystals so dovetailed as to prove that the same fissure has been often enlarged.

  40. Filling of Lodes by Sublimation from below.

  41. Here, then, the tin lodes are newer than the elvans.

  42. Thus many lodes which yield abundance of ore in granite, are unproductive in clay- slate, or killas and vice versa.

  43. It was chiefly from the deeper lodes of Gwennap, near Truro, that his family had drawn a competence.

  44. The tin found in the lodes and streams of the Devonian Slates of West Cornwall was the only large source of supply to the world down to Henry Martyn's time.

  45. Squars engaged prepareing them for the Scaffol- a Squar gave me a dried Salmon from those lodes on the Island an Indian Showed me the mouth of the river which falls in below a high hill on the Lard.

  46. I had the Canoes repared men & lodes appotioned ready to embark tomorrow morning.

  47. Safely landed above the portage, all hands brought over the Canoes at 2 lodes which was accomplished by 5 P.

  48. The spies that came out of Canaan were not, at any rate, more completely unanimous in their reports of the richness of the land than the eminent persons who have been sent to examine the auriferous lodes of our Acadian neighbors.

  49. Shafts are sunk at intervals of about three hundred feet on the course of the lodes which it is proposed to work,--as these are distinctly traced on the surface of the ground.

  50. I am informed by Mr. Plummer that the main lodes where the natives have formerly worked have, in nearly every case, proved successful.

  51. As the lodes they worked at the depths they reached were rich, it is probable that the miners could no longer contend with the difficulty of removing the large quantities of water.

  52. The lodes are not ribboned, but consist of quartz, jointed across from side to side, exactly like trappean dykes.

  53. Lodes richer next the surface than at lower depths.

  54. The lodes of Santo Domingo are worked by means of levels driven from near the bottoms of the valleys that intersect them.

  55. The trend of the main ranges, also nearly east and west, is probably due to the direction of the outcrops of the lodes which have resisted the action of the elements better than the soft dolerytes.

  56. This bending over of the lodes is always towards the face of the hill, and is, I think, produced by successive small landslips.

  57. When lodes are many fathoms wide, they are usually filled for the most part with earthy matter, and fragments of rock, through which the ores are much disseminated.

  58. Thus many lodes which yield abundance of ore in granite, are unproductive in clay-slate, or killas, and vice versa.

  59. A] Although the precise age of such copper lodes cannot be defined, we may safely affirm that they were either filled at the close of the Silurian or commencement of the Devonian period.

  60. But in Cornwall, some lodes occur where the vertical plates, or combs, as they are there called, exhibit crystals so dovetailed as to prove that the same fissure has been often enlarged.

  61. But we cannot feel sure, from any data yet before us, that such auriferous veins of quartz may not be as old as the tin lodes of Cornwall, in which, as well as the more ancient copper lodes of Ireland, some gold has been detected.

  62. Ravenshoe, as Cuthbert was managing it now, would be worth ten or twelve thousand a year, and, if these new tin lodes came to anything, perhaps twenty.

  63. For those tin lodes have turned up trumps.

  64. The matter which fills the lodes is for the most part entirely different from the rocks they pass through, or at least it possesses peculiar features.

  65. Lodes or mineral veins are usually distinguished by English miners into at least four species.

  66. The white diggers who preceded the Chinese have left their traces in the names of lodes and places.

  67. Nothing can save polygamy if lodes and placers such as those of all the surrounding States are found in Utah; nothing can save it if the New Englanders determine to put it down.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lodes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.