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Example sentences for "loden"

Lexicographically close words:
locution; locutions; locutus; lod; lode; lodes; lodestar; lodestone; lodge; lodged
  1. Not long after this, two more ships were taken likewise, whose burthen was parcels of the foresaid frame or inclosure: so that three ships were met withall and seized vpon, each of them loden with one kind of stuffe.

  2. In Barkeshire also betwéene Ruscombe and Okingham is a péece of Wilshire, one mile in breadth and foure miles in length, whereof one side lieth on the Loden riuer.

  3. It came to passe also as a certeine merchant sailed that way loden with Nitrum, the passengers went to land for to repose themselues, and to take in some store of fresh water into their vessell.

  4. Yakell saild a shipp bound up for Lymmo, loden with tymber, woolen cloth, thred, Stockings and some silks, which if wee kept under the shoar as shee did wee must needs see her.

  5. She was a shipp bound for Pennamaw, came downe from Lymmo loden with wine and brandies, but very little plate, 700 piggs of Peuter, which we thought was silver, found to the contrary.

  6. He always wore a simple loden suit, with knee breeches.

  7. The spoile and prey of the French ships was verie rich, so that the Englishmen being loden with riches and honour, vpon their safe returne home were receiued with great ioy and gladnesse.

  8. In Barkeshire also betweene Ruscombe and Okingham is a peece of Wilshire, one mile in breadth and foure miles in length, whereof one side lieth on the Loden riuer.

  9. This ship also certified vs that Captaine Prestons ship had taken a prize loden with siluer.

  10. But they returned vnto vs, and so together we came away towards the Victory, towing after vs the Prize that we had now taken, which was lately come from Brasil, loden with Sugar.

  11. She came lately from Saint Michaels roade, hauing beene before at Brasill loden with Sugar and Brasile.

  12. Those fyery Speritts next that hatchd in England That bloody Powder-Plot, and thought like meteors To have flashd their Cuntryes peace out in a Moment: Were not their Barrells loden with Religion?

  13. King appears loden with chains, his head, and armes only above.

  14. They are in number about foure hundred, who onely remaine there during the time that the Spanish fleet dischargeth, and is loden againe, which is from the end of August to the beginning of April following.

  15. Iohn Danusco went and brought the canoes loden with Maiz, French beanes, Prunes, and many loaues made of the substance of prunes.

  16. After which, I for my part in the next morning tasted the fruit of their ouernights talke, being then loden with as manie irons as a good asse might not verie easilie haue borne.

  17. Cleremont, spoiling all the countrie by his forrais as he went, so that he wan great pillage, wherewith his souldiers were loden and made verie rich.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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