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Example sentences for "little figures"

  • At this same time Baccio had made a scene of the Deposition from the Cross with little figures in low-relief and half-relief, which was a rare work; and he had it cast with great diligence in bronze.

  • The same master painted the whole of a little chamber with various scenes in little figures, for Count Raimondo della Torre.

  • Sebastian, with some scenes in the predella executed with very beautiful little figures.

  • Besides this, there are carved in half-relief, in compartments, twelve scenes from the life and actions of that Bishop, with an infinite number of little figures.

  • There are also some scenes with little figures in the predella and over the tabernacle, all so well executed that the point of a brush could scarcely do what Andrea did with his chisel.

  • Agostino in the same city he painted a panel in distemper, and the predella of little figures, with stories of the Passion of Christ; and this is held to be extraordinarily beautiful.

  • Peter Martyr, and a number of little figures.

  • In the predella there are scenes with little figures, representing S.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little figures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    little abruptly; little ashamed; little bell; little bird; little black; little corner; little daughter; little doll; little doubt; little dreaming; little else; little flock; little flush; little fortune; little grimace; little longer; little mite; little one; little part; little pile; little powdered; little small; little spirit; little worth; people whom; petty officers