The weak spot often to be found in those cultured aristocrats who coquet withliberalism was fatal to his chance of being a hero.
He had no sympathy with the generous, if flighty, liberalism of the party of Drusus.
The Standard of forty years ago is the British press of to-day, with here and there the weak voice of an impotent Liberalism crying in the wilderness.
We may be sure that it could not have been the element of modern liberalism suggested in the Familistic doctrines above cited.
But the liberalism of this great writer, like that of Erasmus a century earlier, was not militant enough to meet the sterner demands of the time.
The most advanced liberalism of Elizabeth's time was not to be found among the Puritans, but in the magnificent treatise on "Ecclesiastical Polity" by the churchman Richard Hooker.
His really sound and essential conception of Liberty, "Turning to scorn with lips divine The falsehood of extremes," is as good a definition of Liberalism as has been uttered in poetry in the Liberal century.
This immense and almost confounding Liberalism of Browning doubtless had some effect upon his wife.
The new Liberalism is, then, devoted first of all to real democracy, in which the King's prerogatives retain their sickly place.
And Professor Dicey, over a decade ago, spoke of the waning orthodoxy of Liberalism and its rapid merging into Socialism.
Democracy and Liberalism have never been strong enough to break the fetters of national habit; and nearly all the democracy, certainly all the workingman's democracy, in Germany to-day is found in the Social Democratic Party.
So we see Socialism and Liberalismunited in accomplishing changes in legislation and ancient institutions--changes that are revolutionary in character and will be far-reaching in results.
He himself stated that so late as 1851 he had not formally left the Tory party, nevertheless his advance towards Liberalism is very pronounced at this period.
It was the birthday of the modern Liberalism of Oxford.
Liberalism had hitherto been represented in Oxford in forms which though respectable from intellectual vigour were unattractive, sometimes even repulsive.
I thought that if Liberalism once got a footing within her, it was sure of victory in the event.
I have said already (he goes on) that though the object of the movement was to withstand the Liberalism of the day, I found and felt that this could not be done by negatives.
Hence our Liberalism here has often been taxed with being ungenial, discontented, and even querulous.
In the industrial cities, and in Scotland, where Liberalism was still individualist, the result was rather as in 1886, when Liberalism lost.
Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb then decided that the time had come to make an attack on old-fashioned Liberalism on these lines.
The decaying embers of liberalism which had began to scintillate amid the gloom of despotism, now shone forth with renewed brilliancy.
For the first time since the close of the French War, Liberalism has found itself engaged in maintaining establishments, and in leading the people to reoccupy positions which they have evacuated.
This practical Liberalism was inspired by original Liberal theory.
Against a privileged race, rank, creed, or sexLiberalism must fight continually.
There was nothing in it which {323} distinguished it in essence from the old Protection, and Liberalism was, in this line of attack, reinforced by the Conservatism which had grown around Free Trade.
The policy ofLiberalism coincided with that of almost every Indian statesman of experience.
The history of Liberalism in the early period of its growth is the history of its slow and painful progress through people who did not consciously accept it.
On this occasion Liberalism won an unexpected victory.
Liberalism is the belief that society can safely be founded on this self-directing power of personality.
The war produced a direct conflict between Liberalism and Toryism.
Fox was as Liberal in his own way as Shelburne, and if his Liberalism was less wise, it was much more lively.
The history of Liberalism is, for practical purposes, the history of Liberalism since 1760.
Strangled liberalism could no longer breathe in Germany, and thousands of her revolutionists fled to America, bringing with them almost the last vestige of German democratic leadership.
In this case, as in many others, it is doubtful if pure liberalism points out the right way of arriving at the desired end.
He was accused of liberalism because he exalted Richelieu at the expense of Louis XIII.
The leader inLiberalism is the man imbued with scientific truth, and capable of applying it to the every day details of government.
We must organise our party, get our new Liberalismto work.
The two sections were not always divided by differences of class or station, for some of the peers in the cabinet often showed as bold a liberalism as any of the commoners.
From the point of view of influence Locke was the origin of the emancipatory movement of the eighteenth century abroad, and laid the philosophic foundations of liberalism in civil government at home.
The liberalism of to-day is better in what I have described as ennobling the old conservatism; nay, much better, yet far from being good.
Liberalism if it admits these things as indifferent, surrenders its own raison d'etre, and ceases to strive for an ethical cause.
It was a great triumph for the cause of Liberalism that the Conservatives of that period were not only defeated, but swept altogether out of existence.
Liberalism does not go very deep; it is an adventitious principle, a mere loosening of an older structure.
Liberalism has merely cleared a field in which every soul and every corporate interest may fight with every other for domination.
Liberalism has come to remove the strain and the trammels of these traditions without as yet uprooting the traditions themselves.
I am afraid liberalism was hopelessly pre-Nietzschean; it was Victorian; it was tame.
Benevolence was one of the chief motives in liberalism in the beginning, and many a liberal is still full of kindness in his private capacity; but politically, as a liberal, he is something more than kind.
Yet it was not the ideal of liberalism to return to nature; far from it.
Culture requires liberalism for its foundation, andliberalism requires culture for its crown.
It is culture that integrates in imagination the activities which liberalism so dangerously disperses in practice.
British liberalism has been particularly cruel to love; in the Victorian era all its amiable impulses were reputed indecent, until a marriage certificate suddenly rendered them godly, though still unmentionable.
Perhaps what liberalism aspires to marry with liberty is not so much prosperity as progress.
The rightness of liberalism is exactly proportional to the diversity of human nature, to its vague hold on its ideals.
If, upon the birth of Liberalism in Spain, that kingdom could have been governed by a wise and competent sovereign, the concluding chapters of this narrative might have been very different.
Again Spain caught the contagion from her neighbor, and Spanish Liberalism became Spanish Republicanism.
She met the crisis with her customary courage, and she applied to its solution the teachings of that constitutional liberalism which she had imbibed from her father.
This campaign was only too successful, and it must soon have become obvious, both to Queen Victoria and to her daughter, that the unification of Germany by means of Prussian Liberalism was not in the range of practical politics.
But Ancillon's reputed liberalism was of too invertebrate a type to survive the trial of actual contact with affairs.
He wrote under the obvious influence of Lamartine, preaching the gospel of liberalism and Christianity in verses which, though deficient in force, leave the impression of a sincere devotion and a charming personality.
But though a sincere Roman Catholic, his whole spirit as a historian was hostile to ultramontane pretensions, and his independence of thought and liberalism of view speedily brought him into conflict with the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
It flattered his vanity to pose before the world as the dispenser of benefits; but his theoretical liberalism was mated with an autocratic will which brooked no contradiction.
In the other provinces he sought to counteract what he considered the excessive liberalism of his father's reign.
Consequently, social liberalism concludes, no one must have, as according to political liberalism no one was to give orders; i.
Hence under the regime of political liberalism egoism has an immense field for free utilization.
Liberalism wants to give me what is mine, but it thinks to procure it for me not under the title of mine, but under that of the "human.
So it belongs to the completion of liberalism that every other supreme being be annulled, theology overturned by anthropology, God and his grace laughed down, "atheism" universal.
Liberalism simply brought other concepts on the carpet, viz.
Humane liberalism has undertaken the task of showing the other liberals that they still do not want "freedom.
Social liberalism abolishes the inequality of possession, of the poor and rich, and makes people possessionless or propertyless.
The attempt to justify the labour movement as a legitimate development of the old democratic Liberalism is futile.
Then indeed liberalism came in like a flood, though it was a very shallow flood in some cases.
As there is no law of progress, and as civilised society is being destroyed by the evil passions of men, Liberalism is, for the time, quite discredited.
Liberalism had come in with a rush at Oxford, after the dissipation of the 'long nightmare' (as Mark Pattison calls it) while the University was dominated by religious medievalism.
The main reason for this was that during those strange years the theologians so completely dominated Oxford that liberalism could hardly raise its head, and was despised as well as hated.
To Newman both alike were of the devil; theological liberalism especially was only specious infidelity.
Bishop Gore's Liberalism would exclude most of them as effectually as the most rigid Conservatism.
But there is not the slightest reason to suppose that the next development will be in the direction of that peculiar kind of Liberalism favoured by the Modernists.
With Stephen, this kind of liberalism seemed to have entered the group of 'disciples.
But Liberalism rested on a too favourable estimate of human nature and on a belief in the law of progress.
So thoroly was liberalism crushed, so completely was absolutism supreme, that 'Nikolaus Palkin' walked the streets of bleeding Russia unattended and unafraid.