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Example sentences for "faint smile"

  • The room opposite to this is our bedroom," said Iris, with a faint smile.

  • She stopped, and her mouth quivered into a faint smile.

  • When, in response to his stare, she vouchsafed a faint smile, he saw that the mouth which was sad in repose was fascinating when she smiled; and the white teeth which the smile displayed were perfect in shape and colour.

  • I don't know whether that would have been better,' said Gorman, with a faint smile.

  • Not so fast--first the confession,' said she, with a faint smile.

  • No, they're well enough," replied Freddy with a faint smile.

  • That sounds very conceited, I suppose," she added, with a faint smile.

  • Her eyes were soft--perilously soft--as she looked at him with uplifted eyebrows and a faint smile struggling at the corners of her lips.

  • Laverick caught a glimpse of a wan little face with a faint smile quivering at the corner of her lips as she leaned out for a moment to say good-bye.

  • Sir Denis glanced at his companion with a faint smile.

  • He has the air of one who takes care of himself," Jocelyn observed, with a faint smile.

  • The thrill of triumph, the sense of appeasement, the emotion, that seized on him, crept through to his lips in a faint smile.

  • Happening to glance at my old neighbour, I saw a tear caught in the hollow of his cheek, and another just leaving the corner of his eye; there was a faint smile on his lips.

  • He added, with a faint smile: "I should have liked to see those accursed things made clean by your wearing them, Sophy.

  • Achmet's ideas are of the immutable East," said Mr. Jelnik, with a faint smile.

  • At these noble sentiments a faint smile, if we may say so, hovered somewhere in the recesses of Charlie Brooke's interior, but not the quiver of a muscle disturbed the solemnity of his face.

  • I know you did, Shank," returned the dying man, with a faint smile.

  • Innocent though May was, she could not repress a faint smile at the idea of a protector who had been little else than a cause of anxiety in the past, and was now about to leave her to look after herself, probably for years to come.

  • You mean to go to Delaford after them I suppose," said Elinor, with a faint smile.

  • This was broken by Willoughby, who said with a faint smile, "It is folly to linger in this manner.

  • The more reason why we should make the most of our time now," said Renshaw with a faint smile.

  • I am all right," she said, with a faint smile.

  • Oh, no; he knows us," said Dave, with a faint smile at the bare suggestion.

  • She glanced at him, at first languidly, then with more interest, and then, as recollection returned to her, with a faint smile.

  • I did not see anyone," she returned with a faint smile, after a moment of hesitation.

  • Then she would have been mistress of Bourhill,' answered Gladys, with a faint smile, 'and we should certainly have disagreed.

  • Rogers' glance included the out-turned palm, and his lips curved in a faint smile.

  • As Hallowell had talked of the Rancho Seco he had seen Harlan's eyes gleam; seen his lips curve with a faint smile in which there was a hint of waywardness.

  • Well, they ain't exactly household pets," answered the guide, with a faint smile.

  • You perhaps had better look after the others, Ned or the Professor might be taken the same way," answered Tad, with a faint smile.

  • Folks usually have ammunition in that country," added Tad, with a faint smile.

  • Hide nothing," repeated Helen, with a faint smile; which meant that the utmost frankness was going to be shown on both sides.

  • You would see it differently if you were president," said Davis with a faint smile.

  • Walter blurted before he thought, and then wanted to bite his tongue off as Bauer turned his face towards him, a faint smile lighting it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faint smile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about seven; faint blush; faint flush; faint light; faint sound; faint voice; fair statement; four prisoners; free choice; hearty laugh; honor bound; linen cloth; little better; malignant fever; maximum depth; missionary work; national income; roaring lion; sacred duty; sent forth; sovereign liege; volcanic eruptions; vous avez; walk over; yellow hair; your duty