The want of water in most Spanish landscapes is so great, that I was never tired of the views here, where it is so abundant.
His pictures are chiefly landscapes with animals, and still-life.
He realised the melancholy associated with packet-boats, the chill one feels on waking up under tents, the dizzy effect of landscapes and ruins, and the bitterness of ruptured sympathies.
They were old pictures of the worthy Arnoux, sketches by Sombary, water-colours by Burieu, and three landscapes by Dittmer.
His landscapesin general are, however, very strange; rather eccentric than natural in colour, yet preserving the intended atmospheric effect by an idealism of colouring not quite in keeping with the unromantic commonness of the scenery.
Landscapes which seem to have been studied in another world he peoples with beings who pass their lives lost in contemplation of the divine.
Sometimes the wide landscapes are relieved by the manufactories, water and gas-works which feed the huge crater of Paris.
Dumoulin paints night landscapes with deep blue shadows and bright blue lights, while Albert Lebourg has a passion for the grey of rain and the glittering snow which gleams in the light, blue in one place, violet and rosy in another.
His landscapes are painted in a rich, broad, and juicy style, but his earth has no pulsation.
Historical representations from the life of fabulous national heroes, ghosts, and apparitions half man and half bird, alternate with simple landscapes and scenes from daily life.
Alternating with such themes are those monotonous yet simple and therefore genial landscapes from the suburbs of the great city, poor, neglected regions with machines and men at their labour.
Sea-pieces and little landscapes alternate with scenes from Spanish popular life, where they revel, like Fortuny, in a scintillating medley of colour.
A national element long renounced, that old English sentiment which once inspired the landscapes of Gainsborough and the scenes of Morland, and was lost in the hands of Wilkie and the genre painters, lives once more in Fred Walker.
He painted water-scenes, scenes on the greensward or in the entrance squares of chateaux, placing in these landscapes girls in fashionable summer toilette.
And united with this there is a delicate and entirely modern sentiment for scenery, for the fascination of bare autumn landscapes robbed of their foliage, for sunbeams and the budding fragrance of spring.
It affords one of the finest sea landscapes which can be found.
It was a place scarcely less fit for the visionary abode of the philosophic speculatist, than by its far-spread and shifting beauties of landscapes to inspire a poet with perpetual delight.
Landscapes grew blurred with the speed of our passage.
The town hall is a modern structure, but it has two finelandscapes by Charles Mozin and Isabey hung in its board-room.
The great abundance of forest, the arable qualities of the soil, and the peculiar blending of what may be termed the agricultural and the savage, unite to produce landscapes of extraordinary beauty and gracefulness.
He has pictured to himself landscapes and scenery on which are impressed the teeming history of the past.
No landscapes had beauty for him now; the gambols even of his own baby were unattractive to him; leaves might bud forth and nourish and fall without his notice.
Miss Van Allen, she ain't got any pitchers of nature views--no landscapes nor woodsy dells in this whole house.
No devotee of nature would have failed to have pictures of flowers or harmonizing landscapes on these walls.
His best landscapes are as brief as they are brilliant.
It is to this, the finest essence of landscape-painting, that most of Browning's landscapes belong.
It is only natural that most of Browning's finest landscapes are Italian.
All along my course thus far, excepting when down in the caƱons, the landscapes were mostly open to me, and expansive, at least on one side.
It is not long, geologically speaking, since the first raindrop fell on the present landscapes of the Sierra; and in the few tens of thousands of years of stormy cultivation they have been blest with, how beautiful they have become!
All these new Sierra landscapes were evidently predestined, for the physical structure of the rocks on which the features of the scenery depend was acquired while they lay at least a mile deep below the pre-glacial surface.
Marching in close, deep ranks, let us roll away the stones from these mountain sepulchers, and set the landscapes free.
Making your way through the mazes of the Coast Range to the summit of any of the inner peaks or passes opposite San Francisco, in the clear springtime, the grandest and most telling of all California landscapes is outspread before you.
All the landscapes of the Sierra, as we have seen, were born again, remodeled from base to summit by the developing ice-floods of the last glacial winter.
But all those new landscapes were not brought forth simultaneously; some of the highest, where the ice lingered longest, are tens of centuries younger than those of the warmer regions below them.
On the morning of the flood, January 19th, all the Feather and Yuba landscapes were covered with running water, muddy torrents filled every gulch and ravine, and the sky was thick with rain.
The sun rose as we dashed through the grand landscapesof Lake Tahoe.
Benedict, with landscapes in perspective, an angel tuning a cithern, and many little figures more than passing good.
In this same window are temples in perspective, staircases, and figures so well grouped, and landscapes so natural, that one would never think it was glass, but rather a thing rained down from Heaven for the consolation of mankind.
The surroundings of Paris join the charm of their landscapes to the world-wide fame of their parks and castles: Versailles, whose palace and park recall the splendor of the Louis XIV.
The valley of the Moselle becomes prettier and prettier; varied scenery, picturesque landscapes and villages nestling in the sides of the hills.
As we round the point of the Bersaglio, new landscapes of island and Alp and low-lying mainland move into sight at every slow stroke of the oar.
The landscapes we have painted on our brain, no longer lack their central figure.
The typical Umbrian landscapes which are so important a feature in Perugino's pictures first make their appearance in the works of this artist.
Here again are the placid Umbrian landscapes with which later on we shall become so familiar, and the tall slender youths and sweet women full of tender grace, that make their first appearance in Umbrian art.
But Psyche wandered along the ramparts; she looked at the clouds and spoke with the wind, and she asked the wind to give flight to her wings, so that she could fly far off to the opal landscapes that kept shifting and changing.
Then Psyche wept, and, sad at heart, sat looking at the far, far-off landscapes which she would never reach.
The country between Paris and Antwerp is delightful, and very different from the lovely landscapes of England.
I showed manylandscapes there as well as military subjects; many Italian and Egyptian drawings made during my travels, and scenes in Ireland.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "landscapes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.