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Example sentences for "shippes"

Lexicographically close words:
shipp; shippe; shipped; shipper; shippers; shipping; shippis; shipps; ships; shipshape
  1. May we found the water abord our shippes to bee much lessened, and therefore euery mans portion was but halfe as much as he was wont to haue; so that each man was allowed but foure draughts euery day, which was but a small quantitie.

  2. Hither many shippes come from all partes of India, Ormus, and many from Mecca: heere be manie Moores and Gentiles.

  3. Also we much marueiled, how the Iauans should tell vs of more shippes to come, making signes with their foure fingers and thumb, that foure Lyma (which word in their language signifieth shippes) were comming.

  4. It is but litle, but well stored with marchandise; for here they lade many great shippes with diuerse commodities for the streits of Mecca, for Ormus, and other places, and these be shippes of the Moores and of Christains.

  5. Thus hauing attained to our wished home, we gaue God thankes for this our so happy and prosperous voiage: because their neuer arriued in Holland any shippes so richly laden.

  6. When our three shippes aforesaid had remained there welnigh a moneth, about Newyears-tide arriued the other fiue shippes of our company before mentioned in very good manner, and well conditioned.

  7. Hogges abord our shippes as we could eate.

  8. August with three shippes wee came within the view of Madagascar, and the 29.

  9. The commodities of the shippes which come from Bengala bee fine pauillions for beds, wrought quilts, fine Calicut cloth, Pintados and other fine workes, and Rice, and they make this voiage twise in the yeere.

  10. From thence at length I was conducted with all things necessary to the port of Santa Cruz, being sixe dayes iourney from Marocco, and the place where our shippes do commonly take in their lading, where I arriued the 21.

  11. The sayd land seemed vnto vs as if it had bene a great number of shippes vnder saile, being indeed nothing els but the land which was full of Hummoks, some high some lowe, with high trees on them.

  12. That the ground so serue, that it ioyne to the sea on the one part, so as shippes and boats may come to lade and vnlade.

  13. For his shippes which were in numbre 14 or 15, those two of her Maiesties, the Garland and the Foresight were the chiefest; the rest either his owne or his good friends or aduenturers of London.

  14. At their comming home the keeles of their shippes were marueilously ouergrowne with certaine shelles of two inches length and more, as thicke as they could stand, and of such bignesse that a man might put his thumbe in the mouthes of them.

  15. And the saied Bastarde, the night followyng, stale out his shippes out of the riuer and so departed, and escaped for that tyme.

  16. And these foure shippes by the next day at noone got out to Sea, and were first cleare of the yce, who now enioying their owne libertie, beganne a new to sorrow and feare for their fellowes safeties.

  17. August to the great comfort of his company, who long expected his comming, where hee found his Shippes ready rigged and loden.

  18. Wherefore he retaining onely the barks with Oares and such as were willing to stay with him, sent all the rest with the shippes backe againe, [Sidenote: M.

  19. But the shippes which were prepared to perfourme the voyage being all ready to depart, vpon certaine considerations by the kings commandment were stayed and arrested till further should bee knowen of the Kings pleasure.

  20. There is West out of Mexico a port towne which is on the South sea, called Puerto de Acapulco, where as there are shippes which they haue ordinarily for the nauigation of China, which they haue newly found.

  21. On the North side, with the Iland Lucon it maketh a long and small chanell, running somewhat crooked, which is altogether full of shallowes and sandes, whereby no shippes can passe through it.

  22. There are built two bulwarkes at ech ende of a wall, that standeth likewise in the sayde island, where the shippes vse to ride, made fast to the sayd wall with their cables, so neere, that a man may leape ashore.

  23. The cause why these English shippes vnder the conduct of M.

  24. The next day the winde chaunged, and the shippes hoisted vp sailes toward Leuant, and all that day prosperouslie sailed on their voyage.

  25. Do you not knowe that great bulkes and shippes do soner perishe and drowne in maine seas and riuers amiddes the raging waues and surges, than in narrow floudes and brookes, where the water is still and calme?

  26. January, what might it thee avail If thou might see as far as shippes sail?

  27. Quoth I, "against the rockes hollow, When tempest doth the shippes swallow, Or elles like the last humbling After the clap of a thundring.

  28. Your Shippes are not well mann'd, Your Marriners are Militers, Reapers, people Ingrost by swift Impresse.

  29. Come on, in this there can be no dismaie, My Shippes come home a month before the daie.

  30. Another while we thought that they had discovered some shippes in the sea, and that, according to their custome, they had kindled many fires here and there.

  31. Thomas Rogiers to be Clerc of all maner shippes to the King belonging.

  32. Thomas Rogiers to be clerc of all maner shippes to the King belonging.

  33. The shippes euery yeere depart from Cochin to goe for Portugall, on the fift day December, or the fift day of Ianuary.

  34. The ships depart about 10 or 15 of May, which time being past, the shippes can not passe ouer the barre of Goa for the cause abouesaid.

  35. The shippes depart in the moneth of October from Goa, for Ormus, passing with Easterly windes along the coast of Persia.

  36. Did the Hanse men which then were for their king and Emperor, deliuer and restore againe the shippes which they had intercepted and taken, from those which made such attempts?

  37. The lord Admirall of England when he saw this ship of Valdez, and thought she had bene voyd of Mariners and Souldiers, taking with him as many shippes as he could, passed by it, that he might not loose sight of the Spanish Fleet that night.

  38. Foure or fiue of the shippes were of nine hundred and 1000 tunnes a piece, some fiue hundred, and some foure hundred and the least of two hundred tuns.

  39. The shippes hoppesteres: The meaning is dubious.

  40. First the garde of the cytee met her with oute Sayncte Denyce al in coates of goldsmythes woorke with shippes gylt, and after them mett her al the prestes and religious whiche were estemed to be.

  41. But some of our shippes beeing of great draught vnable to enter, we anckered all without the harbour in a vvilde road at sea, about two miles from shore.

  42. The rest of these shippes (being eight or nine) vvere dismissed vvithout any thing at all taken from them.

  43. Captaine Martine Frobusher Viceadmirall, a man of great experience in sea faring actions, & had caried chiefe charge of many shippes himselfe, in sundry voyages before, being novv shipped in the Primrose.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shippes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.