And gaue in charge to one of the chiefe men in Sio, to send vnto the sayd Iewe all things needefull to maintaine him.
So I made hast and solde such goods as I had to Turkes that came thither, and put all in order, with as much speede as I could, fearing the comming of the Turkes nauie, of the which, the chiefe of the citie knew right wel.
To the most renowned and emperious Cæsar, Sultan Murad Can, Emperour of all the dominions of Turkie, and of all the East Monarchie chiefe aboue all others whosoeuer, most fortunate yeeres with the successe of al true happinesse.
And it is very like that he sayd not such words, nor spake so farforth in the matter, without commission from some of the chiefe of the campe, or of the great Turke himselfe.
So that now the Turke hath sent one of his chiefe men to rule there: whereby now it will be more easie to obtaine our safeconduct then euer it was before.
Under this chiefe amitie, these fading affections have sometimes found place in me, lest I should speake of him, who in his verses speakes but too much of it.
Who would not be astonished at Demophons complexion, chiefe steward of Alexanders household, who was wont to sweat in the shadow, and quiver for cold in the sunne?
Equalitie is the chiefe ground-worke of equitie, who can complaine to be comprehended where all are contained?
The earle of Northumberland and Andrew Trollop, chiefe capteins of king Henries vawward, seeing their shot not to preuaile, hasted to ioine with their enimies, and the other part slacked not their pase.
Sidenote: The practise of a knight being chiefe iustice at the law to rid himselfe of life.
Which to all men may seeme vntrue, that consider that our name, chiefe title, and principall authoritie, was to vs giuen by king Henrie the sixt, and not by him.
He hath ye chiefe place at any market walke, & other assembles, & is not of any to be controled.
The arche and chiefe walkers that hath walked a long time, whose experience is great, because of their continuinge practise, I meane all Mortes and Doxes, for their handsomnes and diligence for making of their couches.
These are their chiefe houses neare about London, where commonly they resorte vnto for Lodginge, and maye repaire thether freelye at all tymes.
Surely these are twochiefe Masterworks, that of these two great luminaries, which are not of small ornament and commodity, for the life of man, as Saint Chrysostome puts it, upon the 135.
About the same time, Robert Trisilian lord chiefe iustice of England came to Couentrie, and indicted there two thousand persons.
The purity and elegancie of our owne language is to be esteemed a chiefe part of the honour of our nation: which we all ought to aduance as much as in vs lieth.
We shall dispatch an Express to the Government of Massachusetts with the Intelligence receivd, and wish you to acquaint the Commander in Chiefe of the Measure we have taken.
Before this reaches you, you will have heard of the Change in ourchiefe Magistrate.
The medical Committee inform me that it is the Duty of the State Cloathier to furnish him without the intervention of the Commander in Chiefe or Board of War.
I fancy now that I shall soon be dischargd the shameful Imputation of having been "his chiefe Patron here.
Thus close shut up, thine owne free state Thou best mayst rule, chiefe Magistrate; When the fierce Fates shall most molest, The serene palace of thy brest.
The destruction whereof (she sayd) they greatly desired, for so mutch as the same was the chiefe seat of the kings of Persia, which in times past had destroyed so many great Citties.
I was the chiefe that raisde him to the crowne, And Ile be chiefe to bring him downe againe, Not that I pittie Henries miserie, But seeke reuenge on Edwards mockerie.
To you all three, The Senators alone of this great world, Chiefe Factors for the Gods.
Please your Honours, The chiefe cause concernes his Grace of Canterbury Gard.
First you know, Caius Martius is chiefe enemy to the people All.
My Lord Chiefe Iustice, speake to that vaine man Ch.
To the rest yet, my chiefe humour is for a tyrant.
Enter the Earle of Warwicke, and the Lord Chiefe Iustice.
A base Wallon, to win the Dolphins grace, Thrust Talbot with a Speare into the Back, Whom all France, with their chiefe assembled strength, Durst not presume to looke once in the face Bedf.
King, That his chiefe followers lodge in Townes about him, While he himselfe keepes in the cold field?
And our master and his mate determined to trie some of the chiefe men of the countrey, whether they had any treaeherie in them.
Emperour of Russia, and the same Emperour of Russia, by all the time aforesaide, was chiefegouernour respectiuely of the said places, and so vulgarly knowen, had and reputed.
The whole Countrey being nowe reduced vnder the gouernment of one, conteineth these chiefe Prouinces or Shires.
And if you can learne that they haue a prince or chiefe gouernour, do you procure to deliuer vnto the same Prince or gouernour one of the Queenes Maiesties letters, as before said, and seeke to obtaine againe his letters accordingly.
In the night time there lodgeth next to his bedchamber the chiefe Chamberlaine with one or two more of best trust about him.
The chiefe Captaines or leaders of these forces, according to their names and degrees, are these which follow.
Then I was sent for to come vnto his Maiestie, to the sayd Staryts, where I arriued the tenth of the same, and the twelfth of the same I was appointed to come to the chiefe Secretary, who at our meeting said vnto me these words.
For the growth of flaxe the prouince of Vobsko, and the countrey about is the chiefe and onely place.
Nicholas now the chiefe port for Russia, there wintred in safetie, and had ayde of the people at a village called Newnox.
When Edwards heard him name Londro, he said that that was the name of the chiefe citie of England, as was Teueris of the chiefe city of Persia.
Now appeared it that the gods had taken some pitie of the poore Britains, who by their diuine power did withhold the chiefe capteine of the Romans with his armie, as it were banished [Sidenote: Occasion not be neglected.
The more vnhappie Common-weale, Where flatterers are chiefe in Court.
Warner is now almost forgotten, yet the old criticks esteemed him one of ‘our chiefe heroical makers.
Anderson chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas, and Sir Roger Manwood chiefe Baron of the Exchequer.
Whilest Sir Robert Carey was on the way with these letters, William Davison was brought into the Starr-Chamber before certain Commissioners, to wit, Sir Cristopher Wray Lo: chiefe Justice of the K.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chiefe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.