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Example sentences for "ensamples"

Lexicographically close words:
enrolment; enrolments; enroute; ens; ensample; ensanguined; ensconce; ensconced; enseigne; enseignement
  1. And other ensamples how many might one find!

  2. Yet these things Are not so alien from others, that I Of this same sort am ill prepared to name Ensamples still of things exclusively To one another adapt.

  3. Sufficeth here ensamples one or two, And though I coulde reckon a thousand mo.

  4. And therefore, faire Partelote so dear, By such ensamples old yet mayst thou lere.

  5. My goode Sone, at thi preiere 630 Of suche ensamples as I finde, So as thei comen nou to mynde Upon this point, of time gon I thenke forto tellen on.

  6. Bot yit the world hath ofte accused Ful grete Princes of this dede, Hou thei for love hemself mislede, 4310 Wherof manhode stod behinde, Of olde ensamples as I finde.

  7. Ensamples that ben concordable I finde of othre Princes mo, As thou schalt hiere, of time go.

  8. And thus to se Diverse ensamples hou thei stonde, A king which hath the charge on honde 4190 The comun poeple to governe, If that he wole, he mai wel lerne.

  9. And forto proeven it is so Ensamples ther ben manyon, Of whiche if thou wolt knowen on, It is behovely forto hiere What whilom fell in this matiere.

  10. In good feith, Sone, thou seist soth: For he that wole of pourveance Be such a weie his lust avance, 5540 He schal it after sore abie, Bot if these olde ensamples lie.

  11. And forto se the sothe in dede, Behold the bible and thou myht rede Of grete ensamples manyon, Wherof that I wol tellen on.

  12. And who that wolde ensamples telle, Be olde daies as thei felle, Than mihte a man wel understonde Such love mai noght longe stonde.

  13. Pite is thilke vertu blessed 3260 Which nevere let his Maister falle; Bot crualte, thogh it so falle That it mai regne for a throwe, God wole it schal ben overthrowe: Wherof ensamples ben ynowhe Of hem that thilke merel drowhe.

  14. Forthi, my Sone, I wolde rede That thou of these ensamples drede, That for no lust of erthli love Thou seche so to come above, Wherof as in the worldes wonder Thou schalt for evere be put under.

  15. For as a morsell envenimed, So hath such love his lust mistimed, And grete ensamples manyon A man mai finde therupon.

  16. Thus is this vice forto drede; For who these olde bokes rede 2140 Of suche ensamples as were ar, Him oghte be the more war Of alle tho that feigne chiere, Wherof thou schalt a tale hiere.

  17. And to be lerned, Ensamples thou hast many on Of now and ek of time gon, That every lust is bot a while; And who that wole himself beguile, 2140 He may the rathere be deceived.

  18. How many ensamples canst thou remembre of kinges grete and noble, and huge power +helden, and 15 yet they might not kepe hem-selve from wrecchednesse?

  19. How Sir Launcelot was shriven, and what sorrow he made; and of the good ensamples which were shewed him.

  20. How Sir Launcelot was shriven, and what sorrow he made; and of good ensamples which were shewed to him.

  21. And ther-as ye blamen alle wommen and hir resouns, I shal shewe yow by manye ensamples that many a womman hath ben ful good, and yet been; and hir conseils ful hoolsome and profitable.

  22. Than telle I hem ensamples many oon 435 Of olde stories, longe tyme agoon: For lewed peple loven tales olde; Swich thinges can they wel reporte and holde.

  23. Suffyceth heer ensamples oon or two, And though I coude rekne a thousand mo.

  24. Alle thise ensamples speke I by thise men That been untrewe, and no-thing by wommen.

  25. What sholde I mo ensamples heer-of sayn, Sith that so manye han hem-selven slayn 1420 Wel rather than they wolde defouled be?

  26. For ther-as the womman hath the maistrie, she maketh to muche desray; ther neden none ensamples of this.

  27. That knew this worldes transmutacioun, As he had seyn it chaungen up and doun, 2840 Ioye after wo, and wo after gladnesse: And shewed hem ensamples and lyknesse.

  28. Be war of it, er thou to ny approche; For I shal telle ensamples mo than ten.

  29. I se ensamples myself, And so may manye othere, That servauntz that serven lordes Selde fallen in arerage, 6560 And tho that kepen the lordes catel, Clerkes and reves.

  30. And but if Luc lye, He lereth us by foweles, We sholde noght be to bisy Aboute the worldes blisse; Ne soliciti sitis, He seith in the Gospel, And sheweth us by ensamples Us selve to wisse.

  31. And on a mountaigne that myddel-erthe Highte, as me thoughte, I was fet forth By ensamples to knowe Thorugh ech a creature and kynde My creatour to lovye.

  32. Which ensamples are very good & necessary/ to kepe vs in awe & dreade in tyme of prosperite as thou maist se by Paul.

  33. And as I dowte not of [the] ensamples that are past/ so am I sure that greate wrath will folow/ excepte repētaunce turne it backe agayne and cease it.

  34. Neither as lording it over the charge allotted to you, but making yourselves ensamples to the flock.

  35. And fynallye/ note the ensamples which are writen to feare the flesh that we synne not.

  36. That is/ the ensamples that are in the scripture comforte vs in all oure tribulacyons/ and make vs to put oure truste in god/ and pacyently to abyde his leysure.

  37. So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ensamples" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.