We climbed into the high cedars, and then to the piñons, and then to the junipers and pines.
Junipers were not fruitful this year as they were last, only a few having clusters of lavender-colored berries.
There was not a bush six inches high, and the only approach to woody plants were minute creeping willows and dwarf rhododendrons, with a very few prostrate junipers and Ephedra.
On one side of the valley grew rhododendrons of many varieties and mountain ash, and on the other were hoary old junipers with twisted stems.
The golden colours of the birch and the dark junipers also made a beautiful combination of colour.
We followed this valley for many miles, a strong head wind blowing against us the whole of the time, and found ourselves before long once more among the junipers and willows.
About the houses are often planted junipers and poplars, and it was about 10 miles from Kharta that we saw a poplar nearly 40 feet in girth, which we were informed was five hundred years old.
Dead pinyons andjunipers still stand in the burned part of Morfield Ridge, but no P.
A huge, sloping slab of the granite outcropping it seemed, scaly with gray-green fungus in the cracks where moisture longest remained; granite ledge banked with low junipers warped and stunted and tangled with sage.
The bushy junipers hid him completely while he reconnoitred and considered what he should do.
The sun was just going down, and beyond the cluster ofjunipers the sky was turning slowly to orange.
He leaned forward to flick the ashes from his cigar, while the sunshine sprinkling through the junipers deepened the rapt and eager look in his face.
The sun was dropping slowly in the direction of the wooded slopes on the opposite shore; the violet mist on the river had become suddenly luminous; and the long black shadows of the junipers were slanting over the grass walks in the garden.
The delighted laughter of the child rang out presently from the rose-arbours and the winding paths; and while Caroline passed in and out of the junipers and the young yew-trees, she forgot the loneliness she had felt on the terrace.
Beyond the marble fountain and a dark cluster of junipers there was an arch of box, which framed the lower garden and a narrow view of the river.
The wood has the usual characteristics of the juniperswhich grow in western mountains.
Some of the other western junipers possess similar characteristics.
It is the smoke of the rare junipers which the Indians burn for fuel; and yet it is wood of such soft tones and exquisite blending of colors that the shades of a Persian rug suffer by comparison.
It is the only red cedar in the far West, except the scarce junipers which are totally unknown as its competitors in lumber centers.
Now where green junipers perfume the gale, Suspend the snare, or lime the fluttering thrush: And casting now for fish, with net or book, Disturb their secret haunts in pleasant brook.
As you climb from desert grasslands to higher elevations, the junipers are usually the first trees you see.
Usually found growing with junipers in the pinyon-juniper woodland or pygmy forest.
The tiny scale-like needles on the twigs, and abundant bluish berries make junipers easy to identify.
After that they held on until dark, and made camp among a few junipers in the shelter of a rock.
Day had broken, but there was little light, and Blake, looking out from behind a slab of rock in the shelter of which a few junipers clung, thought that three or four miles would be the longest distance that he could see.
Hoary junipersstretch their moss-grown branches fantastically over the lawn; and at the further extremity of the enclosure rise the mouldering remains of the palace of Zara Yacoob.
It points to the white-roofed church of Saint Michael the Archangel, peeping through a dark clump of junipers at some distance from the road, and many were the fervent kisses of adoration bestowed by the triumphant warriors.
Where a mansion once had risen, There the alder-trees were growing, Shrubs were growing on the homestead, Junipers within the court-yard.
Blurred clumps of spruce marked the edge of the lower ground, but the river was hidden and the straggling junipers on the spurs were formless and indistinct.
There was an uncovered rock not far off with a few junipers growing beside it.
He had come from a tiny tent set back from the road a way, half hidden by junipers and close to a trickling spring.
Pete, the bosom friend of Tehachapi Hank, turned about and ran up toward the fringe of junipers that concealed their horses, brought down the day before from the mountains.
They saw a gaunt grey shape pass silently and swiftly between the junipers in the light of the setting moon.
This time the smell was fainter, but the trail itself was more disturbing: it actually touched the upper slopes where the junipers went black against the moon.
Junipers and dwarf cedars also grow on the hills of the alkali and sage-brush country.
What the journalist intended to say here was that at least one of the aromatic herbs resembled sage, hyssop, wormwood, and southernwood, and that there were junipers and dwarf cedars.
But when the snow was gone and all the damage could be seen, the Junipers looked worse than anything.
Honeysuckle in suitable conditions will ramble to great heights--in this district most noticeable in tall Hollies andJunipers as well as in high hedges.
Chinese Junipers, North American Junipers, Junipers from Spain and Greece, from Nepaul and Siberia, may be had, but the best Juniper of all is very rarely grown.
These are mostly Junipers and Magnolias; of the Magnolias, the kinds are Soulangeana, conspicua, purpurea, and stellata.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "junipers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.