She seemed to him inappropriately young and inappropriately old, shorn of her long tresses at one end and of her long robes at the other.
A notice of these floods may therefore not inappropriately be introduced in this place.
But in all the variations of Kwannon she preserves the same virgin beauty, and this Goddess of Mercy has not inappropriately been called the Japanese Madonna.
The Goddess of Mercy not inappropriately called, 200 "Maiden's Grave, The.
The spirit of the scenery may be not inappropriately summed up in the words written over the door of a waterside inn, half-way between Cambridge and Ely: "Five miles from anywhere; no hurry!
The name Langstrothdale has a Celtic ring, and has not inappropriately been translated to mean the long valley.
The whole architectural appearance of the city is one of primness rather than of grandeur, which might not inappropriately suggest for it the name of the "Quaker City of the West.
Lancaster might not inappropriatelybe called the Cemetery City, for every principal street seems to lead to a cemetery.
Surely the harmonies of fine language so admired by him were never more inappropriately "girdled" against the encroachments of ordinary sense.
I do not insist that we profited by the occasion; I only say that life likes a motley wear, and that he who rejects the antic aspects it so often inappropriately puts on is no true photographer.
Once the invocation of the dead was one of the practices of ancient witchcraft: one might, perhaps, not inappropriately apply the term witch to the modern spiritualist.
Abogin was sincere, but it was remarkable that whatever he said his words sounded stilted, soulless, and inappropriately flowery, and even seemed an outrage on the atmosphere of the doctor's home and on the woman who was somewhere dying.
The Morrison well was struck in 1872, yielding five hundred barrels daily, and immediately a town was laid out, not inappropriately called Greece City, and it soon had a large population.
The name of Sharon came from Sharon in Connecticut, and the spring water is discharged with a crust of white and flocculent sulphur into a stream notinappropriately called the Brimstone Brook.
And this recalls to my memory another anecdote which was told me a great many years ago, and which, though it refers to the other extremities, may not be inappropriately introduced here.
He has unbounded confidence in his pastor, unbounded except upon this one subject, that might not inappropriately be called his secret religion.
Not far from her sailed the Cherub, and the Cormorant, and that inappropriately named Fairy, the "ironclad.
In the preceding pages the history of the ancient Church for the first three centuries has passed under review, and a few general observations may now be not inappropriately appended to this concluding chapter.
The orthodox might, therefore, not inappropriately be styled members of the Catholic or general Church, inasmuch as they formed the bulk of the Christian population, and were to be found wherever the new religion had made converts.
The statement of the date is not altogether inappropriatelydragged in, indeed, yet it is easy to see that it is dragged in.
After the explication of the idea "all Israel" thusinappropriately interpolated, the narrative proceeds to reproduce the contents of 2 Samuel v.
Faith, which looks up out of the blackness and shadow of death into 280 the full-orbed splendor of the sun of righteousness, may not inappropriately take for its symbol the “stimulating negation” of the poet.
Of the two different and dissimilar communities of angels, which are not inappropriately signified by the names light and darkness.
The appearance of the pylorus in some instances of hypertrophic stenosis has been not inappropriately compared to that of the cervix uteri.
It is unfortunately too true that some of them are often beyond the resources of medical skill, but in many cases the initial manifestations of the strumous diathesis are either entirely neglected or inappropriately treated.
AC] [AC] I may here not inappropriately call attention to a subject touched upon by Mr. Golding.
With his summary of the progress of apiarian knowledge, we may not inappropriately close the 'Bee-keeper's Manual.
It is now a place containing over fifty thousand inhabitants, owing its existence entirely to the finding of gold on the spot which it occupies; indeed, it has not inappropriately been called the city of Midas.
The first is characterized by deep cool shades, the latter by heat and glare, and by inland plains which in their present condition might not inappropriately be compared to an African desert for sterility and temperature.
Philosophy, accordingly, might not inappropriately be defined as a dialogue of the soul in its free meditation on divine things.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inappropriately" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.