Illustration: "He sed he jest cum out to see and be seen, and didn't intend to blab enything about public affairs.
He sed he "jest cum out to see and be seen, and didn't intend to blab enything about public affairs.
So in case she gets a chance to blab to someone, we'll say you had it.
And there's one thing about them--they'll blab their pointed little heads off if you can get one alive and promise it its catnip.
One of these days Wen Shih may occupy the sentry-box, and the poor lad will blab everything.
I don't want him to blab to the August and Venerable--not that it matters, perhaps.
If you blab to any one," warned Ben angrily, "I'll give you a good thrashing.
I mean that Dick Prescott and his gang had to go and blab on us!
She'll blab your most secret plans and theories to every one of her acquaintance, and make you appear ridiculous by announcing them before they are matured.
I would not for the world be thought to blab my master's secrets.
What good could it do us to blabthe secrets of other folk?
That knave your brother will be a blab still, I-wis, Dalilah, ye can say as much by him, if ye will.
Blanche, blab it out; thou sayest very true; I think thou beginnest at length to preach: This thing to me is strange and new, To hear such a fool young men to teach.
Your secret and your folk's secret is mine, and I don't blab that any more than I'd blab to them wot you've just told me.
And in each case, that flash occurred just before they started to blab everything they knew.
It makes spiesblab all their secrets when they're exposed to it.
Mind, whatever happens, you must not blababout me giving you the tip.
It struck his mother that Gillin--when she should discover that her outrageous designs for Norah were foiled--might blab the secret as a last shaft of vengeance.
I cannot hide it from that good wife of mine at home, and she will be sure to blab to all the world about my lucky find, and thou wilt repent the day thou didst ever see it.
What's the good, when thou wilt onlyblab it all about?
Should he blab it out, and so be poor again, and lose the crock?
Does the boy blunder, blurt out this, blab that, Break down in the other, as beginners will?