Some persons appear to have a naturally poor focalization of the field of consciousness; and in such persons actions hang slack, and inhibitions seem to exert peculiarly easy sway.
How can conversation possibly steer itself through such a sea of responsibilities and inhibitions as this?
But it was to the Greeks that we owe that amalgamation of curiosity delivered of fear, that merger of systematic research and critical thinking untrammelled by social inhibitions which is the essence of modern science.
Inhibitions or prohibitions of the automatic act at certain times or moments are imposed by somebody.
There are inhibitions and restraints produced when a gland will send out its secretions to stop another gland secreting.
If they are of the same type, they may reinforce each other: if not, inhibitions and compensations will come into play.
In the haunting and insistent ideas, in the irrational impulses, the morbid scruples, dreads, and inhibitions which beset the psychopathic temperament when it is thoroughly pronounced, we have exquisite examples of heterogeneous personality.
If they had the making of criminals, the restraints and inhibitions of the small community rendered them harmless.
They served to banish any lingering inhibitions imposed by civilization.
It is certainly true of women as they have been made by the inhibitions of modern conditions, that most of them are only fully awake to the existence of sex after marriage.
The obvious purpose of all these activations and inhibitions is to mass every atom of energy upon the muscles that are conducting the defense or attack.
Narrow as Miss Cather's scene may be, she fills it with a spaciousness and candor of personality that quite transcends the gnarled eccentricity and timid inhibitions of the local colorists.
Only, the pressure of too many inhibitions can distort human spirits into grotesque forms.
But Mr. Masters has less skill at portraying the sheer genius of an individual than at arraigning the inhibitions of the individual's society.
Moreover, they accepted almost without challenge the current inhibitionsof gentility, reticence, cheerfulness.
In such a case, the "spring tonic" that is needed is a self-knowledge which shall release us from hampering inhibitions and set us free for enthusiastic self-expression.
Examples like this show how natural is childlike slumber when once we take away the inhibitions of a hampering idea.
With the conscious mind asleep and its inhibitions out of the way, a hypnotized patient is often able to remember and to disclose to the physician hidden complexes of which he is unaware when awake.
During sleep the social inhibitions are felt less distinctly and the sleeper dreams love-dreams woven from messages coming up from all the minute nerve-endings in the expectant reproductive organs.
School was actually fun for me after my tongue lost some of its shy inhibitionsand I was able to joke and carry on conversations before classes.
School was actually beginning to be fun for me, and my inhibitions were swallowed by enthusiasm.
But many ponderous tomes of "revelations" have survived and these are faithfully read and their naïve personal directions and inhibitions are still generally obeyed.
These restrictions were followed by other inhibitions until almost every industry or business in which the Irish engaged was unduly limited and controlled.
Inhibitions fall away and the mere after-effect of each stimulus secures a great saving for the new impulse.
As soon as the display of the articles forms a real work of art, it must produce inhibitions in the soul of the spectator by which the practical economic desire is turned aside.
Inhibitions induce callosities, and Albert Penny's inhibitions, incased within the shell of himself, were as catalogic as Homer's list of ships.
However favorably he differed in aspect from Lilly's preconception of the managerial genius, her inhibitions concerning him were strong.
For normal adult men mild doses have through their power to relieve the inhibitions undeniable value for the sound development of the community.
A group of ideas which has such tremendous power over man must easily be able to produce inhibitions and exertions which become dangerous to a nervous system the constitution of which is pathological.
They stand for inhibitions which are expressed in feelings that are wholly unproductive.
Lynchings and mob violence in general are illustrations of what happens when groups throw to the winds the multiple inhibitions of custom and law.
If we examine our moral furniture we find it made up of an immense number of early acquired inhibitions or "checks.
There are inhibitions in our humanity which make sexual vice repulsive to our taste, and there are few who can get past these inhibitions until alcohol has deadened their better feelings.
Do our inhibitions really inhibit, or do we build up another self or set of selves that rise to the surface under strange forms, under the guise of disease manifestations?
Since inhibition wears on us, the greatinhibitions are directly attacked by the humorist.
Thus sex forms one of the great subjects of humor, and from the obscene story told by those on whom the sex inhibitions rest lightly to the joke about clothes, etc.
The history of man is made up of the struggle of normal instincts, emotions and purposes against the mistaken inhibitions and prohibitions, against mistaken praise and blame, reward and punishment.
The home is, in the minds of most of those who enter into marriage, a place owned, peculiarly possessed, and it offers freedom from the restraints of society and the inhibitions of ceremony and custom.
The whole conception rests on the social instinct's inhibitionsof the acquisitive instinct and in the growth and strength of feelings of conscience and duty as previously described.
For every emotion awakens memories of past emotions and the consequences; every instinct is hampered by other instincts or by the inhibitionsaroused by obstacles; and intelligence continually struggles against emotion and blind instinct.
If a man laughs heartily at sex jokes, one may at least say, that while he may live up to the conventions in this matter, it is certain that he regards the inhibitions as conventions, even though he give them lip-homage.
Moreover, the basis of the technique is the free association, an association released from inhibitions of all kinds.
I remember one Puritanically bred young woman who fled from her restrictions and inhibitions and joined a "free love" colony in New York.
A new set of inhibitions and permissions are thus imposed upon normal consciousness.
Pain, for example, results in pronounced inhibitions of the secretion of gastric juice while happy emotional states produce naturally the opposite effect.
From this it will, at all events, be seen that the relationship, and the whole system of inhibitions and influences at work in the Piper case is very complicated.
Sidenote: Importance of the Mental Setting] When you are afflicted with doubt and fear, timidity and lack of confidence, this means that your mental inhibitions are too numerous, too high or too strong.
How much more stringent and vindictive are the unwritten laws of so-called society against the bold spirit that seeks to transcend it than the concise preventiveinhibitions of the state statute.
Little careful nothings of possessions or dress were the intellectual meat of these associations, the inhibitions of the mentally torpid or the censorious attitude of the unimaginative virtuous.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inhibitions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.