We thought the tissued, infiltrated head of the Sperm Whale, was the lightest and most corky part about him; and yet thou makest it sink in an element of a far greater specific gravity than itself.
The lower subdivided part, called the junk, is one immense honeycomb of oil, formed by the crossing and recrossing, into ten thousand infiltrated cells, of tough elastic white fibres throughout its whole extent.
Fernandez is the person who was the Castro spy who had infiltrated the training camp in Louisiana?
And did know about the existence of this training camp, because Mr. Fernandez had already himself infiltrated that training camp?
The cord is swollen and congested, reddened, often softened and infiltrated with pus cells, and the nerve elements are degenerated.
Into this goes all his extra pay for sitting up at night or other special services, and all the tips he gets from white patients.
He knows that I can often hardly breathe at night, and that I often have swollen feet, yet I've never told him a word about it and he has never even looked at my feet.
The spaces between the tissues are not infiltrated with blood.
The blood may collect in circumscribed masses or become infiltrated in the surrounding tissues, although usually both phenomena are observed.
Injuries of head; face livid; tongue between teeth; brain normal; mark of cord slight; subcutaneous tissue infiltrated with blood.
Inflammatory softenings are differentiated by being rarely general but almost always limited, by the substance of the inflamed part being infiltrated with serum or pus and showing traces of vascular injection.
In later times more exact measurements, corresponding to the increasing art in analysis, were carried out by various workers, amongst whom J.
He was fond of reading and of writing verse, and was chosen as the poet for class-day.
The doctrine of emanation also regards the world as a process of particularization.
On dissection, the integuments and pericranium surrounding the aperture, in the frontal bone, were found much thickened, and infiltrated with pus and serum.
Simple swellings often attain a large size; the lymphatic glands in both spaces of the neck, and on one or both sides, get immensely enlarged, the cellular tissue around isinfiltrated with solid matter, and all matted together.
Obstacles may also be presented by the thyroid and other veins being distended, and the soft parts are perhaps tumid and infiltrated with serum.
Acrid sanious matter is often infiltrated extensively into the subcutaneous cellular tissue round a wound or sore.
It is also illustrated by elephantiasis involving the scrotum as a result of prolonged irritation by the urine in cases in which the penis has been amputated and the urine has infiltrated the scrotal tissues over a period of years.
One or two cases have been recorded in which a cartilaginous tumour growing from the synovial membrane has erupted through the joint capsule and infiltrated the adjoining muscles.
The disease spreads throughout the capsule and synovial membrane, which becomes diffusely thickened and infiltrated with granulation tissue which eats into and replaces the articular cartilage.
The whole region becomes infiltrated and swollen, and the skin ultimately gives way and free suppuration occurs, resulting in the formation of sinuses.
This is a lesion, met with chiefly on the face and in the region of the external genitals, in which the skin becomes infiltrated with granulation tissue so that it is thickened, raised above the surface, and of a brownish-red colour.
Between the age of seventy and a hundred, the lungs are generally infiltrated with fluid black matter, which can be expressed from the cut surfaces, and stain the hands black.
Reid, when he first came to Preston-Hall, had inhaled the evolved smoke of the coal-mine, thereby laying a foundation of this infiltrated mass.
The upper lobe was infiltrated with carbon into the interlobular cellular tissue, leaving the bronchial ramifications respirable, and lubricated with frothy mucus.
The upper lobe was crepitant, though infiltrated with carbon into the interlobular cellular tissue.
On examining the internal structure of the cavity, the parenchymatous substance which formed its walls presented a rugged and irregular appearance, resembling a sponge hollowed out, and infiltrated with black paint.
The upper lobe partially excavated and ragged; the inferior lobe infiltrated and emphysematous.
The scales of the squamous syphilide are usually dirty gray in color and more or less scanty; the patches are coppery in hue, and usually several or more characteristic scaleless, infiltrated papules are to be found.
Rupture of the uterus is liable to occur when the uterine wall has been weakened by the changes which accompany the completion of the menopause, or has been infiltrated by carcinoma, or, more rarely, by vesicular mole.
He says: ‘I first removed a large mass of glands on both sides, and later took out the larynx, which was so diseased, that the surrounding parts wereinfiltrated for a considerable distance.
With a large sharp spoon, acting from above downwards and forwards, the ethmoidal labyrinth can be cleared away with any tumour which may have infiltrated it.
In addition, the cancerous material hasinfiltrated the wall of the ovarian cyst.
Some of these, indeed, had subsequently become filled up by infiltrated matter, so that on section they presented the appearance of inverted cones.
Rather large vascular canals, infiltrated with the oxides of iron and manganese, are observed in places, often bifurcated and usually bordered by a transparent zone free from the connective-tissue fibres.
The lymphatic glands in this region are also swollen and infiltrated with bloody serum.
The deep layer of the skin is infiltrated with serum, which gives it the characteristic condition of pitting under pressure.
If after the death of the animal it is more thoroughly examined, it will be noted that the tissues under the skin are infiltrated with blood and yellowish, jellylike material and gas bubbles.
After each attack the affected parts remain infiltrated to a larger extent than before, until finally the skin may attain a thickness of an inch, becoming wrinkled and fissured.
The mucous membranes and submucous tissues of the mouth, tongue, pharynx, and larynx become involved in the process and are greatly thickened, inflamed, and infiltrated with serum.
After death the fat and subcutaneous tissues surrounding the infected area are infiltrated with a yellow gelatinous material containing an orange-colored foam, due to the presence of gas bubbles.
These abscesses are not limited by a line of inflammatory demarcation or by a limiting membrane, but the hepatic tissue adjacent is congested and infiltrated with pus.
The small arteries of the villi and submucous layer, the muscular and other tissues, are infiltrated with a new material allied to fibrin.
In the case of the infiltrated gland the supply of this plasma is cut off in both directions.
The subcutaneous connective tissues are soaked with serous exudations, especially in the lower extremities, and in various localities are infiltrated with bloody or fibrinous extravasations.
Peristalsis is lost in peritonitis from the muscular coat being infiltrated with serum and paralyzed, but tuberculous peritonitis is frequently accompanied by diarrhoea.
It may extend around the bowel or be infiltrated along the sides of the canal for several inches, and may be scirrhous, medullary, or epithelial in character.
Wilks has also described[96] a form of syphilitic disease of the liver which corresponds to that of Gubler, and in which the whole organ is infiltrated by a new fibrous tissue, producing a uniform and general hardening.
Under the microscope the gland-cells are found to be enlarged; they contain several nuclei, their protoplasm is infiltrated with fatty granules, obscuring the nuclei to a certain extent, and their outline is well defined.
When ulcerated they present a nodular, uneven surface, situated upon a thickened base consisting of the infiltrated coats of the bowel.
These nodosities do not appear to suppurate or ossify or become infiltrated with urate of soda, and histologically they resemble organizing granulative tissue.
The typical ulcer is elevated, verrucous or fungating, with a soft base which is infiltrated with a seropurulent secretion.
The papillary layer of the skin is well infiltrated with a mild solution (one-eighth per cent.
The edges and base are thickened and callous, and enlarged veins, capillary or otherwise, are present near the circumference and often amount to genuine blood tissue which tunnels the infiltrated tissues.
The bones in actinomycosis enlarge and become painful; the parts adjacent are infiltrated and soften; pus forms and reaches the surface through fistulae and the skin is often involved secondarily.
Small area of skin infiltrated with a one percent solution of cocain.
On the third day after injection skin over the external ring infiltrated and with sharp spoon about a half dram of paraffin removed.
The subcutaneous tissues become firm, infiltrated and hard, pitting only on considerable pressure.
In interstitial emphysema the air is infiltrated into the connective tissue beneath the pleura and between the pulmonary air-cells.
Since my attention has been directed to this subject, many illustrations have come under my notice of Silurian limestones in which the pores of fossils are infiltrated with hydrous silicates akin to glauconite and serpentine.
It is different, however, with the round cells infiltrated with serpentine and with the silicious grains included in the loganite.
In Silurian limestones, fragments of corals and shells which have been partially infiltrated with bituminous matter, show a structure like this.
In North Africa Egypt has becomeinfiltrated with Greeks, Italians, Frenchmen, and Englishmen during the last two generations, and Algeria with Frenchmen.
Infiltrated fossil woods, by means of chemical tests, are shown to possess portions of vegetable tissues cemented into a mass by silica.
Now if we regard these structures as those of an infiltrated fossil, as described in last chapter, their interpretation will not be difficult.
It thus happens that many fossils are infiltrated with mineral matter.
Enfilade fire came from snipers who had infiltrated to the disabled LVTs offshore during the night.
A few individuals infiltrated through the Marine lines to swim out to disabled tanks and LVTs in the lagoon, where they waited for the morning.
A force of 50 Japanese infiltrated past Jones’ outposts in the thick vegetation and penetrated the border between the two companies south of the airstrip.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infiltrated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.