The arches on which they rest are semicircular and, with theirinfilling of triple windows, are Byzantine.
We cannot know what the "Infilling of the Spirit" means until we are infilled.
The Infilling is what makes this promise true, "He that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God" (Zech.
Again, one may know that the Fullness has come by the witness of the infilling Spirit.
But this much must be said, that many a one has spent whole days and nights and weeks in earnest crying to God for the infilling of the Holy Ghost, and all in vain.
Also it means an infilling of God's Spirit, which pervades our nature after sanctification just as sin pervaded it before.
It is both a cleansing from sin and an infilling of righteousness.
It is not improbable that every revival of religion, every fresh and deeper baptism of the Spirit, every new infilling of individual souls, has been due to our Saviour's strong cryings on our behalf.
Do not be satisfied with the emptying of the proud self-life; seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Clearly the infilling of the Holy Spirit has a special bearing on the prayerfulness of the individual and the Church.
Whenever we are called upon for any special service, or for any new emergency, we should seek a fresh infilling of the Spirit, either for life or service, as the case may be.
Whenever a new emergency arose they sought a fresh infilling with the Spirit (cf.
Both the baptism and the infilling may take place at once.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infilling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.