If dark blue is wanted, the article must be boiled in a solution of sulphate of indigo in which a little salt of tartar has been dissolved.
Indigo white, a white crystalline powder obtained by reduction from indigo blue, and by oxidation easily changed back to it; -- called also indigogen.
Indigo red, a dyestuff, isomeric with indigo blue, obtained from crude indigo as a dark brown amorphous powder.
Indigo is insoluble in ordinary reagents, with the exception of strong sulphuric acid.
Indigo blue is also made from artificial amido cinnamic acid, and from artificial isatine; and these methods are of great commercial importance.
Indigo does not exist in the plants as such, but is obtained by decomposition of the glycoside indican.
A dark, dull blue color like the indigo of commerce.
Defn: A complex nitrogenous radical, C8H4NO2, regarded as the essential residue of a series of compounds, related to isatin, which easily pass by reduction to indigo blue.
Neutral tint, a bluish gray pigment, used in water colors, made by mixing indigo or other blue some warm color.
Defn: An orange-red crystalline substance, C8H5NO2, obtained by the oxidation of indigo blue.
This dye can be obtained by dissolving East Indian indigo in arsenious acid, which will give a dark blue.
Indigo is a shrub which grows from two to three feet in height, and is cut down just as it begins to flower.
There were the wonderfully picturesque squalid mud towns of Senoures and two or three others, honey-yellow in a green mist of palms, against an indigo sky with streaks of sunshine like bright bayonets of Djinns.
Apart from the weaving of coarse cotton cloth, the chief industrial establishments are cotton presses, indigo vats, and saltpetre refineries.
The principal crops are millets, cotton, oil-seeds, and rice, with a little indigo and tobacco.
This department of indigo work is called Zemindaree.
It is put through bamboo sieves, so formed that any seed larger than indigo cannot pass through.
These, with some twenty-five or thirty indigo managers and assistants, composed the whole European population of Chumparun.
Great masses of mango wood shew a sombre outline at intervals, and here and there the towering chimney of an indigo factory pierces the sky.
To give some idea of the duties of an indigo assistant, I must explain the system on which we get our lands, and how we grow our crop.
Before the beginning of the indigo season, however, he comes into the factory and takes a cash advance on account of the indigo to be grown.
It can never be expected that a ryot can grow indigo at a loss to himself, or at a lower rate of profit than that which the cultivation of his other ordinary crops would give him, without at least some compensating advantages.
Here there was always a native cavalry regiment, the officers of which were frequent and welcome guests at the factories in the district, and were always glad to see their indigo friends at their mess in cantonments.
I put him into an indigo vat with a big dog jackal once, and he whipped the jackal single-handed.
He grows the indigo as he would grow any other crop, as a pure speculation.
During the years when I was an assistant and manager on indigo estates, the rates for payment of indigo to cultivators nearly doubled, although prices for the manufactured article remained stationary.
It is now superseded by indigo, but is somewhat used with indigo as a ferment in dyeing.
An instrument for ascertaining the strength of an indigo solution, as in volumetric analysis.
Good starch, soap, and indigo should be for sale upon the premises at wholesale prices; it not being desirable that the city should make money out of the necessities of its poor.
Howbeit, the Colonel's prospects were very fair, and a prodigious indigo crop came in to favour the B.
The sea, absorbing every color of the prism except its blue rays, reflected the latter in every direction and sported a wonderful indigo tint.
Murky as well, and very rich in saline material, their pure indigo contrasts with the green waves surrounding them.
Bonpland, the celebrated naturalist, who has spent so many years in those parts, took the trouble years ago to draw attention to the peculiarity of the indigo found in the province of Corrientes.
From the same part of the Republic, as well as from several of the Upper Provinces, any quantity of indigo may be obtained, of an excellent quality.
Amongst the number of interesting plants to which my attention has been called, I am of opinion that this country may hereafter derive great advantages from the three new species of indigo which I have found in these fertile regions.
Our indigo bunting is as artful and secretive about its nesting-habits as any of the sparrows.
Sulphuric acid is adapted only for whites and indigo blues.
The name given by Mr Crum to the purple precipitate obtained by filtration from a solution of indigo in fuming sulphuric acid, when largely diluted with water.
Alum, tartar, and spirits of tin brighten the tint; acetate and sulphate of iron and common salt darken it; with sulphate of iron it gives olives and browns; with the indigo vat and sulphate of indigo green.
A vat is filled with water, and a suitable quantity of the above indigo mixture introduced, when the dyeing can be performed at once.
Indigo sulphate solution is used as an indicator, and the bleaching liquor is run into the glycerin solution until the blue colour of the latter is changed to a brownish yellow.
There are two methods of preparing solutions of indigo for dyeing.
Four times the weight of the pure indigo is the per-centage of indigo in the sample.
When heated, it is converted into a white sublimate (deoxidised indigo red), but recovers its red colour by the action of nitric acid.
A solution of this substance constitutes the indigo vat of the dyer (see above).
Further literature on the indigo disease will be found in Bailey, F.
Mention may also be made of indican, the glucoside of the indigo plant; this is hydrolysed by the indigo ferment, indimulsin, to indoxyl and indiglucin.
There is a large indigo field in front, and it is there most of the negroes are.
The table and house decorations the day that we arrived were of thistles blended with the deep yellow blossoms of the downy false foxglove or Gerardia and the yellow false indigo that looks at a short distance like a dwarf bush pea.
In fact, we have a method of recovering indigo from indigo-dyed woollen rags, based on the solubility of the wool in hot caustic soda.
This artificial indigo is proving a formidable rival to the natural product.
Textile fabrics dipped in such reduced indigo solutions, and afterwards exposed to the air, become blue through deposit in the fibres of the insoluble Indigo Blue, and are so dyed.
If this white body (Indigo White) be exposed to the air, the oxygen of the air undoes what the hydrogen did, and oxidises that Indigo White to insoluble Indigo Blue.
If we take some indigo solution, however, and pour it on to the filter, the liquid runs through as blue as it was when poured upon the filter.
Artificial indigo has been made from coal-tar products.
When this body is treated with dilute mineral acids it splits up into Indigo Blue and a kind of sugar.
The usual plan is to put in the water first, then add the indigo and copperas, which should be dissolved first, and finally to add the milk of lime, stirring all the time.
All good indigo exhibits a copper-colour in its fracture, a circumstance attended to, as a known characteristic, in trade.
Indigo and madder, with which so much is effected, are examples: lichens are also used for dyes.
Again, the indigo which has been acted on by sulphuric acid, if thickly laid on, or suffered to dry so that neither white paper nor the porcelain can appear through, exhibits a colour approaching to orange.
Paper should be tinged with vermilion or the best minium for the red square, and with deep indigo for the blue square.
Indigo was cultivated and used by the Mexicans previous to the conquest.
These products, together with some indigo and coffee, raised in these two last named valleys, swell the value of agriculture in these branches to two millions and a half annually.
Indigo and coffee grow wild in the warm barrancas on the genial slopes of the Cordillera; but neither of these articles is as yet cultivated by the planters.
Even indigo and cotton are found growing wild in some of the districts, notwithstanding the proximity of the mountain region, and the bleaker exposure of the soil.
Indigo is the only one among blue coloring matters that admits of the necessary expansion for the production of hair veins without running off or gathering into small lumps.
The Indigo is put on first then the Vandyke brown is thrown on by a whisk, and finally, the carpet of colors is forced into forming veins by sprinkling water, which is applied by aid of the brush and sieve.
To produce this marble Indigo and Vandyke brown are taken.
The mode of producing it is the same as applied in producing black hair-marble, but, instead of black, Indigo is used.
Our indigo pays five livres the kental, their own two and a half; but a difference of quality, still more than a difference of duty, prevents its seeking that market.
No one can fail to recognize it, because of the deepindigo blue that pervades the whole plant.
The gills are crowded, indigo blue, becoming yellowish and sometimes greenish, with age.
The entire plant is indigo blue, and the surface of the cap has a silvery-gray appearance through which the indigo color is seen.
The stumps of the indigo crackled, and there was a smell of cattle, as a huge and dripping Brahminee Bull shouldered his way under the tree.
This is some island of last year's indigo crop," he went on.
The indigo plant would look like a rank bunch of weeds were it not planted in rows.
The indigo prepared by the natives is of an indifferent quality, and in a semifluid state, and contains much quick-lime; but that prepared by Europeans is of very superior quality.
Indigo had not increased, but tobacco had to a great degree.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indigo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: blue; color; flower; pigment; shrub